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Those are still reviews for the original game, just a different description
>Feb 10, 2015


Recent is still garbage though

>games take 2 hours to start
>have to grind forever to unlock stuff
>games are kind of boring

How the fuck do you start as a Monster? I spawn in, then 10 seconds later the Hunters drop in before I can even get out of Line of Sight. I spend most of my time domed because I can't get away.

That's from the past 30 days and the game has been free for 2 days.

Depends on the monster. This trick worked for me when the game was new but... As Goliath, start full speed running in one direction for 5 seconds, then leap as far as you can in the opposite direction and start sneaking and never stop sneaking. The tracks will look like you tromped off in one direction, then started sneaking in that same direction. That should buy you a good 1-2 min of undisturbed feeding.

By the time I do that the Hunters are landing directly on top of me.

I can't help you then, I have like a 95% win rate as monster and most times I'm not caught before stage 2. This strat has worked for me tons of times.

Game actually went up from 53% to 60% just today. Releasing a giant turd and then renaming it on the same Steam appid doesn't do the relaunch any favors

Can somone sxplain.

Is Evole Stage 2

just Evolve 1 going into Free to Play mode because its a shit failed game.

pretty much yeah
its like tf2 where it goes f2p but also has a big balance update
still bad though

Tracking has changed significantly, especially for early game. Best chance is to run away as far as you can for the first thirty seconds, wait to get pinged by the radar, and then begin to sneak around behind survivors. Get a few bites, get pinged again, repeat.

If you do get domed, start taking down the medic or the support. Every time a hunter is downed, the dome loses about two minutes of it's active time. Sometimes hunters are really retarded and give you an easy way to dance around a giant pillar, or give you a highground that you can smash them off of. Use that to your advantage.

Kind of sucks not being able to sneak the entire game, but I'm not going to lie: that boring shit was why 90% of the people to tried the beta just went "nope".

>original owners of the game lost all progress, perks, unlocked skins, etc
>get like 1 hours gameplay worth of exp (made useless by the massively inflated cost of perks with the new F2P model) to compensate
Wow thank god I dodged that bullet
Feel bad for all the suckers though, not even going to play the F2P version because of it

Yeah I dont think installing it would even be worth the time desu

They overhauled a lot of the hunter skill designs, possibly removed some modes, and finally fixed the broken ass monsters (Wraith just has a new cheese though, good job TRS). I'm kind of surprised they managed to remove over 20GB from the filesize, but that was probably from the dozens of retardedly oversized tutorial and campaign videos.

They had to go free to play because it was honestly built from the very beginning as one. 2K was greedy as fuck and left a $60 price tag on it.

>original owners of the game lost all progress, perks, unlocked skins, etc
I started with a shit ton of skins and perks. Where those just given to founders? What didn't we get?

>They had to go free to play because it was honestly built from the very beginning as one. 2K was greedy as fuck and left a $60 price tag on it.

makes sense

Say you had unlocked every perk and every elite skin for all the characters
All gone

>Founders get 3000 IGC
How thoughtful, I can upgrade a perk once now!

It has about 15% of its total reviews since February of last year in the last 30 days. People don't just randomly start shit talking a game over a year later en masse

Worked for planetary annihlation

i dont even understand how theres been shill threads for this game
its a dead game thats desperate who thought F2P would save it

I have 9500 credits and I don't know what to buy

Went from 55 people playing to 20,000. I'd say it's at least back in the ICU.

It won't even let me rebind my keys, uninstalled this garbage.

That's a lie

well if it lasts good for it i suppose
as long as they fixed the god awful balance
i know the monsters should be op and all but if they can kill off a team in stage 1 then somethings wrong

Is it going to be like battleborn or be more alive?

>he thought the monster was OP
The game was being dominated by organized hunter teams senpai

I'm sorry, it was a lie. When I clicked on an option to rebind my key, it rebinds it to M2, I have to click M2 and the key I want at the same time to get it set. If I can't even rebind my keys properly, that's not a good sign, fuck that.

Is battleborn free yet?

>can't choose to queue as a hunter or a monster
even an indie game was able to get this right, waiting through this long fucking game start time only to have the monster give up as soon as the game starts is shit

Man, either I suck ass at the game, or there's a serious learning curve to it. It seems like the monsters are more than adept at jumping back and forth as if it's fucking Batman, but when I'm the monster, they are able to literally run circles around me.

guess i stopped playing before that happened
i never lost as monster and we only won as hunters when the monster sucked at his job

It sounds like your mouse has a double click problem. Try it with a cheapo mouse that comes with every computer, you probably have one somewhere, and see if it happens then. If it does then must be a bug since it doesn't happen to everyone

This. I rebound without the issues describes.

All dependent on how shitty the hunter team is/how shitty the hunter lineup is, versus how shitty the monster is. Being able to get dominated by the monster in the first five minutes is mostly possible because hunters overestimate their chances against an aggressive and accurate Stage 1 monster.

Also, people tend to dome in a cave with blind spots and free food. You basically throw the game away if one of you doesn't decide to pack up the dome immediately and force them outside.

That's too much effort for what is assuredly a shitty game. I just wanted to play one round to see how bad it was, but I got my fill in the options menu.

The Overshills and co are desperate to kill the king. They can't the game is the hit.

You must not use computers a lot if you uninstall any software the first time you run into a bug. I'm going to assume you are just trolling otherwise you would probably still be using XP

Battle... born?
What's that

>friend bought me game on release
>community crashed hard after first week
>burned to death one month after that
>almost considered some DLC but avoided it
>game is now F2P and I can unlock just about every character within about ten games
Feels good buying a gorgon for 5000 funbux instead of $15.

>tfw you wipe an entire group of hunters at stage 1 because they decide to trickle into your trap one after the other

feels fucking good man this bitch is too fun