Wait, is this shit actually taking off?

Wait, is this shit actually taking off?

Other urls found in this thread:


Normalfags that wouldnt be caught dead with a handheld game system can now play the game since its on their socially acceptable iphones.

>Wait, is this shit actually taking off?

Whats a safe link for the apk?

Eurofag here

>ITS DUH NORMIE BOOGEYMAN!!!!11!11!!1!1!1!!1!!!

>neo-Sup Forums, everyone
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nerds don't exist because The Big Bang Theory made being a nerd popular!1!1!1!2!2!1!1!1 I go on 4chinz too, right guise?
Lurk more, newfag.

Stop responding to shitty posts baka

"Taking off" is subjective. Sure, it's a hit now, but I give it a month before it fades. It's a buggy little game and phone "gamers" always just play something for a few minutes then move to the next freemium.

Any one have a undetected way of changing gps location on android. Dont want to get ban'd
>Get out side you fat fuck
Hahaha yea i live on a farm go fuck yourself if you think ill be driving to find pokestops and gyms.

>People are playing P2W shit

Are you surprised? You shouldn't be.

>why is casual phone shit attached to a well known franchise successful
You really have to ask?


>Walking around in Santa Monica
>Every single pokemon encounter is near some homeless guy
>Trying to capture a Jigglypuff while a homeless guy begs for change behind my Jiggly.


Thank me later user.

I had a lot of fun walking around the park with my friends, catching pokemon and taking gyms from scrubs. Ran into like 8 groups of people also playing. Few games can give me fun experiences like that.

>Pay to win

I came across 20 people together on a small street between 2 pokespots with lures

They making fun of everyone walking by who isn't Team Blue.

This is awesome.

>Be iPhone fag
>Still not out on app store in UK

everyone on my ship is playing the game

i'm talking about guys that are at the age where cheeseburgers are detrimental

i'm gonna try it out tonight

Fuck those red bastards. They have almost every gym in my town.


My fucking friend didn't; even give a shit about red dead backwards compatibility because of this stupid game, and we've both talked about how we think rdr is our favorite game. Pokemon go is ok but it's not that fuvking great

Any real difference between google account and Pokemon Trainer Club account for this game?
I really wanted to use the PTC but it's been down since forever and I can't even start playing the game since yesterday

flavor of the month game people will forget about it just like clash of clans or other mobile games

I'm having FUN and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me. I agree though that the game will be dead without consistent updates.

You have some problems if you thought it wasn't going to kick off. Almost everyone in society has a phone and suddenly all of those people are able to play the app now.

They can't keep cucking us blues like this

Dedicated handheld devices are finished.

Big devs will be releasing real video games on smartphones only now

Can someone tell me the point? Is it just a pokemon collector or do you ever battle them? I've caught 6 in my house already and I'm not really sure what to do with them.

There's a gym across the street from my house in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, and I'll die before I let it turn red

Was Downtown with my friends tonight and there were three lure modules going off with a crowd of people around them

it is only released in US,NZ & Aus this shit is going to the moon

Anyone with an Android or iPhone (in the right regions) can play this shit.

For free.

Before you needed to own a handheld console, and buy a game.

Collect pokemon, beef them up, then take over gyms once you get to level 5 and leave your strongest pokemon there to defend it. You also get to go outside and meet people

>He picked blue

>You also get to go outside and meet people

I should delete the app I guess.



Oh I whipped the color out of some Asian church the Blues were holding in the name of the Glorious Yellow Empire son...

Sorry for your loss though.

People might ask "hey, you playing Pokemon Go?" while you're out collecting pokespots, but you can end the conversation after light small talk. Don't sperg too hard now.

What are you, a faggot?
Why don't you tell him you want to suck his dick already.

I knew this game was going to be popular, but damn. I've been trying with the servers going down all day and I'm still nowhere near taking on these gyms.

Yes. Genuinely. I saw 10 adults in my neighborhood out doing it an hour ago (11 PM on a Friday), plus a group of like 5 teenagers camping a gym down the street from me. Also saw a bunch of people playing it walking through Target earlier today while I was getting groceries. My Facebook feed is full of people who don't otherwise even play games talking about it. It's nuts.


theres a blue gym in my area with a lvl 700 Dragonite

Literally every single human being that I know is playing this game. Even some of my friend's parents are playing it


Welp time to go hunting for electric types then.

Damn you'll be holding that for a while.

we just want to be the very best

Why don't you guys trust your instincts and join the team that will survive and conquer?

>that Ratata in frame

Every goddamn time I go anywhere

>This week has been a catastrophe for Blackness…and it’s only Thursday. Two men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, were killed by police officers within 24 hours of each other. Neither had committed a crime that was punishable by death nor did they put any officers lives at risk.
>In another sector of the internet this week, a mobile game called Pokemon GO was released. Being of the geekish human variety, I was inexplicably excited about this game. They were giving me a chance to catch ’em all once again, this time in the real world using an obvious combination of technology and magic. I downloaded it immediately when I saw the news of its release.
>The premise of Pokemon GO asks me to put my life in danger if I chose to play it as it is intended and with enthusiasm. Let’s just go ahead and add Pokemon GO to the extremely long list of things white people can do without fear of being killed, while Black people have to realistically be wary.
>When my brain started combining the complexity of being Black in America with the real world proposal of wandering and exploration that is designed into the gamplay of Pokemon GO, there was only one conclusion. I might die if I keep playing.
>Honestly, I wish this was a joke post or a satire of some sort. It isn’t.


>Tfw I couldn't find him
At least I found a Meowth at the expensive shopping district in town.



I'll never play this shit.

I'll just stick to the mainline games like I've done since the franchise began

My Yellow Nigga

ayy me too
all I can do is wander my pastures at 1 in the morning
at least i get to listen to the frogs and donkey orchestra

The funny thing is blacks kill a shitload more black people than white people do.

>Go out playing Pokemon Go yesterday
>No one outside, as per usual
>Go out tonight
>Fuckers are everywhere
>Watch as my local gym fluctuates every minute
>Groups of people all trying to capture pokemon

I'd say the game is taking off.

>the game will be dead without consistent updates
good thing there are 570 more pokemon to add (more when moon/sun comes out). It's probably a good thing that they only started with the og because with their system it'll be a pain in the ass to level anyone up when everyone is added

Wow man you're so cool for not playing a game. You go, dude. Be a hero.

>be me
>live in canada
>pokemon go literally isnt available here
>even if i somehow get the app its just not going to work and no one else would have it

Does the US accept pokemon go refugees?

He's honestly not wrong. Can't go around playing it in inner city neighborhoods for fear of being mugged or shot. Can't go to the suburbs to play without looking suspicious and getting the cops on you for potentially trespassing or some shit. Especially now that every one is losing their fucking minds.

>live in East Hollywood
>every gym is a Korean orthodox church or a homeless sidewalk safari campsite
>no pokémon in sight but plenty of old Mexicans glaring at me

Why did my white ass move in here? Rents $1700 for a one bedroom, what the fuck.

underrated reply

Get fucked Canada
>Niantic CEO John Hanke has said that his dev team knew Pokemon GO would be popular, but they're floored by just how much support the game has gotten. It's been such a hit that servers have been struggling since launch, with players dealing with long stretches of time where the game is unavailable. These issues have forced Niantic to halt international roll-out plans for a bit while they work out the server issues. No word on how long other regions will have to wait to download the game, but Niantic is working on the problems right now. Perhaps that help could come from Amazon, as Amazon CTO Werner Vogels has offered Niantic help in any way they need.



Idk, why did you faggot?

I'm envious my best is a 390 Pidgeot

>~750CP Flareon

>For free
I can almost guarantee that your smartphone costs over twice as much as a 3DS and that your phone bill costs more than a 3DS game

>Rents $1700

wtf is wrong with that rent

I can't play this game because I don't have a phone or data, but I feel like I'm not actually missing out on anything.

Pretty accurate. I'm an average white guy and some bitch called the cops on me while I was checking out a pokestop in front of an office building. Niggers are likely to get shot.


yeah it seems like people are kind of oblivious of the fact that pokemon go is going to be raping their cellular data.

just tell them you had a mew run away from you under a van a block back

You know nothing of pain.

The fuck do you spend double digits of stardust on to get that number?

It's LA nigger what did you expect

I found one of those around my block.
Don't worry dude, you'll get your winner soon.

How does tracking work?

Also, what's the point of the

>Popular characters

It's destined to take off.


give OW a year, see where it is then

I'm playing it in Canada
Ya dumbfuck

Get gud

THE WHAT user?


I gave up today and started anew with my Google account. I don't think there's any difference, apart from that you can actually play the damn game with one.

Every foot print is something like distance. When you get closer there's less feet. I'm not sure the exact measure

I'll take a kabutops over that lizard with wings any day

>Not being Sup Forumsalor


My ex girlfriend who I can confirm does not like any nerdy shit whatsoever plays and posts about this game.

Nintendo can now start catering to normalfags and kids as they always have.

>It's Pokemon
>But without a region or NPCs
>Or any worldbuilding
>Or basically anything at all besides the Pokemon
>And even the the gameplay is grindy mobile garbage

It was lvl 430 when it evolved. I leveled it a couple of times after.


As soon as interest starts to wain they just have to say WE'RE IMPLEMENTING GEN 2 MONS NOW and everyone will flood back
Starting with just the first gen pokes was a genius idea for the game's long-term.

I'm having fun naming top mons

shame my best is a manlet with shit moves

>been playing for a day walking around campus because there's pokes and stops everywhere
>several groups of people walking around looking at their phones
>late at night so no classes
>walk up to one of the groups
>they're playing, I'm playing
>they invite me along
>spend the next three hours with them, meeting other groups and talking/catchin pokes
>they add me to their group chat so they can invite me to catch pokes tomorrow
>A mobile game for children has caused me to exercise and socialize

Literally met like 25 people tonight. Feels good being a fucking normie.

>lives on a farm
>wants to participate in modern culture

pick one