Whats the first game you will show your kid when you have one?
Whats the first game you will show your kid when you have one?
I won't let them play video games.
Good man.
video games are the devil
>bringing more humans into this overpopulated and awful world
Why is there a tie just fucking hanging there on the wall?
Is that supposed to be a decoration? Because I highly doubt that guy wear a tie to whatever his job is and it's not like it's in a place where you would just grab it and quickly put it on.
its only overpopulated because cucks like you force everyone else to subsidize the ridiculously high fertility of africa and other shit holes
The world is becoming worse and worse.
Its a more degenerate place than ever to raise a child. Why risk it.
I'm never gonna have kids
>implying I'll have kids
Pretty much this.
>edgy Bill Hicks fans still exist.
My penis if it's a daughter
My dick if it's a boy
The only right answer. You will be a good parent, user.
This guy gets it!
ive seriously considered this and i think itll just ve my super nintendo collection or no games at all or if they really want them ill only buy them in japanese so they can 勉強する
I'd be letting him play with old ps1 games and slowly progress on to the present. I'd never let him have the most recent consoles and he'd have a PC that is a generation or two outdated in hardware in order for him to learn humility and perhaps more importantly so that he'd not participate in the mass marketed gaming and recommended shit from his casual friends. I might let him play horseshit like Skyrim but only after making him play better games in the same genre like Gothic or Witcher, so he wouldn't be spoiled by first impressions from a bad game.
oh Sup Forums
Super Mario World, probably.
I have my old 2DS with a copy of Link's Awakening on it for my nephew when he turns four.
First video game I ever got/played was a blue GB Pocket bundled with LA at that age. Had no idea what it was, or how to play it. My cousin showed me the basics... fond memories.
I'm not a virgin, but I'm probably going to be a faux-wizard at this point.
Oh /Ryan/
How I started.
>pinball on PC and a GBA
>tfw too depressed of an individual to maintain a romantic relationship
>parents have accepted that I'll never marry or have kids but homophobic dad is okay since I've had gfs in past
>know I'm too messed up to properly raise kids or be there 24/7 like a good parent
>don't like people to see me at my usual worst so I rarely go out and stopped getting close to anyone outside of good friends
>just show up when I feel good
>just try to be a bro to my niece and nephew
I let them borrow my SNES and Genesis. Niece plays SNES and nephew likes the Genesis and we played Contra Hard Corps when I visited for the 4th.
I really don't feel the need to have kids but I do feel the need to maybe pass down some knowledge and maybe make the world better. I know my brain is just messed up due to my depression but I know that in some small ways I can at least affect those around me in a positive way.
epig blog post m8.
an epic blog post for an epic blog thread
you're the only one blogging here m8.
Honestly considering this a lot lately with a child on the way
Do you think I could have achieved more if I didnt spend so much time playing video games through university, Sup Forums?
Is it my job to save them from my mistakes, or to teach them how to minimize the damage of their own?
just make sure that they don't get addicted to it.
How do I do that?
My parents tried and I'm still up until 2AM on Sup Forums while playing on my 3DS while my wife has been in bed for hours.
What is the CURE to this curse?
You sound like me several years ago.
The whole "not wanting to be around people when you don't feel 100%" never went away, but the depression has been replaced with a burning desire to do whatever the fuck I enjoy in my free time.
Start running/exercising, accept you're going to suck at shit when you're new, laugh about it. It's not that big of a deal. Smoke a joint and watch some Bill Hicks stand up. Or don't, just remember there's only ever going to be one of you, so you might as well enjoy your own company.
>while my wife has been in bed for hours.
who with
go to bed and sleep motherfucker.
The dope game
me nigga
I breathed more air out of my nose than usual. Good one user. probably my cat
I will soon. Not sure whats keeping me up. Maybe the strange hope of getting that little endorphin rush from a (you). Maybe the fear of having to wake up to another day in this life without really accomplishing anything befitting my potential.
>implying I'll ever have kids
Have to be willing to find someone to have sex with me first. Even I don't want to have sex with me. I have to roofie myself just to masturbate.
>xbox achievement
>Nintendo game below
This would be really awkward if they lost the baby.
>Fat chicks with black hair get tattoos of me!
>This would be really awkward if they lost the baby.
This is why I'm not announcing that shit until my wifes visibly fucking pregnant. Otherwise I feel like its just bad karma or something. Miscarriages arent all that uncommon.
pokemon go so they can good a good taste for the nu-industry
he probably cant tie it on his own so he had someone older tie it once and he refuses to undo it
>you a gamer, dude? me and my girlfriend, we're a gamer couple
That kid is fucked
Your child will demand an iPad and then pester you for IAPs. I've seen it happen to "gamer" friends who've had kids. Even if they do want to play on PC or console, if it's not Minecraft it's some other YT nonsense craze. Kids are obsessed with Let's Plays and at school their friends will pressure them to watch some nonce playing Five Nights at Freddys 6 or whatever.
Application.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Yeah and when the kid bitches the mom bitches and UR mom bitches for the kid and the mom bitching
everyone around u bitch when u have a kid and shit really dont become about ur own decisions anymore
Postal 2
they clearly only use gaming as a flavour hobby, like tattoos, pin up fashion and shitty hair cuts. and rockabilly shows.
man i love all those things
I'd never let my kid play games, I'd go outside with him and play sports or something.
I know what games did to me and I'd never wish this life on another.
Even the popes played it.
yeah because if u teach the kid sports early on at least he has a shot at being a multi millionaire player
u want to instill this money system in the kid's head early on so that he knows he has limited time to develop the skills to live like a king and not like a peasant
I was thinking of games as I loaded into the thread and yeah, this looks like the best answer, go outside and play sports with him or give him toy cars to play with.
Playing videos games in my youth has fucked me pretty bad.
Am I being texted by a 12 year old girl right now?
wats wrong with writing u instead of you u piece of shit
> being a dirty cathcuck
Read the rules before posting.
either duck duck goose or heads up 7-up
Don't ever comment on my post again.
i fucked ur mum before posting
What's up with these self-righteous post entitlement shit today?
>Sup Forumsirgins having kids
Mega Man 3
yeah they need to have sex before having kids
no, that's you, this is me
we don't need anymore meme spouting faggots that's for sure.
>implying my kid will even be interested in video games
Even children today don't like video games. If you ask a child what their favorite video game is today they'll name off some app that you haven't heard of.
That being said, I'd try to make them play the first game I played(Super Mario Bros). After which I'll use them as my halo 2 1v1 training dummy for the rest of my life, also Melee.
i concur
yakuza 2
I can't have kids but I have brothers 14 years younger than me so I showed them croc and a bunch of ps1 games they seemed to enjoy.
And dota 2, the eldest brother loves that now, but he doesnt play online, just bots.
First post best post.
y cant u hav kids? narow urethra?
im a faggot and I still dont know how i feel about a kid having 2 dads, i feel like thats intentionally bringing a kid into a shitty situation where it'd be bullied all the time.
do u hav a hubbi
My children shall only play the good stuff.
no, so it's not really important now, thats just how i feel at the moment, maybe when im older ill have a different opinion.
I have quads.
So obviously we will set up a Dota 2 team and get competitive.
1% the amount we win at tourneys will be their allowance.
your job is to NOT turn your child into a nervous wreck by worrying over and trying to control every aspect of your child's life
Probably won't have children because my fiance doesn't like children and autism runs in both of our immediate families.
That said if I did, I'd probably have them play the first two games I played: Altered Beast and Super Mario Bros.
>Maybe the fear of having to wake up to another day in this life without really accomplishing anything befitting my potential.
This is my life. Too had I'm stuck working fast food with no goals or ambitions.
On topic, I'd probably start with SNES/Genesis/TG and work my way toward the present.