Choose a Noire

Choose a Noire.

I choose the blood and also the thunder, thanks.

The one with out the meme split personality


They're both shit.

One just screams all the time and the other is a tsundere that never gets character development.

You guys fight over them while I'll take Tharja for myself OK?

remind me again, why would anyone choose tharja?

she's a bad person as far as I know.

Didn't you make this thread a few hours ago? Left Noire, short hair > twintails.

Robin x Tharja x Noire incest doujins when

The one on the left, but with blonde hair

Because I'm also a bad person.



Nice meme

how is this a meme?, she's a bad person, in her supports you can see how the mental problems of noire were caused because tharja experimented new hexes on her baby.

That was caused because of the talisman she gave her to trigger any sort of self-preservation instinct to help her when Thraja wasn't by her side.

Which one will "force" me to drink their pee?

Posting superior Noire.

Then you should like Noire by default since she's be your daughter.

Left left left left left LEFT.

>Asked to choose a Noire
>Selects Uni

Good taste my man.

She got an ass tho

OP the answer is left even though I'm a Nepfag
