Alright guys what is the best thing to do, evolve first THEN power up, or power up a couple times then evolve?
Alright guys what is the best thing to do, evolve first THEN power up, or power up a couple times then evolve?
what's cp stand for?
Cheese Pizza
None of this shit matters, who cares
cuck point
being a cuck is essential in playing this shitty mobile app
Always evolve first. Powering up just wastes candies. You're almost guaranteed to find a higher CP version anyway as you find more copies of the Pokemon, and the moves change upon evolution, so you could potentially end up with something shitty.
>mfw I always wanted to be a cuck
Lemme go kill myself
>level up 5 times
>then evolve
>level up 2 more times
>Go to a gym
>delete the application because you realized how worthless it is. It doesn't matter. None of this matters
>Alright guys what is the best thing to do
Start with pikachu
only power up on the preferred evolution stage. like for example how some people prefer Haunter over Gengar so they will choose to beef up Haunter. otherwise just wait since more powerful Pokes are bound to appear. unless its rare like the starters. at least for me. never found any in the wild but i hace hatched a couple.
Had the day off today so Ive spent like 5 hours or so on this shit.
Honestly, I love it.
Spent 1 dollar on extra 20 pokeballs... a pickachu appeared and I only had 2 balls left. Missed both so said fuck it and bought the 20. Probably a trick though.
>just went to get Chinese food with the gf
>get to place
>2 kids skateboarding by with phones out
>tell gf "bet you theyrw playing poke go"
>gets mad and tell me no
>kid says to his friend the gym is right up the street
child pornography
Evolve first. Then power up.
For best results, Hatch, THEN evolve, THEN power up.
CP isn't as important as POTENTIAL CP (the white arc over your pokemon)
A pokemon with Lower CP, especially in relation to your trainer level, will have higher potential CP.
A pokemon you evolve yourself, as opposed to catching an evolved form in the wild, will also have higher potential CP.
A pokemon you hatch and then evolve yourself will have the highest potential CP.
>buying poke balls
Literally git gud. I have 50 and already hit level 6.
Doesn't take more than 2 Pokeballs to catch a Pokemon. I don't know why I have so many balls do I get more for catching a Pokemon? Game doesn't explain shit
whats the point of this?
is there even pvp?
You get pokeballs at pokestops and when you level up
>he bought pokeballs
buddy i got 225 at level 6 and haven't bought shit
Does capturing stronger Pokemon get easier as you level up? Wasted almost 20 on a Pidgeot before it flew away.
>Does capturing stronger Pokemon get easier as you level up?
Also, when you level up, there's a higher chance of getting Great and Ultra balls from pokestops
Dont have shops near me... you buttholes.
Just bought 100 more too.
I dont mind. Only a few bucks, got paid today.
Im having a great time playing though. Drove over to the closest gym but it didnt seem to work right and my gf was getting restless and wanted to go home. I dont think Ill spend anymore mobey on this game but 11 bucks to have fun on my day off of work is totally worth it imo. Cheers to the two fucks talking shit!
I haven't been to a Pokestop or left my house. Pokemon come to me apparently.
My phone is just on constantly and Pokemon show up every few minutes.
They do do that too.
Also, bare in mind the type, power, variety and frequency of pokemon you run into goes up the longer the game is on, AND the longer distance you travel on foot while the game is on. If you're getting lots of Pidgeys and Weedles, get your ass up and take a jog around the block
Lol you must live in an overpopulated shit land.
Cool. Just hit level 5 and gyms have people almost twice my level. And is it recommended to get rid of duplicate Pokemon for candy?
Early on, absolutely.
Later, it's good to have backups, but you don't have to worry about that until you're in full-on WAR mode with local gyms