>has infinite ammo >has the ability to fly on a short cooldown >boosters can damage people and knock them back >defense matrix can destroy any projectile >EVEN ULTS >ult can one hit any hero in the game
if you don't think she's overpowered you may actually be retarded
"Shinji" was just Nadia going through a weird phase.
Jacob Scott
>headbox larger than most characters' hitboxes >does as much damage as a baby fart from beyond 5 meters The only thing she's good for is rushing down retarded Torbs and Bastions on low MMR.
Camden Young
Yeah having Infinite Tickle Gun Ammo is OP
Angel Turner
she cannot be headshot from behind, which is extremely powerful can infinitely spam shields to break them, completely shutting down Reinheart and Winston
Carson Brooks
d.va is a very good waifu who needs a buff and also my gf. fuck you op.
Sure but Reinhardt wont shield against you the fucker with slam into your fat ass mech and beat your shit down and I guarantee his attacks are going to hurt compared to your Dorito Launchers
Carson Nguyen
>she cannot be headshot from behind, which is extremely powerful The fuck is she going to do with you behind her, besides run away?
>can infinitely spam shields to break them, completely shutting down Reinheart and Winston Reinhardt completely shuts down D.Va with a charge/strike/hammer or charge/3 hammer combo, and that's even assuming he's alone for whatever reason. Winston can just jump back to his team.
Dylan Edwards
Reinhardt kicks her ass and even though Winston is bad against other tanks he can just jump back into his team, if she gives chase she dies.
Adam Gutierrez
Without the benefit of headshots, D.Va does 168 damage per second at close range, which means she needs 12 seconds to break a Reinhardt shield. If you, as a D.Va, are in a position where you can continuously wail on a Reinhardt for 12 full seconds, not even including the time you'd need to kill Reinhardt himself, then both that Reinhardt and his team are so fucking garbage that you're obviously playing in the shittiest MMR possible.
Anthony Sanchez
>has infinite ammo everyone has infinite ammo dipshit i don't even play the game an even i know that
Michael Bell
>D.va over powered >20% pickrate >Tracer 200% pickrate
Fuck off.
Henry Scott
Best way to start a OW tread is to name a character op
William Torres
What he means is she doesn't need to reload while in her mech, which is actually very useful as it means she can keep up sustained fire without a 1-2 second break.
Or at least it would be useful if she wasn't so fucking useless.
Julian Torres
Can't wait until she get buffed
Kayden Gomez
Hmm Zenyatta and Winston are UP
Aaron Harris
She just needs slightly better range on the guns
Jordan Cox
>When is blizzard nerfing this op piece of shit? I fucking love you guys
Aiden Perez
This has to be some sort of new fangled bait. I'm not falling for it.
Daniel Martinez
I've put in a few hours with D.va. I think I've killed maybe 2 people with her ult.
The actual kills I've gotten with her have been with the meka or her pistol, and you have to work for each one.
She doesn't need a buff, but I would love if her ult was either much faster or less obvious. Seriously, after using it in dozens of ways (sliding it into a cap, doing a big ballistic shot, trying to pop up from underneath) no one ever gets hit.
I don't even remember the last time a D.Va killed me with her ult. Weeks ago, had to be.
Logan Myers
It's not for killing people, it's for making people run away from the point.
Ayden Perez
When are you retards going to take these one note posts over to the fucking general?
Alexander Adams
Who has been playing some Zenyatta here?
Kevin Scott
Maybe if there weren't a big as fuck all exclamation point on the screen letting every fucker on the map know what's about to happen.
Kevin Clark
>it's for making people run away from the point. Which is handy, if rare. I know I used it on the last point during overtime on Kings Row once. I didn't kill anyone (obviously) but they ran out of time waiting for it to 'splode.
In most scenarios though, people don't "run away" they just "get behind the nearest pillar/clutter five feet away."
Jordan Powell
you can toss her ult over walls
saw someone get a team kill on route 66 throwing it from the top of the shop (the first one you see on attack) onto the payload
with a little finesse and situational awareness I think D.Va will start to come into the limelight...
I personally do well with her as long as I just swap back and forth. Playing her the whole match, you will get countered, but for a life or two you can do some good harassing. I'm not good with her ult tho.
Nicholas Taylor
70% winrate here over 20 games. Best damage, decent healing, game changing ult.
Nicholas Sanchez
what does dva smell like?
Matthew Brooks
I play a shit ton of Zenyatta, I dont trust others to heal nor do I trust them to keep me safe so Id much rather have the option to heal and deal damage
Jace Garcia
What blizzard need to do is to fix the achievement or MM. As it stands bunch of achievements are impossible like sorry, symmetra's. only time for easy achievement was when the game just released, not now or ever again.
Blake Sanders
fermented cabbage and sweat
Anthony Murphy
hydraulic fluid and strawberries
Blake Allen
>hereoes never die >gets sniped a split second later
Carson Sanders
Her name is D.Va and She smells like hand sanitizer and feminine musk
Logan Edwards
>infinite ammo you can run out of bullets in this game?
Samuel Johnson
IF they don't remove hero stacking KOTH will be a shit show..
Daniel Ross
>As it stands bunch of achievements are impossible like sorry, symmetra's. If you mean her teleporter one, it's easy on 2-point defense. The reason why you think it's impossible is because you correctly understand that a teleporter is nearly useless on the second point since the spawn is always stupidly close to the point, but that means you can rack up a ton of teleports without worrying about it being destroyed.
Daniel Garcia
I still don't understand it.
Tracer's bomb has the exclamation mark, but if she sticks it to you, then you're screwed anyway. I have no idea why they think junkrat's rip-tire doesn't need an warning sign, but the big glowing meka does. All I can guess is that the early beta testers were complete shit that couldn't hear or see very well.
Connor Diaz
I hight dislike and hate normalfaggots
Sebastian Ortiz
>HRC now capable of turning Japanese into Koreans Holy shit.
When will it be able to turn third worlders into nordics?
Ayden Wright
there's literally no difference between japs and koreans, chinks are chinks.
Julian Phillips
should mouse scroll be able to control D.VA's spread?
Jackson Bennett
>oh noes doritos on my shield!
>OH WAIT >*rush* >*pin* >HAMMUH TYME >*dink* >"Precision German Engineering"
Joseph Morgan
>infinite ammo it's every hero ever
Grayson Barnes
does DVa have that shit turning speed when shooting on PC. on consoles she can't move hardly when shooting.
Aiden Hill
Anyone can be Korean with enough surgery.
Jeremiah Diaz
No ults should have warning signs, they make them useless, skill with explosive ults is timing and flanking
Dylan Barnes
It wouldn't be so bad if the ult popped faster but it takes 4 seconds to go off, as opposed to Tracer's that goes off in 1.
Grayson Lopez
post witnessing
someone posted this earlier
Adrian Lee
>playing fps on console
Logan Jenkins
How would that be useful?
Hudson Wilson
D.va's ult needs a "works through walls" effect within a small radius so people don't stand behind a lamp post 2ft away and survive.
D.va, Zenyatta, Bastion, and mei all need some help to become usable in competitive. Unfortunatley for bastion and mei, shitters consider them cancer and those two getting buffed would have massive backlash.
Luis Gomez
There's literally zero reason for D.Va's speed to drop to a slow crawl when she's firing. There's literally zero reason why a giant glowing bomb with a stupidly long charge also needs a massive exclamation mark. There's literally zero reason why her cannons should have a stupidly steep drop-off. Fucking Reaper does more damage than her beyond a few meters.
David Fisher
This desu
Anthony Foster
Bastion does not need a buff, he's already a really good defensive hero, and arguably overpowered
John Ross
I would if I could. fuckers.
Ethan Lewis
>playng an fps on consoles
Noah Watson
What Bastion needs the most is for turret form to be a secondary fire instead of switching between turret and recon, because it promotes the full retard behavior of just camping in one spot in turret mode instead of switching between the two often. Dunno what to give him as a Shift though. Maybe an ability that gives him wheel feet for a few seconds so he can go faster.
Dylan Gomez
I admittedly play a lot of D.va, but I can at least kill one person with her ult once a game, if I'm lucky I can get 2-3. It's rare I get a quad kill though and I recently got a pentakill but that was pure luck.
You need to shoot her ult into the air, obviously, not just leave it standing and run away. Best results is when the enemy team is distracted by other ults or whatever. When I got the pentakill they were making a break for the control point and I came from behind and shot it straight up in the air.
Ryder Jenkins
>no noob play only pro also, he's already encouraged to move around due to auto reload. dunno wtf you're talking about. they should just return him to his beta state where he had a frontal shield and 180 degrees of rotation since it's better.
Jaxson Sullivan
make defense matrix a cooldown similar to pharahs fuel that can be activated at any time
also buff her ultimate, it's hardly area denial when you can hide behind anything to avoid it
increase her range just a little, right now you need to literally be next to someone to hurt them
Angel Thompson
>playng an fps on a console
Austin Johnson
is it actually possible to plug in a mouse and keyboard on a ps4? I really want to do this because it sounds like a really funny retard stomping environment.
Michael Rogers
PC doesn't have trophies/achievements
Daniel Green
>no noob play only pro Yes? You enjoy having retards shit up a game because they don't know how to play? Do you also enjoy having Hanzos pretend they're long-range snipers?
Gabriel Hughes
Ive fucked up so many D.Vas as Tracer and Pharah its almost pathetic. I actually love it when opposing teams have D.Va, because I always troll the fuck out of them and embarass them hard. I actually find D.Va more difficult when shes not in her Mech suit- shes moves faster and is harder to hit and her laser pistol shoots pretty fast and actually packs a decent punch.
tl;dr get good faggot
Brody Sanchez
I'm not sure. I think the game has to be coded to accept kbam
Levi Smith
>You need to shoot her ult into the air, obviously, >doing a big ballistic shot I specifically try the "into the air" ballistic shot.
People know about it, they hear the "nerf this" look around, see the warning icon and hide at the last second.
There's no way I'm killing 4 or more players with it unless Zarya and I just magically sync up.
Benjamin Cox
I'm more just pissed off that you think bastion moving more some how makes it more skilled.
Ian Jackson
nerf THIS
Juan Lewis
DVA is already nerfed into worthlessness. If I can 1v1 her as Lucio, then she can't kill anyone.
Nathan White
OP was obviously being ironic but looks like people took the bait anyways.
Brody Kelly
original thought is not your strong suit.
Kayden Morales
A player who uses both of Basiton's forms effectively is much more skilled than a player who just camps out in turret form the entire match. What's wrong with a character's abilities encouraging a skilled playstyle?
Josiah Allen
Except it does.
Brayden Myers
trophies/achievements are hard as fuck to get lately.
Luis Anderson
>playing an fps on a console
Ethan Watson
Elijah Watson
battlenet has them?
Noah Stewart
post the face.
John Hernandez
yea but that's the correct way to play him already. you sit and shoot until it makes sense to start moving. he's advanced tactical camping if played correctly. like you don't want the enemy to know your position ever.
Wyatt Watson
>being a samefag
Lincoln Bailey
i want to eat that
Brayden Cook
The game itself I guess. There's achievements for all sorts of things.
Isaiah Butler
I disagree about going through walls, but if they could make it so you can't survive behind a pillar or something small, then I'd think that'd work
Xavier Walker
a) increase D.Va's ultimate charge rate or b) mecha walks slightly faster when shooting
Adrian Wright
Remove movement speed decrease upon firing. If D.va is supposed to be a mobile character, then the gameplay should reflect that. Losing speed isn't a trade-off since the bullets don't do shit anyway.
John Stewart
I'd rather they give her an alt-fire charged shot that goes through shields, lowered the cooldown of her skills, to let you shoot while her cooldowns are up, to give her some regenerating shields, to move her critbox from the front to the rear of the mech, to increase the speed at which her ultimate generates, to give her some mobility while outside the mech - eg. a cartwheel or tactical roll shift-skill that has some iframes, or some combination of these.
I really want the critbox one though. Her job is to fuck up snipers but widowmaker and spray her rifle and noscope headshot your mech to death before you drop her to 50%HP. And Hanzo's scatter arrow will shred your ass in less than that.
Benjamin Price
>D.VA OP OP is just pissed that he can't beat the most underpowered hero in the game
Carson Ross
>they let him do this
Jack Brown
Yo I could use some advice playing Winston > always lose a fight when it's 1v1 because The tickle gun is out damaged by like 80% of the cast > bubble shield seems to be overwhelmed and break as soon as I put it down > jump pack has this weird sense of movement so it never seems to work properly
Everyone keeps telling me this character is good and I like him but it seems like whenever I play him I just get fucked. I just don't get it
Brandon Hill
Get a team of five winstons and a lucio.
I speak from experience when I say facing that comp is terrifying and confusing.
Carter Allen
go with your team. your gun does shit damage because it hits everything in front of you like a cone pattern.
Sebastian Brown
The leap is not a jump pack, use it for immediate getaways. You're either supposed to flank from behind, killing supports or throwing bubbles down one capture points. The whole point is to annoy the fuck out of them and make them put their attention on you, while your team focuses them. Ult is just for space denial/survival
Dominic Moore
Bastion's problem is that once he's in turret mode, he's an easy target for all forms of AOE splash, long range pokes, and general bursty damage. I'd like him to get extra armor/health while in turret mode to compensate.
James Davis
Are you being serious?
Jason Adams
he can fucking snipe anyone in turret mode. any retard will know to plant yourself in your allies line of sight
Ryder Russell
Hyper-small dense spread to increase damage for range?