Main hero, rank, favorite map. Post em v
>Tracer, 62, lijang tower
Main hero, rank, favorite map. Post em v
>zenyatta, 82, hollywood
Think zen is balanced or needs a buff?
balanced, i don't get why he isn't picked more often
>Symmetra, 59, Volskaya Industries
Pharah/Mercy, 45, anubis
>D.Va/Lucio, 43, Gibraltr
ebin :^)
Because he's a fucking sitting duck with no hp.
Roadhog, El Dorado, 45
ok :)
Roadhog, 47, Volskaya
he makes up for it
once you see some blizzard sponsored events don't be suprised if you see zenyattas
lucio, 26, dorado
Soldier, 65, King's Row
i feel like rank 65 is low, is it
Mei, 18, Hanamura
I hate what this game is doing to Sup Forums. I'm not sure if Sup Forums is ever going to recover from this cancer. It's the type of garbage that over 60% of the board thinks is the best thing ever, so the majority isn't going to call it out
Way above average, actually
Not really, above average
Genji, -6, whatever map you're playing on and i can suicide rush
I doubt you can build it as good as I can
Nobody uses Zenyatta now, why would anybody use him anytime soon?
and what's your rank?
74, top 500 player.
>he didnt understand the joke
Trump, you were such an inspiration to me!
then you must be great solo, i usually play in team and zen is indispensable for some strats
I don't have a "main" but i pref Pharah, 51, King's Row on offense. Route 66 on defense.
Mei, you're fired
Sorry for those who do not understand Japanese very much. I studied it for 4 years now and I'm actually half Japanese! But I'm American and I'm in Hawaii and my mom and I will go to Japan next week XD
Any map with tons of open space and I can bounce around
> 80
McCree, 67, King's Row
>bastion #2
I can't be mad because you're playing a console and you kids do love your easy mode stuff.
Sorry love. You offended?
I only picked him in the beginning because scrubs cant deal with him. Was a good time.
Zarya, 49, Lijiang Tower.
I always play in a group of six. How do we git gud?
Similar playtime, wins and stats and yet I'm fucking stuck at 50 on console because most of the people I'm solo queued with suck ass. I have gone 6-1 today but I doubt that trend will continue.
any map that isnt dominated by high ground so zarya can be op ;^)
Says the rank 56
Good luck Ken-Sama
Why dont you like the fact that the majority of Sup Forums finally likes something?
>Hanzo, 120, Ilios
>Similar playtime, wins and stats and yet I'm fucking stuck at 50 on console because most of the people I'm solo queued with suck ass.
Stop blaming your teammates. You fit right in with em.
Replace someone with me ;)
>Mei, 21, Hollywood
>calibrate at 44
>rank up to 62
>drop to 57
I'm gonna end it all senpai
Yeah because my competitive stats are near top 10% in multiple categories but hurr durr it's my fault.
Oh sorry, I meant 1
Mei, 11, Volskaya~
You have to get back in the fight. You can do it!
Wow dude. What did you calibrate at
Also what are people like at that rank
Chingchong Tower
Technically Mercy main but I've barely played any support in ranked.
>Roadhog, 47, Illios (Well)
>tfw pulling a Dva as her mech blows up and she backflips into the pit
PC rank 35 = console rank 50
>tfw I want to play Genji but I am forced into playing Farah all the time to keep my rank because I am actually good at her
I just want to git gud at the ninja dude ;_;
Pharah / 62 / Hollywood
He is obviously bullshitting you fucking retard.
1. Don't die
2. Don't be near the objective
You'll get 2-3 enemies chasing you all over the map
I rarely see anyone at a rank close to mine. The only reason it's so low is because I spend a majority of the match griefing. I'm usually placed with people at rank 35+. I generally don't make it too obvious that I'm playing poorly on purpose and I have not once been reported.
Pharah - 53 - Temple Of Anubis
Console 58
>Console 58
And I only lost once so far after the placement matches
I was orginally 52
well meme'd
Mcree, 65, Hanamura
>Main hero
>Console, 130, illios
All of my friends have it on console
>Not the gif
>Zarya, 51, Ilios
King of the hill maps are the best.
I don't know why you are making fun of him.
that game is the very definition of casual trash.
cute that you think otherwise.
>Zarya offense, Junkrat Defense, Mercy if no one rolls
If your winrate on your """"main""" isn't above 60%, consider suicide.
Also that 3 hours as Mei is a bug, haven't played her at all in ranked, anyone encounter a similar bug?
I've only played 12 competitive games though
It really depends on who you play as. Playing Widowmaker is extremely hard to the point where you WILL be dragging your team down unless you play the game for at least 40 hours a week.
But other heroes like Winston are really babby tier where the gun requires literally zero aiming or timing to be using and you just hold down your mouse.
i duoed with a scrub friend and went 1win/5loss,i won 3 in a row and lost my last one solo and got placed at 48 and he placed 45
we duoed til around 50 and i've been soloing the past couple of days
Widow isnt that hard......and I'm on console....