What went so fucking right?
What went so fucking right?
What do you mean? It's literally a walking simulator.
I assume you're talking about its popularity, because the actual app is mediocre at best. They just tapped in to the right market and it paid off
Tfw my phone is too old to support it.
Tfw it doesn't work on my tablet either.
I hate everything.
But it's not a simulator, it actually requires the user to walk.
it's ok at best, battles are shit and could have had potential instead of throwing everything you have learned for the past 25 years by just chucking a pokeball at them like it's a masterball
I haven't been able to log in for the past two days
so fucking nothing
Generation 1 Pokemon only
Pokemon fucking sells. That's all.
Walking simulator implies you simulate the walking. You don't. It's literally a google maps simulator.
What the hell is this? I'm out of the loop.
Pokemon fans have been desperate for something new in the franchise for 15+ years. This game did something new and is more interactive than the main game.
If Pokemon made an MMO, I think people would literally die of a heart attack. And those that didn't die would waste their life in the game.
I was disappointed desu
how is this game fun? all you do is throw a ball on your phone. The pokemon you catch don't mean shit
They accomplished what peoples dream were when they were little and they got them to go exercise too.
It's not a Pokemon game if I can't battle anyone
Same, so I just made a new account with Google. I might have lost my progress but at least I can play now. I found an Electabuzz so I'm probably better off, and it won't be worth recovering my old Pokémon by the time trading is a thing.
Like the clusters of 0s and 1s you catch in the main games mean anything either
It's not even a fucking game.
It's a workout app that rewards you with pokemon.
I'm not playing this piece of shit again until you can actually battle other trainers.
>shitty fermented grain water that tastes like piss
>delicious fruit juice that tastes sweet and pleasant
Hard choice there, mate.
Nothing. Pokefag manchildren will accept anything.