>Game Codes Main Lobby: --Mario Kart 8 ALL tracks with all new DLC and 200cc!: 4584-9410-2777 (lobby name is Sup Forumseekend 3.0)
--Frantic Lobby (higher freq of powerful items): 6415-1175-2608
--Mirror Lobby 8033-6549-7779
--Teams Lobby 9950-7090-1141
Other games: --Mario Kart 7 (ask in thread) : 07-0695-1617-1935 --Mario Golf: World Tour (turns): 58-1023-1832-5422
>How do I play with you guys!?!
--First time racers: Go to "online - one player", go to "tournaments", go to "search by code", enter our main lobby code "4584-9410-2777", hit "join". If you keep getting put in empty lobbies, the current one is full. Keep hitting "join" periodically and eventually someone will leave & you'll get in
--Returning racers: Go to "friends" from the online menu & view "recent players" list to find and join someone who is currently racing. You can't join somebody in a new lobby if you haven't first searched for the lobby code
What if I don't have the dlc yet of mk8? can I still play?
Christian Walker
Michael Baker
3/12 lads
Nathaniel Parker
These threads are dead because 200cc is a shit gamemode.
You're never coming back to life if you don't use 150cc
Isaac Rodriguez
>Im a 150ccasual That's what I read
Joseph Ortiz
>just want to go fast with 200cc, anything less feels like a chore >200cc global race is dead as dirt while 150cc is still alive and kicking >only option for modern FAST is fast racing neo where if you using anything but the lightest vehicles you're playing bumper cars
Nathan Walker
>Competitive Mario Kart
autism. MK is for fun, not for 3 second "You're only allowed to drive a super specific way" fests
Stay dead
Caleb Young
>Competitive Lol We just got gud unlike you
Austin Martinez
>not for 3 second "You're only allowed to drive a super specific way" fests do you get triggered by hairpin turns? cos that's just one example of something in every racing game that's "You're only allowed to drive a super specific way" unless you enjoy going offroad
Daniel Foster
200cc undeniably killed the game faster. The game is poorly balanced for it and they only added it because they wanted people to check out dlc #2 even though the game has already slipped off people's radar.
Jaxon Carter
Dylan Reed
continued autism.
Your generals are still dead. I'm just tryin' to save Mario Kart 8
Ayden Thomas
>a completely optional mode killed the game dude wat
The game died because it's 2 years old, you tard.
Sebastian James
Other games are designed with those speeds in mind.
MK isn't
Xavier Russell
Anyone playing on Mario Kart 7? I havent played mario kart in like a decade, just picked up 7
Jack Perez
MkWii was alive for much longer.
Austin Bennett
Yet Smash threads are fine, despite reaching 2 years soon.
Evan Adams
You keep telling yourself that. Theyre ghost threads.
Levi Richardson
smash thread open right now with like 35 people in a lobby
sew dead
Adam Carter
>35 in the lobby Nice joke
Cooper Hernandez
Literally delusional.
Why don't you come play? Smashers actually know how to make the game fun, rather then dead and tryhard
Ayden Morales
>Smashers actually know how to make the game fun When you are a casual that cant get good everything is fun Even lagfest like smash Sup Forumseekend
Jose Davis
Enjoy being "gud" at a game nobody plays
Jose Ortiz
>Still whining over 200cc In the time you were shitposting you could have gotten good
Lincoln Perry
Alexander Price
In the time you "got gud" you could've revived the game.
People would actually play 150cc
Carter Torres
Leo Anderson
4/12 lads
Austin Edwards
Xavier Rogers
>Not just adapting >Not liking 2 minute races over 4 minute racs Ok
Oliver Evans
You can't adapt to death.
Fun clusterfuck item shenanigans > dead tryhard mode
Isaac Collins
>Fun clusterfuck item shenanigans So 200cc?
Jordan Powell
>People would actually play 150cc But they didn't. The threads were dead as fuck before 200cc.
>200cc isn't an item clusterfuck Confirmed for never actually playing 200cc.
Joshua Mitchell
Getting on soon m8s
Owen Morales
>4 players spread out so thin that the only item that hits is a blue shell >also not enough time for shenanigins
Carson Lopez
Back to 4/12
Benjamin Brooks
>The threads were dead as fuck before 200cc.
Connor Long
Literally not confirmed to have not ever played 200cc
Christian Howard
If you think they weren't then you obviously weren't there.
James Anderson
hold on imma comin
Jeremiah Parker
But it's true.
Sure, you're the only one left who plays 200cc, but others have.
Ayden Cooper
Hold the lobby, don't start another match until I arrive.
Logan Davis
Xavier Hughes
Except thats not how 200cc plays out. At all
Jace Cox
Keep making up bullshit, faggola
Hunter Wood
Unlike you, I speak from experience
Robert Rivera
Nolan Cook
7/12 lads
Brandon Young
Keep it alive
Chase Ortiz
Blake Thomas
Forever 6/12
Blake Nguyen
>Wally What happened
Isaac Price
back to 7/12 lads
Anthony Wright
we found him
Landon Fisher
Brandon Cook
>wally and javi fucking themselves over and giving 1st thanks m8s
Christian Garcia
at least i hit you after crossing the line, ryan
Jordan Green
Alexander Rivera
True victory Also Dog how do I even manage to fuck up this hard
Ryder Flores
>tfw triple greens
James Martin
Anthony Lopez
Join fuckers
Camden Hughes
Owen Myers
mario kart 7?
Andrew Thomas
>letting the guy in standard bike win
Jaxson Reyes
So you want to get bullied then
Gavin Baker
I can play later if others are interested.
Henry Howard
Get fucked Ausfailians
Jacob Ross
Landon Price
>aminal crossing >try to take shortcut across grass with a star >faceplant into a wall and remain fucked for the entire race
Aiden Hall
Landon Cox
Aiden Ward
Liam Barnes
Bentley Lopez
>finally buy MK8 >Hey, there's a Mario Kart Tourney, might be cool >It's 200cc Fuck.
Nicholas Bailey
>dragon driftway even the red desert track isn't this bad on 200cc
Oliver Stewart
Chomping my way to 4th Also god damn Larry sneaking up out of nowhere
Logan Jones
Now that is where you're wrong Bone Dry Ruins is fucking retarded
Easton Roberts
How long you guys doing this for? When I get sick of Smash I'll be joining.
Easton Ortiz
>double straya win and with that i'm out nice memes desu
Colton Harris
Until it dies, and there's no telling when that'll happen 7/12