My desk is too high and my chair is too low to play fps games properly

My desk is too high and my chair is too low to play fps games properly.

what do

i want link to sit on my face haha what do you think his butthole smell like

post more link

sit on a box

Put a cushion on your chair, fuckboy.

Keep posting till the qts show up so I can attempt to woo them.

sit on a pillow or 2

Sit on your desk

Raise chair or lower desk. Dummy.

Buy a controller

I'm a manlet and I've never had this problem son.

>Went to GameStop today to buy Gear VR
>See qt 3.14 guy with fag attire
>Had to have been gay, even had one of those anime hats on, the kind thats like a hoodie kinda
>I wanted to talk to him but I'm too beta
He was such a qt too, fuck

now my feet aren't even touching the ground

I'm only 5'9" ffs

I have this problem too

stupid desks are too tall

and my chair is as high as it goes. If it goes higher then I cannot fit under the desk

upper arms should be shorter

Senpai I'm 5'5" and I never have that problem.
Is it your posture or something.

I put my feet on a box

Cut the legs of your desk

nigga what wrong with you?

i sit in an arm chair so I have this problem.

just put the keyboard in your lap and put a book on your knee/arm rest or something to mouse around on.

what kinda box

do u hav a vagina

the box to my keyboard

>Had to have been gay, even had one of those anime hats on, the kind thats like a hoodie kinda

pls post a picture
you took a picture, right

get a standing/tred desk you fat fuck.

Git gud