Who else is hyped
Watch dogs 2 hype thread
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Really enjoyed the first one, will probably like this too
Will it have Dallas DLC?
It will never, ever be possible to actually discuss this game on Sup Forums, will it?
didn't even finish the first game, have to fuck with uplay and the nude mod is broken. def not hyped.
Nah why do that when we can recycle and post the same memes over and over?
course not
Sup Forums is mostly white cis males, of course they're going to poke fun at black people
i bet all the cop shooting missions get removed
just like the Muslim missions got removed in GTA3
All i could think while watching the E3 trailer was that i'm too old for this game.
Why are SJWs so obsessed with hijabs? It's literally a veil forced on women by a misogynistic culture.
Making the protag black was a diversity hire. He doesn't make sense in the story and they only did it for SJW brownie points.
game could be OK but what i really want is that mask
Honestly, Sup Forums, I also don't like SJW decisions when people make the protagonist black for the sake of their own agenda. Like Battlefield 1.
But, is that really the case in Watch Dogs? Why can't a black person be a hacker?
Why do you complain every time there is a black protagonist in a game that is not about drug dealing or basketball?
It ok when minorities do it.
Oh yeah I'm real hyped for a downgraded diversity filled sjw casual garbage. Can't wait to play it
Was it ever possible to discuss any game on Sup Forums?
Last time i saw a really good discussions on Sup Forums was Alien Isolation release, 2 years ago
Because this is Ubisoft we are talking about nigger.
so do i get to play as the iron maiden thing or not
Great argument, I now see the mistake in my ways, thanks for sharing your enlightened intellect with me user.
right here bro
>no rep system
>can taze and fuck up civilians how you want with no worrying about rep
>multi faction battles, cops can arrest either side, with you right in the middle
>slow mo removed, so no IDing invaders
without finding them exploit
>2v1 invasions
It's a cause of too many games doing it at once that makes this one catch flak. If it released 3 years ago, it wouldn't be seen as it is now.
>imblying i'm not already working on making these
>Selling on Etsy
I am. Love the first game.
Not too worried about any kind of BLM bs because I don't need to relate to a character to enjoy a video game.
Serious question OP. How much were you paid to shill The Division?
#Watch Doggez 1.0 wasn't any good.
Why would number 2.0 90s Rejects be better?
I believe there are multiple of those in the city you can hack if I'm not mistaken. also your RC jumper, can fuck with npcs to piss them off, causing them to go off and start shit, possibly effecting the world.
also forgot to add that NPCs all have moods now that you can see through the profiler.
fuck off frogs, we don't want your shit game.
Plot aside I'm actually excited for an open world set in in SF i used to live in oakland
I heard some of the people who played it found areas that were very recognizable from the real version.
Careful there user the mods will ban you for calling out shills.
Is this ironic?
>the first game was utter dog shit
>the second game is hopping on the 'black protagonist' and 'presidential election literally mirrored from real life' train
>"stop shitting on it, it can be good
anything with politics so blatantly injected into it like that cant be good - it's why the purge is trash, and its why this is gonna be trash
the entire universe is just one bad ironic joke.
>utter dog shit
fuckin Carlos
the only thing with politics injected in it is you obnoxious triggered kids coming to derail any thread that has even something as simple as a black protag related to it.
get the over it.
because a bunch of companies are coming out with black main characters at the same time black lives matter and other race shit is extremely salient in American culture. it's obviously fucking pandering. none of them have made black protags before, yet for some reason they all happen to be doing it this year. I wonder why?
Well its gotten better on here actually, although it depends when "good mod" is here. When "bad mod" is here that's when you'll see more shitposting
yeah well oakland is a shithole nigger infested dumb and half of SF is a african rape-center at night. think that'll be in the game? or will they fill the bay with a bunch of racist cops pickin on the dindus?
>none of them have made black protags before
Hello, newfag
Wrong video
So they're hackers in a GTA like world?
I didn't understand the premise of this game.
The problem with the game was that the trailer made the cast look like a bunch of insufferable millennial twats. None of them were likable at all, they just came off as some college kids fighting back against the system for no fucking reason other than "Dude fuck the system"!
There are clearly gangsters and tons of black people in the oakland part of the game as shown in trailers. try paying attention.
>for no fucking reason other than "Dude fuck the system"!
better than Aiden's reason in Watch_Dogs 1 to be honest
To be honest I was looking forward to a sequel where you use stealth and your hacking/social engineering prowess to tackle objectives.
But then I saw the E3 gameplay and got disappointed all over again.
Using cis unironically....wew laddie
Except the system in the watch dogs 2 world is clearly corrupt as fuck. The protags are just a small part of a huge resistance fighting a real problem.
I like it user
They just come off as completely unlikable. Anyone who watched that trailer probably got the same idea, specially that one faggot with the meme helmet.
The ending is comedy gold
>black lives matter movement happens
>american politics full of racial tension and constant news coverage of race
>that year multiple companis include black main characters despite the fact that none of their games have ever focused on a black lead
that's a pretty big coincidence wouldn't you say? or does the statistical improbability not matter to you because you're a sheep?
>candidate called trump
>is called a racist bigot by liberals
>constant new coverage berating him
>is an easy target
>slogan is make america great again
>ubisoft makes game where the liberal black main character fights against the white politician who's slogan is make the bay area stronger
I'm a fucking bernie voting liberal and I HATE this shit.
I hope this game flops
All I want are chicken tenders
Fresh from the hands of the tendie vendors
Chunks of chicken I will toss
Into spicy mustard sauce
Mommy, I am hungry - famished
Those nuggies on my plate have vanished
I suggest you get me more
Now, not later, fucking whore!
I scream and shout and wet my diapies
My bum needs soothing wipey wipeys.
Do you want me to get a️ rash?
Only you would be so brash
This is why my daddy's gone
I'm ashamed to call you mom.
Mommy cries , and fills my plate
Tries to douse my flaming hate
Tendies are the only thing
That seem to ease the gripping pain
The pain within my hungry tummy
Feed your baby, feed me mummy!
Those sweet tendies in my tum
Mask my stinging rashy bum
Mommy sits and has ️a️ drink
The only time that she can think
Is when her baby has his treat
Of chocolate milk and chicken meat
Mommy knows what she must do
While her baby has no clue
Pulls the trigger, flash of light
Now it's over, all is right
Silence graces mommy's ears
Smiles through the streaming tears
No more tendies, poop or pee
The pain is over, mommy's free
oh I'm sorry please point me to the previous ubisoft dice and and hangar 13/2k Czech games with black protags.
Looks like shit, hopefully everyone will forget about it like Primal.
Woah, hold it right there buddy. We're going to what now?
can someone show me a video that actually shows that this could be a good game? was completely turned off by watch dogs but i can still give this game a chance
If I buy your game, will you kill Ubisoft?
of course in the game world they're right. but obviously it's meant to reflect modern culture and politics, despite getting none of the politics and over simplifying the social dynamics
>trump bad
>corporations bad
>black men good
>don judge muslims hijabs totally aren't the physical embodiment of female repression in the middle east
holy shit you can't be serious.
>This little irrelevant vidya is supposedly including and is inspired by relevant things that clash with my beliefs.
>have to stop all the """""sheep""""" *fedora wobbles* from being brain washed to the other side!!!!
>you think it's a COINCIDENCE?!?!?!
Autisic as fuck
bad game
second one is going to be equally shite
Of course, user! Also don't forget to preorder Skyrim Remastered Edition™!
I haven't played the division
are you joking? you really don't believe a bunch of companies are making black protags for the first time, at the same time, during the peak of black/white racial tension and news sensationalism on america? what the fuck are you talking about? are you brain dead? can you not notice events and put them in context or is every thing viewed in a vacuum to you?
hey you're a retard, try to answer this: why is the girl on the cover wearing booty shorts and a hijab at the same time? what point do you think they're making? or are you actually so incredibly daft yiu think it's because they just like the design?
>the ubisoft agenda pushers are gonna push this agenda so hard maaan
>can't you """"""""""sheeple"""""""""" see????
Illuminati confirmed
As someone who really really enjoyed the original Watch Dogs I think it's time for a serious opinion.
I first played it with very low expectations, the game wasn't even on my radar but I got it for $5 on an Xbox Live sale. Everyone called it a bug riddled piece of shit but I actually didn't encounter many bugs.
It really is a nice GTA + AssCreed + CSI mashup. My main complains are the story which was really lackluster, but the characters weren't badly written (except for Aiden maybe), the backstory and the lore made sense within the world so I'll give them that.
The gameplay in general was lacking challenge, and as you got more powerups, challenge became almost non existant, so in a sense the game punished you the more you played it.
Also multiplayer came with some innovative gamemodes that were really fun like that one where you had to spot another player from the regular NPC crowd, fuck I had so much fun there sometimes I just fired up my 360 to play Online Hacking.
Even the mobile companion app was fun as fuck, you gotta control the police on some poor randy's game, you don't even need to own the actual game to play it so I recommend it to anyone.
This game literally has you breaking into not-Trump's office to steal classified e-mails (remember that time Trump was suspected by the FBI of releasing classified e-mails huh huh huh no? well, you're wrong) and likely gunning down agents of THE MAN in the process.
What about this game fucking deserves being talked about legitimately?
you didn't refute anything. you just retyped his post back at him. why do you think it's all coincidences and not politically motivated? do you have any patterns or history to draw from? or are you just a blind shill defending pathetic pandering at just the right time?
really insightful refutations you got there samefag, you sure proved them
So was the only problem people saw with the first game that the protag was too edgy?
The idea is still shit, there are a shit ton of open world super hero games and even if you despise the protag of Second Son it was an actual super hero game that gave you a shitton of awesome piowers that affected traversal, combat and progression.
Watch Dogs occasionally has a prompt on scream to turn off the lights, look through some cameras or control a tiny robot.
WE WUZ HACKAS N SHIT is not going to make that any more interesting.
Not even trying to hide it.
You have a license to post my favorite person of all time?
You cannot stop me
I just think these dudes are funny is all. Sure the game is taking things from reality, but it's only "supposedly" using it because it fits with the 'fighting a corrupt system' setting.
the story so far is just "gather hackers to fight politicians and corrupt businesses using facebook to sway votes." at least in that one mission shown. the story might not even focus on that the whole way through.
Acting like this VIDYA GAME is gonna take down your precious trump or whatever your beliefs, is pathetic, retarded, and grounds for killing yourself.
the idea that you guys are 100% not joking is what should be making everyone in here laugh there asses off.
It's like I'm back seeing those shitty ball yo-yos again.
You get to kill a Mayoral candidate's security guards, sure why not
I'll call the cops
Watchdogs is much more fun that GTA V
This is a cuck that has been BTFO so hard that he can't even come back with good arguments. I'm so happy seeing faggots like this guy destroyed so totally and absolutely
I hope jordie comes back
>The way he fights
the entire games industry is incessant articles about racism and devs talking about tackling racism. when they include things from reality, it's only involving racism and pro-liberalism--trump bad, black men good and defending Muslim culture.
how much cognitive dissonance must you have to say your bullshit? please refute any of the shit you disagree with. the patterns are all there
Fuck off weeb
>Decent trump model to import into other games
I'm not complaining
I agree. Having a WW1 game be about black soldiers seemed like pandering; if that part had been DLC I woulnd't have though so.
Having a muslim with a hijab in watchdogs did, at first, also seemed like pandering but having thought about it, I realise that there is so much SJW related whining going on about video games that I have been inculcated to see any instance of a non-white character as SJW indoctrination. Having a a cool-chick muslim hacker seems par for the course, as is having a Euro-chick with a shitload of tatooos and piercings. Do a google search for pictures of game-devs and you will find a sea of crazy hair colours.
TL;DR Pandering to SJW;s is a potential problem but no in the case of Watchdogs II
>these are my opinions, if you disagree, I don't fucking care to hear it
I'm only excited for Ubisoft's For Honor.
It could be the last title from them I give a shit about or restore my faith in them.