Visual Novel thread

Visual Novel thread.

I'm giving out recommendations, tell me what you like and I'll recommend you something. Even something lewd.

Other urls found in this thread:


Give me something that will make me suffer
Or if you don't want moon runes, Chichi Miko!! has MILF-y characters.


Forgot my image.

boy's love fluffy and nice

Otomaid @ cafe. Very lovely, translated in english. Has some bad ends though so maybe use a walkthrough.

Something with really interesting or unusual mechanics?

I liked symphonic rain for the strong story elements, and a narrative that didn't go where I expected it to. The breakup of visual novel reading with the piano minigame was a welcome distraction, as well.

I hated the same face.

rec plx.

I want a good chuuni mystery like Tsukihime

An eroge that's vanilla, preferably good and fully translated into English please.
It's gotten increasingly hard to find good vanilla eroge, and /hgg/ only ever talks about Illusion games.

What type of vanilla? Moe, one on one relationships that aren't to overly moe?

Please specify if you're good with moonrunes or need it to be in English. If you don't I'm going to assume you prefer something in English.

Pic related is from 操心術3 which I plan to play later this week.

More like this.


Shit is even more devastating if you have a younger sister

I'm this user
I need english.

Femdom in English please, pegging a plus, pls no scat.

Hm, if I had to choose, I'd prefer one on one relationships that aren't overloading on moe.
Currently all the ones I'm playing right now are drowning in moe.

However, I don't particularly care, so if I'm missing out on a real good VN mention it anyway.

Gimme something like YU-NO that's not Stein's Gate.

Any good loli VNs in english? Already played Wanko and Little Witch

Only one I can think of is Devil on the G-string, but I really liked it.

Whoo boy, you'll have to give me a minute. I'm not that up to date on hyper-fetish material.

Hang on, I've got something in mind, let me find it.


Unteralterbach, but in general no there's no good loli VN in english that I'm aware of. Monobeno translation never ;_;

Musumaker is sorta in english.
It's getting there.

are there any good games focused on exhibitionism? preferrably not with female perspective.

Need a game with Daibanchou or Kichikuou Rance gameplay but doesn't have 'you lose the females get raped' or characters will get raped no matter what you do
Please be English

Kagetsu Tohya is the worsily paced worsily written VN I have the misfortune of reading for the sake of Melty Blood

Give me something with armpit sex scenes

Something like this?

give me an absolute paragon of writing

Suffer from how shit it is maybe.

Where can one find the latest translation patch?

just google it.

Shit, sorry man. There's lots of MILF vn out there but I thought there was one that Yokkora did art for and I can't find it.

Bishop has lots of games where mature heroines turn really slutty and wear lingerie, maybe try one of their games.

Labyrinth of Grisaia came out not too long ago, is it worth it? I loved pretty much everything from the first game, but the Michuru spinoff was garbage. I hear it's shorter than the first game, too.

They're doing that train loli one by the same company. I'm sure fans will find a way to possibly patch the 18+ in.

Primary Petrification, or latex and/or slime of some kind! TF into Monster girl also counts!

What are some VN's with legitimately good plots?


Mind control/slavery/ownership.

Already played Akabur's shit, and slave maker.

Symphonic rain was actually good. It's kinda long, if you want somethign shorter, try Saya No Uta. Both have english translations.

Read one of the first three key novels (Kanon, Air, Clannad) if you wanna suffer.

From what I hear Soukou Akki Muramasa. English fucking when?

Male exhibition? Hard to find indeed.

[Appetite] Musuko no Tomodachi ga Kawaii Kara Roshutsu Itazura Shichatta ~Anna Bijin Mama ga, Boku o Omocha ni Suru Nante…~

That game has a scene, but I'd search exhentai tags for more. VNDB lumps both male and female exhibitionism together.

I like femdom and I have already played Starless and discipline. Recommend me something please.

Visual Novels =/= Video Games

The true end of Seitenkan has slavery/ownership.


Something with a caretaker focused on both mental and physical health. Think misaki from NHK but less depressing. That or just hit me with the sweet yuri.

Yeah we should rather have a million twitter, celebrity drama, youtuber and feminism threads, right?

[citation needed]

Wait until the 18+ version, the all ages version removed a ton of scenes, not even h-scenes, h just because they had sex jokes in them

try leisure of Grisaia, it's less than two hours, but it's good

I'll tell you now from experience, there's nothing good. Forget good, there's nothing.
But there's a goldmine of stuff if you're willing to machine translate.

Or you could play Jack-O-Ninetails or that freecities game.
These are both pretty much pure simulation games.

I wasn't talking about how it doesn't belong on Sup Forums, I'm just saying that Visual Novels aren't video games in general.

Thank you based user

They are adventure games.

It's driving me nuts that I can't find something like what you want, it's on the tip of my tongue but I just can't find it.

If you want a harem of mothers, one of Miel's better games is

God damnit

Can't think of anything I've played, but this has some good yuri. Sadly not English.

I liked Zero Escape and want something else that will get me similarly involved in unraveling the story.

I don't really think it belongs with adventure games, but I can see where that idea comes from though. If VNs are adventure games then they would play similarly to the investigation portions of an Ace Attorney game.
Visual Novels are in an area between Video Games and Books, but it's different enough from both to be it's own category completely.

Eiyuu Senki

I enjoyed Monobeno and Kara no shoujo Is tokyo babel worth?

Also other recommendations welcome

Root Double or Ever17

OP here, I'm sorry everyone I couldn't help. I didn't realize my knowledge of visual novels was so lacking.

tokyo babel is a chuunige strongly based on mythology

Don't listen to anyone suggesting Majikoi


>but the Michuru spinoff was garbage
Why? I was thinking of picking it up.

Isn't that the one with never ending fan-disks?

VNs often have standard gameplay elements though, so it makes more sense to classify the genre as games than not.

Fantasy shit with actual gameplay. I've played Sakura Dungeon and Black Bunny (but haven't gotten very far because the h-scenes were shit and the gamplay was obtuse as fuck.)

Majikoi is great, though.

Yes. Everything after the original Majikoi is shit, though.

Brave Soul. Raidy. Any of those monster girl dungeon crawlers that Dargoth translated. Violated Heroine. FutaMega. Literally hundreds.

Thanks, but should I play it now or wait for the gold version? Alexander looks great by the way

Can you recommend a game with actual gameplay?

Because this board is for GAMES


But nobody is talking about manga.

Kamidori Alchemy Meister

The current translation is just a port of the ps3 translation, so might as well play it now

RIght its not even at that level, I meant japanese picture books for ages 2 to 6

But nobody is talking about ehon.

Gameplay elements as in choosing an option once in a while that might impact the story? Can that really be considered gameplay? If anything, that just makes it a choose your own adventure book, but instead of it just being a book, it's on a computer and has pictures, music, sounds, and maybe even voice acting.

No I meant they are literally called adventure games in their origin country.

That's like every video game.

Don't worry OP, at least you can start to bookmark new stuffs now
Eien no Aselia
Read the fucking thread before posting

>Gameplay elements as in choosing an option once in a while that might impact the story?
No, gameplay elements as in being video games. Why do you think Sengoku Rance is one of the most popular eroge on Sup Forums?
>that just makes it a choose your own adventure book, but instead of it just being a book, it's on a computer and has pictures, music, sounds, and maybe even voice acting.
So it's the same as Telltale games.

>Eien no Aselia
>censored shit

Michiru is a bad MC.

>thread about japanese picture books

No its not you fucking retard

Take it to /lit/ or Sup Forums


Wait a second. Those girls have dicks!

>Video games aren't video games because I say so

>tfw deleted a boatload of VNs because of autism

At least BiMan wasn't among the purged.

>kiddie picture books are video games even though they have no videos or gameplay


>Gameplay isn't gameplay because I say so

>eiyuu senki
>sakura dungeon
>black bunny
>brave soul
>raidy lightning warrior
>no gameplay

You can't keep saying virtual books are games.

They aren't, move this shit cunt thread to another board

Anything with hair fucking? It's a patrician fetish, you wouldn't understand

Visual novels often incorporate gameplay elements. It makes more sense to consider the genre to be video games than to not.

what the fuck is hair fucking?

Literally only Monmusu Quest part 2.

>my picture book is a game!!

No it doesn't have "gameplay" elements, it has no gameplay
