An interesting discussion came up in yesterdays thread: Is Alma trying to kill you (pointman) in the first game?
F.E.A.R. Thread
Not really after a while.
She definitely tries to initially, but after that I'm not so sure. There's plenty of times she could have killed you, when she was in the elevator or at the top of the ladder; but she doesn't.
No, you're trying to stave off the psychic powers she's pulsating.
She literally kills people by instantly turning them into skeletons. If she wanted to kill you, she would.
>Is Alma trying to kill you (pointman) in the first game?
if she really wanted to kill you she would have fucked you up same as jankowski. the plan was for paxton to use the clone army to murder everyone and have him free her from the vault, unbeknownst to her, her other son (you) shows up and almost dies and then since he doesn't know any better gets caught up in the whole deal and kills all the replicas. when alma realizes who you are she "assaults" you with visions and hallucinations to show you the truth.
It was funny how no one seemed to give a shit when Jankowski went missing. They didn't even get pointman to try and find him and never mentioned him later in the game
Thats not accurate. You are immediately redeployed to find Jankowski's squad.
The thing is you find his squad [dead]. They mention him twice afterwards in a "what the hell is his life sensors showing him in this area, he shouldnt be there, go look for him."
Thats actually the one thing I dont like about FEAR. How his plot is practically dropped. It starts going somewhere and then suddenly... nothing.
yeah, and also the fear commander guy talks about how he called fire and rescue squads to go look for him since he was still picking up his life sensors. then the rescue team gives up. i agree that the plot resolution was shit, it feels like somewhere along the line parts of the game were rewritten and jankowski just sort fell to the wayside plot wise.
I find it quite creepy how you never actually find out what happens to him. The remains of his squad are found but he is among them. Also his vital signs continue to indicate he is alive the whole game. Was it a trick by Alma or something?
>Thats actually the one thing I dont like about FEAR. How his plot is practically dropped. It starts going somewhere and then suddenly... nothing.
That annoyed me too, at first. But then I realized his plotline was dropped because there was nothing else to do with it. I mean, I'm not sure what kind of resolution I expected.
He was killed.
One of those skeletons found afterwards was his skeleton.
He became a ghost.
They were still picking up his life signs because that's how ghosts work in the game.
The other characters didn't know what happened to him, but we do. So fuck it.
The funny part is, you (Beckett) thought she was trying to absorb you in the second game.
So, if Armacam had Fettel under lock and key, how the hell did his brother, the Pointman, not share the same fate of his brother and somehow end up in the US Military?
She was trying to absorb something of yours alright.
God FEAR 2's plot was fucking stupid
He probably didn't kill a shitload of dudes when he was a kid.
She wants your dick
But, why would you let your only backup to your massively expensive clone army for whom you can't get any more commanders for walk out the door? I mean I know Armacam is retarded but that's advanced retardation.
I'd fuck her.
>yfw you wanted to save alice the whole game because she was kinda cute but it turned out you're her nephew
that bit when you see alma approaching her in the elevator
Too bad Alice was a massive retard and kinda a cunt.
>Herp derp lemme just drive off and try to rescue my dad from a literal clone army by myself.
If I remember correctly, the post-credits dialogue at the end of the first game implies that they were testing him the whole time, or something. "The first prototype was a complete success." This doesn't make it any less retarded, but the whole plot is retarded, so whatever.
What was his deal?
fat people are immune to ghost powers
The entire plotline feels like. "Hey we have a great idea, lets do this. Oh shit we dont know how to end it and we did way to much work already to rewrite, well fuck it maybe people wont notice"
>Extraction point tries to make out that he survived
Actually spooked me when he popped up/
Like I said a few threads ago, if I had to go through all that bullshit to get me that psychic cock I would have made you fucking look at my frail figure rattling around while I rode that dick into the next millennia.
the cactus disguise protected him
He was just doing his job. Sometimes that meant being a dick to the good guys. But in the end, he was a good guy. Harlan Wade wanted to let the ghost bitch out of her cage because "m-m-muh daughter" and Norton Mapes actually tried to stop him. Of course, that was also just part of his job.
I think I first played this game at 800x600 resolution or some shit.
Good times.
>Play FEAR years after release
>"Very solid game."
>Play FEAR's Expansions afterwards
>"These are alright."
>Start FEAR 2
>"I'm not feeling this."
>Stop about 2 hours in
Did I goof? I might go back to FEAR 2 at some point and stick it out, but I did not care for the gunplay at all.
FEAR 2 is what you get when your publisher changes to fucking Warner Brothers.
>sticking your dick in crazy
>sticking your dick in dead
>sticking your dick in 15 year olds
>sticking your dick in psychic murder child
negatory family member. Two of those things are illegal. Two are stupid.
why did you post a picture of a cactus.
>Do you see him?
>Shut the fuck up.
Gotta wonder what the deal was with the cactus. Why a cactus and not a normal plant?
I loved listening to them freaking out as I decimated their best friends
probably because they need less water and the pointy bits could prick any clone soldiers or ghosts, deterring intruders.
She's technically an adult. But the other points have been considered.
Agreed. Ironically enough I'd say Replicas are up there as one of the most fun and unique enemies in fps vidya.
So I assume I'm really not missing much with F3AR, then?
whos that on the ground?
Apparently she was 26 when she died
if you can play through fear 3 with a buddy its a blast, otherwise I wouldn't bother.
Is the story any good though? That was the only thing that kept me going through the first FEAR
>Is the story any good though?
it shows kind of an interesting relationship between point man and fettel but everything beyond that either is wrapped up for the sake of wrapping up or just makes no sense, like why your dad is a super demon. I'm still not sure how you even transition from the second-to-last to last level.
>I'm still not sure how you even transition from the second-to-last to last level.
Yeah, it felt like there was a level between them, but it was cut.
apparently she was 26 when she died
He was the game's comic relief.
Even better.
and 47 chronologically
You know, first time I actually played FEAR was years ago on the 360 and I thought it fucking SUCKED. Bland gray corridors, stupid, ineffective, boring 2spooky4you jumpscares etc.
After some fags were talking about it yesterday I decided to revisit it.
I've got to admit, this game does have some of the smartest AI I've ever seen in a video game.
Fuckers are constantly trying to flank you or put you into a pincer and trying to flush you out with grenades.
It's a shame that they were too lazy to make an aiming animation though. I hate it in FPS's when "aiming down the sight" amounts to zooming down the side of the gun.
FEAR 3>FEAR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FEAR 2
they were also too lazy to make reload animations for some of the weapons (e.g. shotgun)
Nah, FEAR 2 is pretty shitty.
I really liked 3 though.
Well it was 2005, aim down sights weren't popular yet.
FEAR 2 wasn't bad for a console shooter, F3AR felt like a f2p counter strike clone. The story was filler until the last minute of the game, where the ending changes depending on who you played as or whichever player got more points.
It might piss you off if you liked FEAR 2 (it pissed me off). The story really isn't the main draw though, it's supposed to a fun coop game, which it definitely is if you have a friend.
Haven't played FEAR 2 yet, only up to extraction point
Honestly, from someone who has given it three full playthroughs, just skip to 3.
I just really, really hate FEAR 2.
In case you don't know FEARs expacs aren't in the same canon as the two sequels.
That was the head honcho or something, I can't be fucked to look her name up on the wikipedia. Basically, the whole plan was SUPPOSED to work like this in 2:
>Beckett gets taken to super amplifier
>Beckett gets strong enough to take on Alma
>Beckett defeats Alma
>Everyone's happy
But that bitch was the head of ceo or something like that. She kills the remaining woman who had survived up to that point and traps you in there for the purpose of luring Alma so they could trap her.
Surprisingly, though the bitch got tossed away like a rag doll she still manages to get up and close off the device. I'm more shocked that Alma didn't outright kill her either but I can chalk that up to shitty writing.
Naturally, they didn't trap her. Alma rapes you, and this brings on the events of 3.
It's been a while since I played FEAR 2 but is it really worse than F3AR?
>I'm hit!
>Shut the fuck up.
My favorite.
Like others said, if you can find someone to play with then go for it. 3 was MEANT to be played co-operatively. As Pointman you can do all that slow mo shit, run around, kick around and choose different weapons and shit. As Paxton you can posess enemies, open up different paths, and even shield pointman from damage.
3 is best with a friend. Otherwise, you may as well watch a LP.
>open up different paths
Not really. The first few minutes of the first level are slightly different depending on who you play as, but otherwise it's pretty much identical.
I heard FEAR 2 has more cheap jump scares as opposed to the well built atmosphere of dread and paranoia in the original
That guy was so out of place. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a very late addition to the game because "omg the game is 2spooky, we need something to relieve the tension, shit the game comes out next week, what do we do"
>mfw watching a fist/grenade only playthrough on Nicovideo that the japanese watchers tagged "The monster's perspective" and "Horror Game (for your enemies)"
You're going to get mixed opinions on that one.
Personally I much preferred 2 over 3.
3 got a little too comic booky for me.
I don't remember either game that well, but I thought the improvement in graphics made for more interesting levels that fit into the story well. I had a friend watch me play the game once, and he didn't react to jump scares like I thought he would, but he did jump at other parts I didn't think were so sudden.
3's levels were just nonsensical.
That actually does sound interesting for a co-op game. If I don't find a buddy to play with, I'll just watch that LP.
>not really
Just as well I guess. The game and early interviews mentioned being able to do this, with Paxton being able to find shit that Pointman could not see but if we did any of that, I can't remember. It's been several years since I've played it.
Well, I preferred 3. Can't say the same for everyone.
Only thing is, they've got this bullshit scoring system in place to remind you that "hey, they're brothers but they're not fully working together hahaha!"
and depending on how well you play, even to the point of finding items that gives you points in general ( for instance, Paxton can find shit that Pointman cannot and this leads to items that he can use for his overall score ).
Not much use in split screen co-op, made better sense when you were playing online with a friend. Anyway, point being? Whoever had the highest score at the end of the game got to see Pointman or Paxton's ending.
It's a really shallow game. You might find an extra hallway that goes around a building or some rubble.
Uhhh hello? Everyone knows that gingers don't have souls and ghosts are attracted to people with souls.
Also, not even the dead like being around morbidly obese people.
she's so cute
>fear 1
>shotgun is the ultimate weapon,that shit can be used all throught the game
>'fear' 2
>shotgun, along with everysingle other weapon, feel like a pea shooter
Didnt even bother with 3
The sniper in 2 is amazing. But i agree that all other weapon are crap
thats not how I would describe her. Especially when shes trying to scare the shit out of me by running at my in an air vent
That's exactly what she is, A CUTE!
the expansions had some of the most intense and emotional moments in the whole series. I still haven't gotten over Chen.
Should i play the second and the third one?
I only played 1 and the DLCs
don't even bother
the expansions are not considered canon, but the way I see it they are canon while the sequels are just horseshit
I'm guessing theres no 'unknown origin' static transmission in Fear 2 to warn you when theres gonna be some spooky shit
>Only thing is, they've got this bullshit scoring system in place to remind you that "hey, they're brothers but they're not fully working together hahaha!"
Huh. I can see what they're trying to do, but that's kinda dumb.
I was trying to figure out what bothered me about FEAR 2's gunplay, but you just said it. Coming right off of FEAR 1, the weapons seem to be missing a lot of the impact that they should have (especially the Shotgun).
>We have to consume the body
>Doesn't family mean anything to you
>Eats his mother's body
Jesus, this is so retarded and inconsistent.
I just started this game this week
I'm at Ground Zeros and everyone keeps saying LADDER. Am I in for a spook and when?
A lot of times your vision dims like in that webm.
It's not scary if you actually want t make babies with Alma.
which interval are you up to? the ladder is in about interval 5 I think
>tfw I knew about the ladder spook but not when it happened and I managed to skip it so I was on edge climbing down every damn ladder in the game
Legit question about the game:
Is the mouse supposed to lag big time when you try to fire? I have a 0.5 seconds delay between clicks and shots, its really fucking annoying and makes the game feel very sluggish