Two days in and Pokemon GO is already a shitfest.
Two days in and Pokemon GO is already a shitfest
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corpseshu I choose you
>not putting a haunter spawn there
>It was herself
I just got back from the park and holy fuck is everyone playing this game
Like 20-30 young adults were all on their phones just blankly staring at them and walking around
which, granted isn't any different from what they normally do but this time they don't even look away for a second
at least I talked to some cute girls playing it
>bass pro shop shirt
>shayla and shawna wiggins
>trailer park
fucking white trash get off my videogames
>this "woman" has a better chin than I do and can grow better facial hair
it's not fucking fair
>kid gets his phone mugged playing Pokemon Go
I can only hope there are people out there who are going to dress as Team Rocket and start stealing kids' phones.
Decent transition actually.
I have to admit, he does look like a woman. A fat uggo beast of a woman though.
If you play this game you are a redditor, I don't care if you've never used reddit before, you belong on reddit and facebook
>not a mankey
>game is a shitfest because someone discovered a body while playing it
>you are a redditor even if you've never been to reddit
Sounds like youre trying to recruit people Mr. Reddit
I'll take the bait though what, besides the game being popular and making you actually go out into the world, makes this game reddit?
>beeing this mad
Wew faggot, it's not my fault, that your mommy.just bought you a fisherprice educational babbyphone
It's even easier than painting a shop-vac like a Meowth and stealing kids Pokemon cards.
>a good chin and beard
You must look like absolute shit.
>Men think they'll be happier as a woman.
>Get gender reassignment surgery.
>Still ugly as fuck.
Wow what a surprise.
>having a grudge against anyone who plays Pokemon
Baby wanna talk about his childhood problems?
He looks happier at least
Oh, look. A bigger loser than Pokemon fans and Redditors combined.
That is absolutely a good beard, no question
He also has a good chin, his cheeks are the problem
>a different shiny new iphone game gets popular every few months
>every single underage normie child plays it because it's cool with their group of shit eating 'friends'
>somehow these children think it's ok this time to post their mobile game on Sup Forums because it's somewhat tied to an actual established(albeit shit-tier) game franchise
Holy fuck that girl is jacked.
>not a Haunter or Gastly
Extremely disappointed
chroma key nigger, use it
I honestly haven't seen anyone post about mobile games outside of pokemon go
That's the point of my post
but thats a good thing
these kids are basically deputy sheriff's now
Fuck off you secret club kiddie.
What makes you think you can tell me what to fucking do? If you hate the normies so much, fuck off back to /r9k/ and drown in your fucking bitch tears.
i'd fight her
Seriously, the last time I even finished a pokemon game was Sapphire
adults still play this kiddie turn based rpg shit?
It's not about being pretty, it's about being happy.
Might look ugly as shit but at least she looks like an ugly as shit woman.
so you're complaining that people are posting about video games on Sup Forums?
>Teen playing new Pokemon game on phone discovers body in river
What a fucking disaster this game is
Musta been nice not being here for all of june and july of last year.
>not Corpsfish
shame on you
>nintendo goes mobile gaming
>starts inadventantly giving assistance to crime solving
>number of real life crimescenes discovered by sonypony stay inside casuals: 0
>wanting to be different this bad
"But mom, I'm not like the others!"
Wow welcome back to 2016, Crypto sama, has this 1000 years old sleep been a good one?
Just manchildren
The absolute oldest you can play these games and still find them somewhat fun is 20.
I wonder if she had that 1000 yard stare before seeing a dead body in the river
I don't if this is just me, but I do genuinely feel that happy people look prettier
Beard is patchy. Mine grows exactly like that, which is why I don't grow one. And the chin is too pointy, even ignoring the fat around it.
Wat about browsing Sup Forums, aren't you getting way too fucking old for that shit?
How about succeeding at life.
Guess I should have clarified, I'm mainly talking about clash of clans and shit like that. Mobile games that are related to actual games are a bit different in my opinion.
Obese people are so disgusting its hard to tell which gender they are.
He legit looks like a fat woman
Holy shit I didn't even notice it but yeah, she's got the dead eye stare of someone whos seen some shit. Poor girl, she just wanted some water 'mons.
Actually I am. Sup Forums is for teens and young adults. I'm 25
dude this is the gnocchi is potatoes not pasta guy
>it's legit
i'm impressed
but Sup Forums is a GOOD turn based game
the hacks are pretty fun, with increased difficulty and more varied pokemon locations
25 is young adult?
thank fuck, i'm turning 25 next week
You mean in a pokemon fight?
pretty much everything up to 30 is a young adult
*nnhhggg* *nhghghgg* Oh yeah gamefreak-nintedo, shove your giant pokecock down my throat *gghhnnn* *lllhgggg* lol going outside! XD like this please if you agree *posts on snapchat, twitter and instagram* im such a dork lol
looks a bit ungroomed. the color and thickness on the bottom is quite good. If he spent time on it maybe it would look great
this game isn't made by nintendo or gamefreak
and I don't even play it because my phone doesn't support it
Looks like a fucking ninja turtle.
This. Fat people are scum.
So how many points did she earn for catching a rare dead floating corpse in her pokeball?
It was made by gamefreak and niantic.
if you're feeling old, just remember that the average Green Beret is in their early 30's, with 40-year-olds being common as well.
most veteran NFL players and UFC fighters are in their 30s too
Gamefreak doesn't have anything to do with it though.
>haha I showed them
Funny since it has their name on it.
Where do you see it anywhere, on the wiki or the store?
Now that's a wake up call, no amount of cuteness is going to cover up those scars.
you can't make this shit up. how pathetic do you have to be to have this as a real problem in your life? why don't you get bent, loser.
Why do fatties transition so easily into females/males? Like they always get a feminine ish face even if they're ugly.
also has nintendos
anything with pokemon on it will have gamefreaks name on it, they didn't do dick to develop it though.
Fatter faces are more feminine, user. They don't have to work as hard.
>that girl
she looks 24
are those really the noise that you make when you're sucking dick, user?
Stop it user.
I just turned 22 the other day and I'm already starting to feel like I'm a failure at life
>the post
Someones gonna follow a pokemon into a back alley and get raped
Reminder to fill your local ghetto with elemental monkeys, chimchar, and mankeys.
>Two days
What a fucking faggot?
Everyone has been playing it for three days now.
This game is posed to be a real phenomenon. I live in a small italian town and in the last days i've seen at least a dozen people of all ages playing it, including a few girls/women. The fun fact is that it hasn't been officialy released yet.
It looks fun and I really Dig the social aspect of it...
currently a fatfag but i'm down 45 lbs so far this year, i'll probably be where I want to by next summer
If you keep up that attitude you're going to have a hard time. Trust me, I'm 32.
Rather lame, my phone is only android 4.2. Thing crashes as soon as the bar loads up, during that it says gps not found too.
Can't really complain though, it's a $20 smartphone.
Is this where you want to be, fatty?
epic shitpost bro it's not like I didn't see that webm on Sup Forums 4 years ago
So people who get a sex change really change everything they did when they were male?
Like buying all that makeup, lipstick and dresses to make yourself look halfway decent? Did they just see that and go "Yeah, that's what I really wanna do".
What did he mean by this?
good job user
keep it up