>we'll never got proper 5th form
>everything will be deviantArt tier recolors as power-ups forever
This form change was just so much Cooler
So instead of actually interest transformation like Frieza and Cooler have, we get Frieza's stronger than all saiyan trasformations" form.
...I guess will shut people up about Xenoverse 1 having saiyan favoritism(even though human builds were stronger.).
I always enjoyed Auras so it's whatever for me.
Gay. Would have been awesome to custom make your own transformation alternate character thing. You could go from monstrous to slim or slim to monstrous.
Probably went this route because easy as shit to pallet swap or what they did with the Buus. Better at least be able to choose the color since Freeziepop did.
Next we're going see player super cyans or SS4s.
>not 5th form
fucking dropped
Lakers Fan Frieza was garbage
A reminder we could've have this.
If I was Frieza I would've been furious when I finally went Gold. Can you imagine realizing that if at any point in your life you'd spent six months training you would've become stronger than a God? Can you imagine realizing that within the context of having spent so many years in hell? Not to mention how Cooler must feel since he somehow went around Gold and hit another transformation entirely that was even less powerful? What the fuck, man...
>tfw multiverse is more interesting than xenoverse and DB Super
How could anime have gone so wrong?
This is shit
>there will never be a stat for just transformations
Why live?
Even though this series has great concepts/ideas, I rather not have shitty overpowered characters like U16 Bra and that all-in-one Namekain.
Multiverse hasn't been interested or relevant in ages.
Honestly, you can tell they're getting bored of making it considering their "origin stories" are getting more and more OC heavy.
>you will never get a series of monstrous transformations as a Frieza clan
>you will never get to absorb other fighters for a power-up and costume change as a Buu
>you will never get to be a perfect android with the DNA of your favorite fighters
>you will just keep getting super cyan recolors
yeah thats the most resonable thing they could do without removing costumization for fridges
you have to understand that normal transformations like freezer would end up looking like shit
>spiky head type has plain second form
>buff body type has spiky second form
your character would look like shit
>golden forms instead of whatever the hell Cooler had
disappointing, but not surprising.
>you can tell they're getting bored of making it considering their "origin stories"
Seeing how they have several 40-page long fanfics retelling DBZ events, I doubt it.
>a female super saiyan 2 being strong af isn't neat
>the all-in-one namekian not being baller as shit
Come ooooon, son. Also pretty sure none of them are as strong as SSJ3 Vegito or Most-in-One Buu.
How about a simple solution
when you unlock a customization you go into a character creation menu for them
Honestly, as soon as you unlock a transformation you should be taken to a secondary character creation menu to craft your characters transformed look. The fact that this wasn't in Xenoverse 1 is easily worth subtracting 2 or 3 points from it's total score/10.
it would be easier to pick the costumes as transformations
however then we would have people complaining that fridges can't use clothes
is it wrong to say i liked the alternate bardock ending (him defeating king vegeta and staging a coup de etat against frieza as the new saiyan king) and the last namekian story?
will they give cooler the transformation too
>Friezafags get their own Golden Form that will look a bit different with each CaC
>Us Saiyans still don't have SSJ hair that changes your normal hair
This is probably the best way to do it. Base form frieza race customization already lets you mix and match parts from different forms, how do you do a transformation that goes above that.
Is that from one of the fanfics? Because I only read the new comic pages. I may have forgotten about it if that's in the main line. Either way there's nothing wrong with that at all, I'm glad someone is putting out interesting Dragon Ball content until Super gets dubbed.
Well, you use your brain and make your character's second form more intimidating. Or hell, less intimidating works too since that's like the entire basis of 3rd Form Frieza to 4th.
yeah, thats from the multiverse origin stories (call them fanfics if you want)
still better than majins
Will we be getting an android race?
Bruh poor Majins. Poor humans too but at least they can have Kaioken.
It was never implied how strong Buu was, just that he absorbed everyone. Absorption doesn't increase power, just brings it to a median of whom he absorbed.
Bra on the other hand is Mary Sue incarnate.
i am fine with humans having no transformation
since they are OP anyway
That looks like normal DBZ stuff to me, dawg. Not even touching that Buu comment.
a bit of brown recolor + a bit more hair and he would looks like poo monkey
>final form cooler friezas transforming into final form frieza friezas.
>final forms transforming into base horned forms
There would be no consistency whatsoever. I really doubt this is how they wanted the race to work.
I don't give a fuck how they want it to work. I want it to work how it SHOULD work. Every Frieza Race starts at Fourth Form, then they get a Fifth Form, and finally Golden Form to top their power off.
>That looks like normal DBZ stuff to me, dawg.
She was stronger than fucking Gohan as a baby in her Oozaru form. Fucking Gohan.
>Goku has kid before attaining SSJ
>Gohan has mad untapped power
>Vegeta has daughter after attaining the upper limits of SSJ2
>Bra has even more mad untapped power
Makes sense to me.
>Golden Cooler happens
>King Cold becomes playable
>becomes King Gold
I have no idea why people shit on Bra so much. She's a Saiyan/Human hybrid with fucking Vegetto as her father, and unlike the majority of fighters in the series she took her training seriously. Just how weak would you expect her to be under those circumstances?
That Bra is not the daughter of Vegeta.
She's the daughter of Vegito, who in Universe 16 never separated into Goku and Vegeta.
Oh Jesus than it makes even more sense she's that strong. SSJ3 Vegito has a daughter and you don't expect her rage to be universe-shattering?
It was implied heavily that Buu was a bad motherfucker.
And then it was implied again that his original form, kid Buu was the baddest motherfucker. And would fuck gokus shit up.
And now apparently none of that matters because there are literally gods now, and apparently beings more powerful than the gods.
I want off this ride. DB shouldn't have went past Buu, arguably not past Cell. Fuck this.
Hahaha fucking called it. Lazy as fuck.
Serious question:
How much higher can the power levels go at this point? I feel like we're reaching the top of this roller coaster when we start putting "God" in the name of transformations and stacking Kaioken on top of it.
DBZ ending at Cell Games would've made sense, since Kishimoto planned Gohan to be the main character of Z, but fans wanted Goku so the Buu Saga was made.
Majinfag status: Butthurt
Fridgefag status: Butthurt
At least saiyans are sort of safe for now.
We reached the top of this ride at Buu. This new shit is just fucking stupid.
Gohan was a fuckin hardass in the cell saga. I was down with him being the main character. But everyone else wanted Goku, and so they made Gohan into a huge gaylord again.
I love you, user. lol
Vegeta had mentioned right before the latest tournament that they're pretty much reaching the universe's limit of power. I'd be perfectly fine with no more transformations and instead Goku or Vegeta just learn/create new, powerful techniques with their God ki
>achieves the power of physical god
>downed by a simple gunshot
>as a race that can deflect bullets as children
Super is the worst thing to happen to Dragonball
you got the wrong series fren...
>Play Xenoverse 1
>Get kicked all the time because I'm "idle" despite constantly moving around and doing missions
>See the same people in the same spots for literal days never moving that don't get kicked
I'm gonna disagree and say GT, because SSJ4 is great and nothing anyone says can change my mind.
Shhhh. You're gonna draw out that one guy who got real mad and made like 3 threads about how GT was a fan fiction.
I mean it totally was. But SSJ4 was kinda cool. Would've been better if Goku wasn't a pink bitch. Gold fur would've been cooler, and made more sense.
that are server ghost
this is what happens when you get kicked
your character stays there and doesn't move until you log back in
fucking kek. can't wait for this half-assed piece of shit to sell likes hotcakes.
the most iconic dragonball transformation is SSJ and that shit is just "hair goes up and you become aryan"
Lakers frieza was not bad because despite being a lazy recolor he has a pretty fucking slick color scheme.
Not trash like BUT RED or BUT BLUE.
Fuck, I really want King Cold.
>shitty nu-age movie nobody cares about
BoG was the only acceptable one, bringing back frieza just because EZ writing was total dogshit.
Further proof that you OC donut steel fags should just pick based Cooler and eradicate all monkeys the old fashioned way so long as the gameplay allows canon characters to beat people's ssj2 nigsaiyans
Than Super, sure. Than Xenovere? not really.
I don't mind this as it's more reasonable than having 4 customization slots
But I wish we could do something other than fucking Gold.
Fucking Silver Frieza, or Chrome Frieza, or Sapphire Frieza, anything but the same color as a dirty monkey.
Yes, but "Hair stands up" makes it not just a recolor, like all the new forms in Super.
>Kid Trunks sucking less as a teenager
>Brought back original eng dub Trunks for him
>Super 17
>SSJ4 Gogeta
>All the shenrons (especially the qt blue one)
>Omega Shenron
>Kage Bunshin SSJ4 Gogetas shooting confetti out of his hands at Omega
Nah man, GT's good if you just cut out all the shit where they tried to recapture the magic of Dragon Ball.
>I don't mind this as it's more reasonable than having 4 customization slots
1 would be enough.
I know the hub in the new version actually allows you to fly around. Are they going to fix how fucking jank everything was?
Don't forget the final arc building up to the final episode. It always drains me watching it, but in a good way. You actually feel Goku's fatigue and relief and the last episode is a good way to close the book. I still like what Super's trying to do in spite of the poor animation.
If SSJ4 was gold or goldish brown and SSJ3 wasn't fucking retarded it would have worked much better. It was great someone remembered great apes were a thing.
Dude, S17 was stupid as shit. I still think GT is better than stupid, but that at least was retarded garbage. Also the shenrons were cool but the story behind them was twaddle.
Personally I thought how each of them were based off of wishes from DB's past and their power depended on the type of wish was incredibly creative.
Total fag. Should've killed him multiple times before he became a problem.
This pissed me off. I think the whole thing about negative energy was kinda bullshit.
It's Shit. SHIT!
Saiyans already have piss aura, give me customizable multiple battle transformations each emphasizing a certain aspect and getting me closer to 100% or fuck off.
Only gold? It would be better if you could custom the color transform of your Freezy pop
>>we'll never got proper 5th form
That's because the Frieza forms work in reverse in that Final Form is their original form and the rest were designed to weaken as opposed to strengthen.
>in a franchise where half the drama is people flying from one location to the next, here is your tiny ass battle cubical
"It's bad to use wishing balls to wish things"
Fucking dumb.
>>in a franchise where half the drama
You mean half the padding.
i am 100% ok with this
>and their power depended on the type of wish was incredibly creative.
But none of them did that.
Also the whole negative energy angle was retarded.
a good number of fights would be different if not for that padding though. i don't need an entire world to fly around, but it does need to be bigger than tiny ass areas with warp pipes. the maps for the old bid for power quake mod were bigger.
I wonder if my Freezer will look good in gold.
fuck that why the fuck do the Saiyans not get tails? I know its probably because the Saiyan race in Xenoverse is some kind of "Saiyan/Human descendant" shit but still it would be nice to have something to differentiate Saiyans from Humans.
Some kind of powered up form for Namekians would be nice too, as well as being able to play as a male Majin that isn't a fat marshmallow man.
So has the fembuu transformation been shown yet?
I mean how the more selfless the wish, the more powerful the dragon.
What costume this girl got senpai?
I need to know for reasons
every time
Then why was Nuova one of the stronger dragons if he had one of the most selfish wishes?
And why was Haze one of the weakest if he was one of the more selfless wishes?
>And then it was implied again that his original form, kid Buu was the baddest motherfucker. And would fuck gokus shit up.
I don't know how you could be more wrong. Goku specifically states that in his SSJ3 form he would've been able to beat Buu at full strength, but was worn out by the time they fought at planet Kai
Because GT is garbage.
That's a different guy, though.
>And then it was implied again that his original form, kid Buu was the baddest motherfucker.
You do know the first thing they noticed about Kid Buu was that he was a lot weaker right?
The thing that made him formidable is that
1) He didn't become fatigued anymore
2) He was completely reckless and unpredictable
meanwhile DBS has 12 gods of destruction, one zeno sama, one super "no rules" dragon and the life forms wiss/ vados