Is this the best platformer of all time?

Is this the best platformer of all time?

If not, what is?

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This is.


Donkey Kong Country 2 by a landslide

Gunpoint was great but i wouldn't call it a platformer.

Gunpoint was fucking terrible, what a pile of shit.

I could never get into SMW, the cape ruins it for me. If we're talking SNES platformers Mega Man X and DKC are better imo

As well designed as 2D Mario Platformers are, they all suffer from being far too easy.

And then they put you in an ultrahard secret level.

inb4 smb3
smw is 100% superior

No, this is.

mario 3 is better

Yoshi's Island.

This, hands down is the best 2D platformer and could easily contend for best platformer period.

that would be DKC2 my friend

its a hard contender between sb3 and this

Nothing beats Dustforce.

The graphics and music are timeless
The sheer number of levels coupled with secrets everywhere makes it a very long game
Game gets harder as you advance, some secret levels are bullshit, but adds to the challenge
Bosses aren't really memorable, but everything else is

I'd say it's the best platformer because it did mostly everything right

DKC2 was my all-time favorite platformer until I replayed SMW again and it blew me away all over again.

Sony fags, don't even attempt to list your pathetic platformer games.

SMW2 is excellent, but there's more downtime than in SMW. SMW is constantly throwing brand new or interesting things at you in the form of enemies, power-ups, or level design.

>best 2d platformer
>the actual platforming is pure garbage

haha. no.


>less content
