What am I in for?

What am I in for?

a boring lifeless MMO

>No endgame
>Gear Treadmill
>Worse story than TORtanic
>Story rips off Skyrim with its "KILL TEH EVUL DRAGUNZ!" shit
>The entire game has you killing the bad guys as a moralfaggot, without an option to join them
>No likeable NPCs anywhere
>Choices in personal story doesn't matter
>Technology level is retarded across the entire board, one race has borderline sci-fi technology vs generic medieval humans and steampunk cats
>Zero roleplaying elements, your character does all the talking for you automatically
>Shit writing
>destroyed servers based on clients' language in favor of a messy, incoherent piece of shit megaserver system that doesn't work
>Sylvari is a cookie cutter mary sue race
>No dedicated tank or healer
>Killed CoH
>Arenanet bans whoever they please
>Arenanet consists of dA tumblr SJW writers, jews, communists AND nazis somehow
>Published by NCSoft
>Is designed for and by weeaboos and children
>No mounts

Easily the worst MMO ever


Boring shit after you hit 80

>Story rips off Skyrim with its "KILL TEH EVUL DRAGUNZ!" shit
Yeah the game is shit, but fuck you are retarded

The same game from about 20 onward or so.

Leveling to max is probably the best part of the game and it's free. Entire endgame/ANet income is based on cosmetics, no one would play this game if it looked shitty.

GW2 skill system - shit
combo fields - shit
dodge button - shit
movement - floaty shit
skill progression - shit
story - shit
gear system - shit
wvw - time zone based pointless shit
party play and cooperation - shit
dungeons - pure shit because of above
community interaction - nonexistent

GW2 when announced
>no more kill 10 rat quests!
>personal story
>no more gear treadmill
>you'll have to take on all dem elder dragons!
>regular content updates
>big amazing world

GW2 at release
>Kill 10 rat quests only
>Personal story is awful and then handed off to some sylvari fag
>gear treadmill
>you only ever see one. All the others are just busy jerking off i guess
>content updates are temporary. No plans for Cantha or Elona expansion.

The worst was, "Change weapon to change role in real time." but launched with all DPS builds.

That would have made PvP and PvE so much fun.

I remember playing the first month after release, most of the city banter was made of "Oh wow this is so much better than WoW, oh please Arenanet jizz all over my face more", literally their only proof that GW2 was great is that it was better than WoW.
Dungeons sucks ? Still better than WoW LOL
It's bug ridden and unworthy of even a beta ? You'd rather play WoW LOLOLOL
WvW is unbalanced and a zergfest ? Why don't you go back to WoW wwwwww
Seriously it was fucking creepy, I have seen Biodrones more reasonable.

>"the whole world is endgame!"
>leveled zones

why they did this I'll never know. It worked well in GW1 because you leveled to 20 really quick and the majority of the map was level 20.

>High level areas are dead with the exception of Orr
>Personal story ends around 30 and becomes a generic 'slay the big bad dragon' plot for 12 year olds to enjoy
>the personal story completely becomes that one Sylvari faggots story pretty much, you just kind of tag along and do his bitchwork
>Gear Treadmill with ascended gear
>Dungeons require the thinking capacity of a monkey to avoid red circles and spam all your cooldown buttons
>sPvP has one mode
>WvWvW is a retarded zergfest with no viable way to counter other than having a bigger zerg
>Crafting is worthless from a profit standpoint of view since EVERYONE can gather mats and sell them at the market's absolute lowest prices
>No way to save builds/gear templates like the first GW
>Respeccing costs money, didn't in GW1
>Races are only for cosmetics since the racials cannot be used in sPvP and are terrible compared to the profession counterparts anyway
>If sub based, the game would have already gone free to pl

The only reason I haven't deleted this pile of shit from SSD long ago is to log in once a week and fap to my female thief.

I played from the beta all the way until the third part of F&F. Quit just before my birthday. What happened in November left a bad taste in my mouth.

I still have my Collector's Edition box on my desk right above me.

Also have an old general pic.

>tfw you were hyped for years for this shit
>tfw you upgraded your PC for this shit
>tfw you preordered this shit
fuck Arenanet.
fuck NCSoft
and fuck you, OP.


how dead is the first guild wars?

Reminder, we could have this instead.

>No one has posted the SJW information yet
I'm surprised

Honestly, if you take your time and don't try to rush to 80 you're in for a great experience, there are many nice little details spread around the world that really make you see how much the developers loved their game and their universe, sadly once you hit 80 it becomes a boring grind to get some new useless aesthetic stuff.

Still worth it IMO

Shitty, clunky, simplistic combat
WvWvW is doorwar zergfest
Community is full of brony faggots who are completely delusional
Downed mechanic in PvP
Spam-based combat
Skills based on weapons
Dodge button is buggy and boring
No tanks, just a clusterfuck of DPS classes
PvE is full of boring kill x quests
World not persistent due to overflow channels and instances
Themepark fast travel anywhere
One skill bar
Ugly, non-customizable, casual UI
No world PvP
No endgame progression
Terrible auction house
Lame story
Laughable voice acting
Runs like shit on modern rigs - No optimization
Cash shop advantages


>Try GW2
>The entire leveling experience is escort this, turn-in this, kill 20 of these


They put that right image in the game though
Or at least I think they did

A waste of money

Trash, SJW pandering story and heavy content droughts. I enjoyed the combat though.

Still I was so hyped to play Chronomancer, especially since I found the concept of time fuckery very fascinating back then.

>SJW pandering story
please elaborate

Is it just me or does it feel like playing one of those single player games that tries to play like an mmo?

>get hyped for expansion
>its unfinished garbage

The current "main group" of NPCs includes the following:
- Lesbian couple
- Cripple
- Guy with family issues

NPC in one of the main cities was turned into a tranny.

These are just off the top of my head, pretty sure there is more lgbt shit mentioned by other NPCs.

They put Chronomancer in the game too

how did you enjoy combat? being locked to 5 weapon skills really turned me off.

the combat was so simple that they level locked a bunch of your slots until you got to like level 30 so you had something to look forward to but that just made me feel annoyed i had to play through all that shit to get to full potential


Sup Forums is shit

not in gw though

they did not, they gave mesmer a shield and called it a chronomancer, then they nerfed the one thing that made it unique and worth playing.

>Lesbian couple
there was a time when Sup Forums considered this a good thing.
Oh how times have changed.

They did not

They put the name Chronomancer in the game

Sup Forums and neo-Sup Forumsermin obsessed with THEM aren't Sup Forums.
/u/ is love.

I enjoyed it for its simplicity, I'm not a fan of other MMOs where you have 40 different skills in a rotation.

Boring ass shit that might as well be called Dragon Age Inquisition themepark edition. I got to around level 20 and I just couldn't take it anymore. What a waste of fucking money.

>3 years post launch
>an expansion released
>Fractals is still the only endgame

Dude what the fuck

The Sylvari are a race of asexual plants that choose gender roles and they're all same sex gender relations. In the Sylvari beginning story the only hetero Sylvari in the story becomes an antagonist for killing a guys boyfriend. Season 1 of the Living World ended with a new founded lesbian relationship and interratial couples. I can think of maybe 3 blatant heterosexual characters on hand, the game really shoves homosexuality in your face.

I respect that. I think it was the static skillset you got with each weapon that turned me off. 5 slots wouldn't have bothered me if I had some options as to what went into each slot, like with healing/utility but with more impact. It's like they were scared of giving players too much choice.

Why do Sylvari have gender if they don't even reproduce sexually?

Bad writing

Because writing a whole asexual species is a hard task without incorporating the dichotomy we know.

This is the same game where Humans help out the Charr when their hometown was a major Human city from the first game. They regularly kill the humans ancestral ghosts on a daily basis every day.

Just like male and female robots.

There's plenty of endgame, just not enough to warrant grinding endlessly for years.

>No one has posted the SJW compliation after the thread has been active almost an hour

Holy shit, this must be some kinda record

Crafting and killing your boss trains isn't particularly endgame. The only form of endgame is honestly Fractals which only got like what? 3 new Fractals over the course of 3 years?

Like I said, male/female is ingrained in us.
That's why even most sci-fi with proto-blobs still have gender.

Try to picture a completely genderless figure right now. It's pretty hard and your mind will eventually teeter one way or the other.

It's hard to go beyond what we know and picture a completely unknown way. But I think a lot of female-bots are written/thought up out of loneliness.

>>Kill 10 rat quests only

Sure it did have the generic MMO quest bullshit but it did a good job streamlining the process. The fact that you don't have to talk to anyone to receive or turn in quests was great. Also every quest had multiple objectives so you could at least pick weeds while you killed rats.

It's fun when you're starting out or maybe if you're new to MMOs but it gets extremely boring end-game.

There's literally nothing meaningful to do. The entire open world end-game can be summed up as "collect stuff!!1" and grinding for gold that you don't even need. Because around 110 gold covers all your near min-maxed gear that is close to top-tier. That you can just buy on the trading post for minimal effort.

It's a fun experience if you're doing your first or second character, but once you get to lvl 80 then do a bit of HoT content then it just dies in the water, same old events and grinding.

If you do want to grind then the only things you're essentially grinding for are hilariously overpriced skins and "Legendary" or "Ascended" gear with slightly better stats. Pretty sure the legendary weapons only offer a tiny amount of extra damage.

I haven't played in a year so correct me if I'm wrong.

Is it at 12 fractals now? Plus 8 dungeons with 4 paths each? They still doing living story? WvW and PvP I consider endgame.

There's lots to do, it's just not going to be the one game you grind for 5 hours every night for 6 months straight. I'd say there's plenty of content for at least 200 hours, and that's just one character.

>Fashion Wars 2
a non-addicting MMO that's fun because of the lack of endgame content.

world bosses every 15 minutes

jumping puzzles in every zone

i mean, it's not bad but it's still worth it if you want to play an MMO for a little while.

>he cares about playing as a moral fag
>his character needs to be dark and edgy so he can enjoy the game

agree with everything else tho

dungeons are dead, the devs went on record saying they were basically a mistake and they wouldn't be supporting them or similar content ever again. they patched the only necessary dungeon from the personal story into a soloable instance. they're still there but nobody runs them because its easier to get skins from pvp reward tracks and they won't put any new ones in or fix the existing bugs (many of which have been there since day 1 i might add) some of which can only be fixed by restarting the dungeon and praying it doesn't happen again

dungeons were a mess and they just threw up their hands and said "i dunno" and abandoned that part of the game. disgraceful.

>5 hours every night

For the average MMO player, that's about it if they actually want to keep playing the game. Any MMO worth a shit would have a bunch.of autists playing at least 18 hours a day.

the problem I have with this game I couldnt get over even after years is the inability to freely swap stats, runes and sigils on high end equipment. Also content may be ok for korean-grind fans but for people who login once or twice in a week there is nothing relevant to do considering the amount of grind it takes to get anything useful (god forbid they ever add consistent good loot).

I ran out of materials and money after building my second legendary but now I just cba playing because there is nothing "new" to do.

Thankfully me and my friends are not autists. We had a blast playing casually a couple times a week for a couple years. But I can definitely understand it getting old if you are just grinding endgame constantly

Go look up the Blane the Insane hero point, this is basically the dialogue

>You probably believe the lies the other lodges tell you about the Sons of Svanir. You couldn't handle the truth.
Player >I can handle plenty. I'm listening.
>It takes a strong mind, heart, and body to follow Dragon. That's what we do. Females and many males are too soft for it, too...tender.
Player >You don't like females?
We don't like anyone who's weak. Our time is coming. Our power is rising. Only those who can fly with Dragon are worthy of our attention.
Player >But females are strong.
>Even if they were, and I've seen no sign of it, we can't trust them. It was a female named Jora who killed Svanir, our martyr.
Player >Sounds like Jora did your cult a number. My turn!

Thoughts? It just seems so out of place

Very much.You need heroes if you want to go for PvE and PvP is fucked because there are these dummies who just operate a few accounts so they can get dumb title points and ArenaNet ain't doing jack shit.It gets relatively popular at festival times though.