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Minecraft is dumb?
minecraft was a mistake
Minecraft should have been aborted
minecraft is gaylord.
ahaha i am even from nigeria laughing because of this
It is already years of game because of distance time which nobody likes
terrible gaming!
Minecraft is cool, it's a good game for children.
now post the video where he deepthroats a lever
>yo bombaclot mon yo shaka din coomba minecraft mon mate? you botcha not being closhdindodota dis minecroft mon
are you 8 years old?
I used to play Minecraft when it was in alpha. Then Notch upgraded it to "beta" even though there were no real differences. And then the final beta version ended up being the first "Minecraft 1.0" release - which occurred when Notch pulled a lever at the first Minecraft convention. Wholly underwhelming, overall, and that's when I quit playing. The children invaded not too long after, so it wasn't a bad choice.
well Notch is a divorced estranged billionaire talking about his armpit fetish on twitter nowadays so
Let's get this out of the way.
The only enjoyment to be had in mine craft was causing pain to autistic kids. The sweet screams ring in my ear till this day
I remember making edgy shit with Sup Forums in a creative server back when minecraft was new
it was great
>tfw minecraft youtuber for a living
These fucking subscribers refuse to watch anything else and I don't think I'd be able to get a real world job.
>Did you hear what happened after the man got shot?
>He died!
What is Minecraft?
Do what Pewdiepie did and stop giving a shit, people still watch his videos and he's finally dropped the whole screaming autist thing and is now actually pretty great
Yes I am saying this unironically
You should be looking at what you're doing you silly monkey
Which one are you, user?
[spoiller] Either way you do it, pander to children as that's your audience. Don't forget that. [/spoiler]
Gotta love how he "released" the game even though it was missing a ton of shit he promised would be on the full release.
user, I feel like you're baiting me. Did he really mellow out?
do niggers have an immunity to third-degree burn?
most lets players are just the modern version of a clown
they do silly things to amuse and cheer up children
I'm pretty sure this is most teens/adults around this era. It's funny because Minecraft was originally intended for adults.
Children ruin everything. Most restaurants allow children and they just scream their heads off all the time and they make the experience miserable. The only restaurants that don't allow children charge a fucking premium because of their atmosphere. Goddamn I hate kids. I would hate myself as a kid too, I was a piece of shit.
remembering how much of a shitty person I was as a kid keeps me up at night
it's why I don't miss being young, I'm glad that's not me anymore
What did he mean by this?
Who was in the wrong here?
I need help Sup Forums
I have a niece that I constantly watches those Minecraft music videos. Nonstop. All Day. I babysit her a lot and I know every fucking word and they have been burned into my brain.
What do I do to stop it?
get her to watch something good instead
>tfw the 12 year old I'm tutoring spends his free time watching ecchi on kissanime and playing minecraft
The faux stoner guys back in highschool loved to say that.
I always wanted to know what it meant but could never type it right. Now that I check it, it means cunt. I guess they didn't know either since they called themselves DJ Bombaclot and the likes.
I wouldn't say that he's necessarily the most calm person alive, but he certainly evolved from "mindless screaming" to "sometimes energetic."
Isn't the guy who makes these a huge Trump supporter?
That explains so much about his videos.