Street Fighter V

>add new wakeup options
>can quick rise on almost all wakeups
>this does nothing because most knockdowns give the person enough time to do an immediate heavy to beat jumps
>because heavies weren't even designed with CC in mind the meaty ones for wakeup are also extremely plus on block
>if you quick rise you have to block it or you'll get CC'd and lose a third of your health and be knocked down again
>if you block it they are so plus they get a guaranteed fifty fifty mixup
>if you don't quick rise they have enough time to whiff the heavy attack and dash in
>none of the characters are in the game are designed with this in mind so you have characters like karin and ken that basically put you in a neverending vortex
>thanks to this games are 100% aggressive snowballs every time
>ibuki for some reason was designed with this in mind so she is completely gimped including her forward grab putting you in such a shitty position that your opponent has enough time to wake up heavy to CC your forward HK

Wasn't the point to fix the wakeup and snowballing issues that SFIV had? This is FAR worse than Ultra when it comes to setplay and wakeups. So much so that the jump back exploit is basically mandatory if you want to survive at all

Other urls found in this thread:

Will they address that?

Nah. Game will be dead by this time next year so no need to bother

Quick rise was advertised to be the end of the vortex game, but it wasn't.

I really wanted to like this new game, but as of right now it's pretty shit.

>it's a "Sup Forums pretends to know what they're talking about with fighting games" thread
i don't even like sfv

Is anyone having any actual success with Ibuki against people who know her gimmicks?

>target combos are all extremely unsafe or can be interrupted mid string
>mk, hkx2 dash or jump can never crossup thus making it a massive gimmick
>based around vtrigger but has to spend all the bar on vreserals just to get breathing space
>footsie buttons are all mediocre at best and give you no ability to
>throw gives no advantage at all
>skill builds no meter when done to destroy projectiles
>slide basically puts you in a mixup even on hit, thus making it almost useless except maybe to deal with projectiles
>command dashes and leap are all too slow to be useful against anyone who knows what they are doing
>air kunai gives such little advantage that you're fucked once you land, except EX kunai
>basically almost no resets are ever worth it you might as well just end with raita
>any time any of your moves land your pressure is done and you have terrible wakeup against people
>damage is shit in the end

Reminds me a lot of Fang. All these worthless gimmicks that don't amount to anything except a shit damage output.


There are not buttons that are specifically made to be meaty. Being meaty comes down to timing, user. And the only people that put you in a mixup situation on plus buttons up close are grapplers. The wakeup is hardly as bad as the Super series and it's still better than Ultra. The real problem is the fact that zoning is dead in this game so rushdown and aggressive footsies is all that exists.
>b-b-but they're plus and hit more buttons
Fucking V-Reversal it, fag.

so block and then vreversal to end the pressure. what's the problem?

If they went for a meaty normal up close they have time to visually confirm it wasn't vreversaled because of how plus they are.

sfv is just knockdowns into meaties the game
if you dont have a invincible reversal you're fuck

They also have time to get hit by the vreversal.
Nah. If you block the meaty and the possible followup to the plus frames, it resets to neutral. It's up to you to stop them from getting back in your face. If you don't like having to play patient and want to bulldog your way then play someone with an invincible reversal and get CC'd for doing it every wakeup, stupid.

so far, Ibuki is more free than Bison

>the jump back exploit



I HATE linking to this shitty site but here:

Basically you crouch block for a few frames upon waking up and then press up back and grab. It blocks all lows and meaties, techs grabs, and jumps backward if the opponent doesn't immediately do something on your wakeup. It'll probably become the new crouchtech for SFV because of how braindead wakeup is in IV and V.

Too bad if you do that too much most players will adapt and start waiting and getting free anti-air punishes or delayed CCs.

quickrise is annoying since I almost always have to do it. It should be the default and then you hold a button for delay or another button for roll.

how long were knockdowns in sf4? I think it's dumb how people dash like four times after knocking you down

>anti-air punishes


usually if I hit an airborne opponent my combo whiffs and I get punished instead

Not every character can reliably punish it. Besides you can always try to attack them while you're in the air. If you condition them to always look for it, you basically get a pressure free easy mode wakeup like shotos do.

anti air punishes doesnt mean combo
is sfv your first street fighter?

About as long as V.
>b-but when it happened to me
Relativist fallacy. I bait out this shitty tactic one of two ways. Either doing nothing and anti-airing or using a quick move and getting another meaty upon them resetting.
Every character can punish it.
>pressure free easy mode wakeup like shotos do
And you're a retard.

Made a Battle Lounge:
>3 Rounds
>99 Seconds
>First to 2
>Character Select: On
>Pass: 1314

>Comment: "Anyone will do"

Super Silver Ibuki with a connection I'm sure will only fuck up now. Fight me.

it's impossible to react to someone going airborne

jumping only takes 4-5 frames

and some moves look pretty normal but make you airborne

>it's impossible to react to someone going airborne

not when it's random in the middle of your pressure



You do realize that hitting someone out of the air does not instantly snap them to the ground. Them flipping and landing takes enough time to be reacted to, especially when someone's expecting it.

not if you buffered a combo

why would you buffer a combo when you're expecting a jump


you realize phenom won a regional by placing first over 7 japanese people LITERALLY spamming DP on wakeup every time

risking the CC is actually worth it since they're just gonna hit on you anyway so you might as well go for it

Last call to the lobby here: Waiting 5 more minutes then closing if no one shows up.

>buffering combos on a wakeup
Oh wow a player got lucky at a regional. Meanwhile people are eating easy 40-50% combos for taking that risk.
>risking the CC is actually worth it since they're just gonna hit on you anyway so you might as well go for it
t. bronze player
The funny thing is I'm barely a Silver and I know better than to do that shit. I knew better enough to specifically pick a character in this game with a shit wakeup to ween myself from DPs from maining Sagat in 4.

SF4: Don't get knocked down
USF4: Balance
SFV: Don't get knocked down

we're going backwards

>I-I got vortexed capcom pls help

you are precisely who to blame for SFV "bringing in the casuals". You could never defend in the first place so you just blame aggressive characters and now the game is completely busted and anyone that isnt playing a shoto character is paying the price

is this game worth buying if I don't like multiplayer?



>USF4: Balance
Loving every laugh

When will juri dlc be out?

Are you excited for August 31st?

This isn't a joke anymore. I need a source for this image and the ones like it. NOW. This is your final warning.

the game was balanced. Luffy won evo and bonchan was placing high. Meanwhile kazunoko brought the aggressive playstyle and dieminion the defensive charge style. Then there's snakeeyez's slow and patient grappling vs strider's fast aggressive grappling

In V there is literally only shoto players jumping at eachother because no footsies

Yes, genuinely

No fighting game is.

Can someone good at fightin games tell me what a vortex is

It isn't even worth buying if you do like multiplayer

constant jump ins are more because anti airs do awful damage and 8 frames means it's impossible to anti air correctly 100% of the time.

You get 30 damage off most anti airs while you get 300 damage from landing a jump in. There's no reason to not be constantly jumping in

Not good but I know what it means. It's essentially a situation that leads to another similar situation that requires the player caught in that situation to make a guess, usually not in their favor, in order to not be put in another similar situation so on and so forth. Pre-USF4, Akuma could do this off of a sweep and the combo/throw he got off of you not guessing correctly would lead into another hard knockdown which would lead into another guess which if guessed incorrectly would lead to another hard knockdown etc. etc.
Nigga, a properly timed mp DP from Ryu does over 100 dmg.

A series of situations in which one player is forced to make guesses in order to not get put into another situation where they must guess.

and that's why Ryu is considered the best character in the game now by most top players. Nobody else even comes close to the damage he gets. They could gut his damage by 30% and he would still be top 3.

>8 frames
hate this meme desu
usf4 was 5 frames on xbox/ps4
and was 7 on ps3 which was TO standard

harada, snakeeyez, and jwong all say its a joke to use this as an excuse

lol hes a top character because if properly used parries are the most broken thing in the game not because he has a dp

his parries are rarely used right now
he's top because of his damage and tools

What the fuck happened to Ken's face?

>and was 7 on ps3 which was TO standard

the only place it was tournament standard was evo because sony paid for all the ps3s. everywhere else always used xbox which is why the xbox version was the most popular version.

and ps4 had 8 frames of delay at launch which caused a massive shitstorm because capcom wanted to make it the tournament standard but everyone refused. Evo dropped the ps4 version for the xbox version because of the input delay

The thing I hate about this game is that it's like a complex version of rock paper scissors.

But if you don't have an invincible wake up option (Like Ryu, Ken, Necalli and Karin do) then you're basically playing without access to scissors.

If you don't have an invincible wake up option, your character is doomed to mid tier or lower.

you must be in some low division because any decent ryu has autopilot parries for some of the common autopilot tactics of other players

and easily without parries hes just a defensive shoto, with mediocre damage compared to some of the other top characters like chun and nash, bait one dp with any character and punish with a meterless half health cc combo

i'd love to see you on ranked you sound free as fuck

To the strange Guile/Gief combo I just fought in the lounge: Thank you for helping me understand the Ibuki/Guile and Laura/Gief matchups better. Your Gief is really good!

Never believed this joke until I saw some simpleton getting his incorrect 'facts' parroted in a thread a while back. These threads are like shitty gamefaqs-tier elitism shit.

Ryu is considered high on the tier list, please link me evidence of at least 3 notable players agreeing that Ryu is the best character.

I've heard that Chun is the best far more than Ryu.

i dont care about your online warrior shit, i care about Top players and Tournament results. Best ryu in the world (tokido) rarely uses parries. Ryu is not strong exclusively due to parries. It's his overall toolset and damage output.

>tokido wins ceo 2016 on the back of parry punishes over infiltration's nash who historically has beaten him in sfv

you're literally wrong but thats cool i hope you learn to take an L one day because it sounds like you're going to be in that situation a lot

spoken like a true scrub
> LP>MP>LK is safe
>j.MK can, and she has a good cross up game in corner
> is NOT dependent on her v-trigger, is niffty in combos tho
>have you even pressed c.MP and f.HK?
>MK after throw is meaty, you can dash in and MP for a meaty on Bthrow
>yea, but if you hit with the end of the slide its safe, not the beginning.
>after MK>c.HK>HK you can do a Mdash to get into position for a meaty LP/Throw mixup
>hitting the opponent near their feat will make it safe, granted that's easier said than done, but it can be done.
>i have stunned ppl so quickly with her resets is almost embarrassing, git gud
>you can block/EX up kick/v-reversal out, and learn how to frame trap or make stuff safe with kunai
at the very least learn how to play before you shit post

I'm not going to bother arguing with a retard who thinks parry is the only reason ryu is strong.

Sup Forums really shouldn't be allowed to talk about fighting games.

Good stuff. Ive never really fought Ibuki or much of Laura so it was a learning experience for both of us. Watch jumping after Laura's fireball.

I'm not that player but the only think i know how to play with ibuki is is good for footsies is good for aa
kunai is decent for zoning
neutral jump/vskill is for against fireballs
v-reversal any pressure

only combo i know is cc into command grab and lp mp hp command grab

No need for notable players when the results speak for themselves. Not that guy, but here's a list by Shoryuken that's keeping track of character usage at CPT events. Ryu is the second most used character after Chun-li, and has even won more CPT events than Chun-li has.


Is the Sup Forums lobby still up? what's the info for it?

The people that are actually competent post in the waifu and what character you want threads.

Yeah, that caught me off guard good. I've been doing nothing but playing Ibuki since she released. Laura was my main before and it took a match to get back into how she works. Surprised you're only Super Bronze. Pretty sure you could rank higher than me.

you're pretty much still arguing, and still wrong

but like i said its cool just take this and move on w ur life

I guess that's why Infiltration wins with Nash.

Comment is I don't care if I win or lose!
Pass is 1221

Infiltration is an anomaly, he is a really good player. He knows his character very well and can make it work, he'd probably be unbeatable if he went to ryu or chun.

f.HK goes over fireballs and other low to the ground normals, it also crush counters

I randomed her once and thats all i figured out
i dont like her but i figured id share some info

ok, for those that want to play ibuki, please watch this video at least

Ranked was pretty shit. Promptly went on a 16 game winning streak and gave it up for casuals. Seems like much better comp

>this does nothing because most knockdowns give the person enough time to do an immediate heavy to beat jumps
Why would you even jump on your own wake up?

>because heavies weren't even designed with CC in mind the meaty ones for wakeup are also extremely plus on block
Most heavy attacks are used to Crush Counter, that's a straight up lie. And nearly all heavy normals are negative on block, check the frame data.

>none of the characters are in the game are designed with this in mind so you have characters like karin and ken that basically put you in a neverending vortex
That's why invincible reversals exist. Use them if you're constantly getting mixed up on your wake-up.

>ibuki for some reason was designed with this in mind so she is completely gimped including her forward grab putting you in such a shitty position that your opponent has enough time to wake up heavy to CC your forward HK
Stupidest shit I've read so far. Why would you on their wake-up? Upon your opponents quick-rise, they get up in 6f and Ibuki's has a startup of 14f. It won't be active and your opponent can poke you out with one of their light normals. Furthermore, it's impossible for them to Crush Counter you back. Counter hit, perhaps. But not Crush Counter, the startup of their heavy normal won't come out in time.

Sounds like you need to learn to play the game, OP. You're clearly misinformed.

the fuck does mean
does it punish 3f attacks or do i have to wait 3f

Bought sfv at release but only played a bit.Whats been added is it shit?
Worth updating to mess around

Can you buy the unlockable costumes and stages with real money or do you have to waste your time with fight money?

Fair enough. Hate that you can't do character select on Ranked, so I can understand that at least.

You're under the misconception that invincible reversals make characters godly. It gives them a very strong option, but it's a double edged sword. Invincible reversals are CC punishable on block for at 30%-40% of the opponents health.

its not an anomaly, nash is a great character with really good frame data to support a highly varied playstyle

most pros agree hes a very strong character with a lot of favorable matchups

i personally play him at 5000~lp and at that lvl he maybe only has 2-3 bad matchups i can only imagine it gets better at a higher level where people can deal with more shenanigans

It means there's a 3f gap there.

Pretty sure she can c.lp > lp > mp, so even then you're safe and have plenty of time to react.

None of those players are shit compared to infiltration, who's top player in both games

I don't play fighting games but I'm interested in why

Is so bad? Isn't there always a delay in signals like controllers for example?

That's pretty dumb, you can't reliably wait 3f in a match

I can't find the Sup Forums lounge. Is there something specific I have to do to search for it?

It's a meme. Fighting games always have input lag. Mkx had 7frames, xrd has 5 frames. Sf4 had 5-7 depending on console

Anyone who thinks 8f is the reason they lost is an idiot

Is it full? I don't see it

Just filter your search for lobbies with a password. Comment is on the left side.

I'll make a new one.

Comment is I don't care if I win or lose.

Pass is 1221.

It effects literally nobody on Sup Forums and only matters at the highest level of play.

What? You misunderstand.

The frame data on the normals listed innately have a 3f gap between them.

st.LP is +2 on block and st.MP starts up in 5f. If the opponent blocks the st.LP and sticks out a 3f normal, Ibuki's st.MP will beat it.

Shut the fuck up capcucks