Explain to me how the gameboy SP is preferred over the micro?

Explain to me how the gameboy SP is preferred over the micro?


Backlit screen, bay-beeeeeeeee

It doesn't give you cramps or eye strain and can play original Game Boy games.

You flip it so its smaller to carry
Lit screen
Not literally made for ants

I prefer the SP because I don't have baby hands.

>tfw hands are too big

>Compatible with GB/GBC
>Backlit toggle
>Most colors are sexier
>Easier to find

hacked psp >SP101 > modded backlight original gba > micro > SP001> original gba

-Plays GB and GBC games
-Feels good in the hands
-Screen is not for ants
-backlit screen

Backlight SP's were far less common (the aforementioned AGS-101).

Most were the front-lit models which were shittier. But yes they all had the toggle at least. Why you would turn it off I don't know as it's very hard to see otherwise.

>Why you would turn it off I don't know as it's very hard to see otherwise
When you're sitting on the toilet with diarrhea and the battery indicator goes red.

>hur sp better because muh backlit

Confirmed for never played a Micro.

The Micro has superior backlighting over both the SP-001 and the SP-101.

>101 is good meme

Enjoy your trash 50hz screen that ghosts and shit on any game that plays faster than Pokemon.

Why does the micro even exist?

It's just a shame that Nintendo never released one definitive GBA with all the best features.

Original GBA model with an AGS-101 screen modded in is the best GBA.

>more comfortable to hold
>nice screen
>have big manly hands and not boypussy fag baby hands

>itt people buttblasted they don't have a micro

Micro is obviously the best but people generally prefer the SP because the screen is bigger even if it means fewer PPI.

>more comfortable to hold

>have big manly hands and not boypussy fag baby hands
The SP was literally made for boypussy fag baby hands.

it makes a satisfying click when you open and close and looks stylish as fuck. it's basically the perfect hand held form factor

Anyone who says the SP isn't still for baby hands has just confirmed that they do in fact have baby hands.

The original GBA is the only non-baby hands model.

t. literal manlet with baby hands.

The only thing the micro has over the SP is the screen and that's debatable with the AGS-101.
SP is better in every other way.

I can't decide if I want the game boy micro or the transparent play it loud Game Boy

Yeah but it has a awful dpad and unless you mod itbthe screen looks like shit, SP is better.

Hot meme bro, but your SP is still for baby hands.

But I guess you enjoy being cucked by 60 to 50hz downgrade.

>respect gba over the years
>start to realize every time i play a gba related game nowadays that the gba sound chip is truly awful 99% of the time

Good lord it's so bad.

>The SP was literally made for boypussy fag baby hands.
That's not how you spell micro, shit is considerably smaller than the SP.

modded oGBA > micro > SP

>SP is released as a perfect upgrade to the Advance
>zero scratches
>tough as nails


>micro released when nobody gives a fuck anymore
>has none of the advantages
>just smaller

And that's how the micro failed

>higher than anything
The thing was a piece of hot shit not only was it designed for literal newborns size wise but it wasn't backwards compatible. It also didn't have the clamshell design.

>Original GBA
>awful D-pad
It's far better than the SP's fucking atrocious clicky D-pad that has no freedom of movement at all and is only good for navigating menus in RPGs.

>That's not how you spell micro, shit is considerably smaller than the SP.
And the SP is considerably smaller than the GBA. SP and Micro were both for fucking baby hands.

>i've never played on an SP

>The only thing the micro has over the SP is the screen and that's debatable with the AGS-101.
>and that's debatable with the AGS-101.

How is it debatable?

The Micro's backlighting is better, with more levels of adjustability, and is 60hz compared to the 50hz of the 101.

It is objectively better technology.

The only advantage the 101's has is being bigger.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important part!

>no backward compatibility

That was a real ball-buster as well.

>SP and Micro were both for fucking baby hands.
Yes but the SP was still better in that regard.
Plus if you were playing an RPG you could play with one hand without awkwardly stretching your thumb across the screen.

>zero scratches
It is made of pure nintendonium though so while scratches are common they're purely cosmetic
I've dropped this thing from 3 metres up before; hence all the scratches

>not having both

i think it might have something to do with the fact that there were enough available to purchase

The micro was intentionally a niche product for true gba fans

So many people itt who have never played a Micro but think they know what they're like. It's pretty funny and also really easy to spot.

>compared to the 50hz of the 101
It's 60Hz just like all game boy screens.

Okay then, name the advantages to just getting an SP.

No, it isn't.

The 001 is. The 101 is 50.

Well the micro was
>small as shit if the SP were babyhands Micro was fetus
>no BC so no GB/C games
>awkwardly squared off shape with pointed edges to the SP's rounded ones
>released at the end so no one bought it
>scratched the stickers on the cart

OG GBA with a backlit screen and rechargeable battery would have been the best option. I loved my SP, but the buttons/D-Pad/Shoulders were too close to each other. I prefer the spacing of the original more. Also the D-Pad on the OG was better

[citation needed]

that back panel though

Look at this cute mother fucker.

The micro literally only exists for third world countries and poorfags. Teeny tiny screen for ants, can only play advance games, and the DS was already out for a while when it launched. It was an obvious budget option, why there is anyone invested enough in it to defend it against the big-boy products i'll never understand.

>Compatible with GB/GBC
Get a flash cart and run Goomba.

Look uncomfortable
>select and start on the bottom

I love my micro

The original dpad is tiny as fuck, give me the nice smooth SP dpad any day.

Might as well use a PSP at that point.

How does that change how shit the micro is?
In fact it makes it worse because you can't use your own carts.

he probably meant no scratches on the screen

Flash Carts are more convenient anways, regardless. All of your games are in one place.

The mother 3 one is my favorite, that red is sexy as fuck.

Shame they're like $500.

Again, how does that change how shit the micro is?
Like this user said you might as well use a PSP.

Literally the only thing the Micro has on the SP is a headphone jack. It's worse in every other regard.

I don't know

Played it or not it's obvious that the Micro was a total downgrade

I made the stupid mistake of trading in my GBA for an SP when the SP came out in 2003. I've regretted it ever since. I've played on the SP plenty, and I hate playing on it.

I'd rather have a smaller D-pad that moves around freely than a clicky piece of shit that barely rises from the shell and has hard edges on it.

I like to be able to see my video games, for one

>I'd rather have a smaller D-pad that moves around freely than a clicky piece of shit that barely rises from the shell and has hard edges on it.
Have you actually played on an SP or what?


>that battered SP
Christ, no wonder you think it's shit. You probably managed to break the Nintendium.

So people, what is the best flashcard for GBA? I recently got the urge to play some games on it.

The only legit reason I can think of is that the Micro was limited to GBA games. The GBA or GBA SP could play GB/GBC/GBA games.

That's from normal use over a period of three years or so. I got that SP pretty much on launch, and I wish I hadn't traded in my GBA for it.

SP still works like it did when I got it, but I still hate the thing since it's an uncomfortable piece of shit and the lit screen wasn't a worthwhile trade for the comfort I lost.

That and the fact that it had an extremely small screen and was made on the cheap.

>tfw can't find sp 101 for shit
>store page says that It has 1
>rushes to store to buy It
>''oh sorry,I guess It was a single digit error, it's actually an 001

So I'm guessing you had crippling boneitis then?

Many reasons.

Clamshell makes protecting the screen and buttons much easier, more compact.

Screen size is ideal, Micro is too small for most.

Can play GB/GBC games.

Much cheaper to buy.

However the Micro is still dope as hell, but more of a novelty. I love the small size of it, and it's more comfortable then the SP, assuming you don't have giant hands.

Can't go wrong with either really. Best portable console generation.

No, I have adult-sized hands.

>went to the GBA micro launch in Singapore
>brought with me my trusty GBA sp
>must've missed the main event or something because there wernt many people
>also big cage/crates full of GBA micros ready to be sold with pricetags above them
>pick up a blue one since my GBA sp is blue
>shitty plastic box, felt like a cheap Chinese toy from a flea market (the box containing the micro not the console itself)
>micro itself was cute but tiny as fuck
>hold my sp next to the micro
>remember saying to my dad "why would anyone buy this? Its screen is tiny and it looks uncomfortable"
>dump it back into the cagecrate full of micros
>leave immediately

You can have adult sized hands and still have crippling boneitis.

It's probably just because the micro came out after the DS, and by then everyone had moved on and didn't want an overpriced GBA when the SP was discounted if you didn't already have one. Also the SP had almost twice the battery life as the micro.

Also backwards compatibility and seemingly most people upgraded from a GBA to a SP for the frontlit screen when it came out (and rechargeable battery etc.).

Basically the market was already saturated and the DS was already out, so there wasn't much point in buying it.

That and the system was, you know, shit.

The micro is so tiny even my tiny girlish hands had trouble working the thing.