God tier protagonists

Is anyone missing?

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Gordon Freeman

Ezio auditore da firenze

Kevin Graham

Radiant Historia - Stocke


Stocke was pretty great. Not the most distinct personality, but actually fucking competent for a change.

Fuck, didn't see you beat me t


>OP wasn't a faggot
Am I still on Sup Forums?

Nice meme, user.

>all of them are white


Don't let his looks decieve you, Haseo is probably the most well-developed character in a JRPG.


The best type of bait is the type that includes legitimate opinions and then sprinkled with bait. That way people will get mad but they won't immediately dismiss it as bait.

Well played user, you almost had me

Master Chief before 343 made him into a chatterbox.

This and Doomguy

Wonder Red is by far the best written voiced Nintendo character of all time

yeah. He starts as an edgelord but gets better over time.

Of course getting his ass kicked and his level drained from like 133 to 1 to kickstart the adventure helped.

>Is anyone missing?
fat CJ is missing


Hope 6 ends up being good. The combat in the demo is shit compared to 0 and Kiwami.

The fucking silent protagonist?

SMT has great characters, but a fucking silent protagonist should never be considered "god tier".

>The best type of bait is the type that includes legitimate opinions and then sprinkled with bait.

like this

>Hey I'm just big-boned, is all.

CJ and De Santa from GTAV are probably the best, most fleshed out and dynamic characters in the series.

Rest are a little one-note, even if Vercetti is a lot of fun and Bellic is sympathetic.


Captain Olimar
His diary entries in Pikmin 1 do a good job of developing him as a character and he just seems like and overall bro, a bro who loves his family.

I don't like the game all too much but I liked em

he's already up there you dimwit.


> he didn't main swole CJ

Heem yourself senpai

Why am I not suprised it's off tumblr...
Seriously when will western RPGs drop the 'blank slate' protagonist? Witcher did so and it was major factor to it's succes.

Nearly perfect list, OP.

I looked at your pic related thinking

>HARD MODE: James from Silent Hill 2
>GOD MODE: Heather from Silent Hill 3

And was pleasently shocked and pleased at both being included.

BONUS POINTS for Soul Reaver btw.


It makes the game so much less immersing.

Truer Words have never been spoken, whats funny is that its much easier to connect with an already created character than one you make, i feel a much better connection with Geralt of Rivia then i ever did with the Inquisitor

i actually had a deeper connection with the Companions in DA:I than i did with me Inquisitor

I don't think it's technically a role playing game if you can't select a role to play

>no bb
shit list kys

>but edgeworth wasn't even edgy

I think it's much more of roleplaying expierience when you play the role, that is you think
>which girl would Geralt choose?
instead of
>which girl I would choose?
I chose Triss bu he did Yen. Geralt dissapointed me.



and you missed the joke

How is doomguy NOT THERE?

Where's fucking Doomguy?

Who's the girl with long hair 4th from the top of the far left?


Ryudo from Grandia 2.

I'm surprised no one else said it since Sup Forums likes the first two Grandia games.

shanoa from order of ecclesia.

>women ever being "god tier"

But seriously, can you even give a single argument for why all women aren't stupid, smelly, retarded whores who have no concept of long-term planning and will leave nice guys like me for fucking chads and their money. All women are worthless, if it weren't for the fact that procreation is needed to advance the human race, I'd have killed them all years ago and even now we're just a little far off from perfecting robotic poons so they're becoming superfluous as we speak. Why do you think there never were any strong female characters back in the olden days? Simple. Because the Earth has, is, and always will be a man's world. I'm so glad I was born a man because now I have a future and some use in society, unlike those fucking whores. I hate women, they're the scum of the Earth.

I would say he is the main and best protagonist of FF/KoF, even though now they shove shit leads like Kyo and Ash in our face

Honestly, both Grandia 1 and 2's MCs are great.

Justin was a welcome change from the serious/grimdark JRPG protagonists at the time.

Put Ike on there

Thanks senpai!

>Professor Layton
>Harry Mason (Shattered Memories)
I also was going to include Guybrush Threepwood but then realized you used the 'cg' version from Secret (I played Curse Of the most so am more familiar with his animated version).

I chuckled.

I know it's cool to hate FF8, but Squall is actually a damn good character. inb4 whatever

Why is she in that image then? She had a cardboard character.


Needs Shulk

Fuck yeah son

I wouldn't say that Lee is an incredible character. When parted from Clem he's just kind of a limpdick wet rag of a leader, his only real trait is his father-daughter deal with her.

Gabriel Angelos

Also Vyse from Skies of Arcadia, because both of them say they're gonna do shit and actually do it, no sulking or any of that.

i wanna fuck shanoa while she stares at me completely emotionless

>Emil(Tales of Symphonic 2/
>Venom Snake
>Zero mmz3
>Dastan from pop.

Put my robot son. If you look at the actual games he seems like a nobody but when you dive more into some of the stuff he's a bit of a sad but pure protagonist. I like this interview a lot in terms of them describing his character.


Surprised he isn't there, one of Sup Forums's favorite characters.

Ari from Okage: Shadow King.

Does not give a fuck about anything, possibly autistic, and probably describes most users of Sup Forums.

That guy from Dead Space, i like him

> i dont like popular gaems because im a special snowflake :^)

>no Master Chief
>no Doomguy

>OG Dante
Man, this list has taste. Just lacking Niko Bellic from GTA IV and Bartz from Final Fantasy V

>God tier

>self-confidence through the roof even though he's a fat ugly dwarf
>drives a cool car
>complex antihero motives
>goes on all his own adventures because he fucking WANTS TO

Good list but one character is there only because if waifufags.


Leon S. Kennedy

Otherwise pretty good list. Good thing you didn't add Generic Soldier #42 that make up the bulk of FPS games.




List was made by an eleven year old confirmed.

Damn dude you and I are like the only guys in all Sup Forums that know Kazuma Kiryu.
That makes me sad


>Berserk fan

I'm sorry, ten year old.

Where's my boy, Vyse?

>escapes from the "impenetrable" Grand Fortress
>makes favorable contact with no less than three reclusive civilizations
>hijacks an experimental Valuan flagship
>navigates the infamous Dark Rift, which no one else has successfully done
>proves the world is round
>defeats every Valuan admiral himself in naval combat
>saves the world
>All at no older than 17
>has two girls either side of him that don't mind that they both love him
>most upbeat JRPG protagonist you can have


This nigga gets it.

Quote fucked up, meant to quote .

how are the no one lives forever games anyway? been wanting to try them forever but they're hard to track down.

>No Tommy Vercetti
>No Doom guy
OP is a faggot

>>hijacks an experimental Valuan flagship

to be fair, that was given to him by THE CROWN PRINCE

who then joins you and gives you back the plot tokens the empire stole

why does he look 20 years younger

Secret best protagonist in vidya

RE4 Leon
The President from Metal Wolf Chaos
The Killer 7
SF3 Alex

Wei was fucking awful.



Did he even have any notable moments or character apart from finding his buddy gutted?

He's just a whitebread American with a Chinese skin, overly charismatic and out-of-place for his undercover role.

You cannot seriously think that.

Why is Samus on there? She's Nintendo's Doom Guy.

put superior version


Junpei from 999. Makes goofy jokes to himself but can be disarmingly perceptive and deceptive.