Was this the cringiest thing we've done?

Was this the cringiest thing we've done?

Other urls found in this thread:


that was pretty cool desu senpai



Nah, it was pretty embarrassing.

The yearly Sup Forums musicals and Sup Forums sings are pretty cringeworthy.


autists being internet crusaders for muh ethics and getting completely BTFO by betas, women, and literal fags.

This and Tortanic
Basically Sup Forums killed itself these two times

it was embarassing indeed
but hey Hulkster did their job for them

C'mon man, that was cool back in the days.
It's like how 90's fashion dogshit nowadays but it was the pinnacle of fashion back then.

helloo redditors

Those shitty Sup Forums game awards that were around for a year or two, I don't remember.

>site still up


Wasn't Tortanic the reason why /biz/ was created?

Was anybody around on April's Fools?

Kotaku is probably sucking somebody else's dick but their former overlods are deep in the red

>implying any content creators are left
enjoy your repetitive shit threads

t. goober

the 2007-2010 tripfag floods


You think the mods diabled Anthony Burch as a possible option to get?

>furries/mlp/undertale fans/etc shit do something cringey

>muh sekret club does something cringey

I once wrote sonic fan fiction. Nothing will ever be as cringy as that.

t. doo doo poo poo head

The nonstop katawa shoujo threads.

Thank god for /vg/

Winter ball.

I hated you faggot so much during that.

>helloo redditors
hello 9gag

Tortanic was fine when it happened, it was trying to make every single game to come out after that another Tortanic what was fucking horrible, plus the weird delusions people got that Sup Forums actually somehow caused the game to fail when they were just watching from the sidelines and laughing.

Remember when Sup Forums actually accepted tripfags?

>Donkey Kong is based xD
>Toady the BRo is the best tripfag right now!

Fuck I hated this board during that time.

Sup Forums is docile now, and look what happened. Every board uses it as it's shitting post.

Sup Forums the musical was one of the cringiest things I've ever seen.

The best tripfag of all times was LucariBRo

God that was such an awful fucking day I hate you all

We still do accept tripfags, Boco and Ecchi Sniper

>new Sup Forums observing old Sup Forums

Just let this place sink into the ocean already


literally fucking who


When the bulk of OC shifted from actual creative vidya related images to trolling through random retards' twitter feeds, facebook posts, forums, etc to find, screencap, and post some rando's stupid opinions

Fuck you that shit was amazing.

R E D Sniper is not as a accepted as much as he just showed up one day and almost a decade later and counting he is still here

Agreed. Newfaggotry is the root cause of the decline in overall website quality.

Letting normalshits in here. Fucking up the place with casual gaming shit.

They would have to be sadistic assholes to do that.

It wouldn't surprise me.

Boco is tolerable but REDS hardly ever reliably delivers ecci snipes.
Also he shits up halo threads which in a sense isn't so bad because lol /vee/ hates halo xd


Roll call, faggots.

When did you come here?

Why are you still here?

OC is shit and should be actively discouraged as all it does is invite redditors and other undesirables here




Reddit was in charge of goobergate you blind newfag. Had a dedicated board for it and everything and was featured on pretendchan for every thread regarding that meme movement.

fuck me

Nah, there are many reasons why Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums.
A lot of edgy kids go to Sup Forums because they still think it's "le deep web site with hackers and shit" and they lurk Sup Forums because video games are probably the most "low-hanging fruit" hobby there is.
You have no idea how many people I met in the last year of College that browse this site and have Pepe the Frog set as their profile pic on Facebook at the same time. They're also the same kind of normies who hang with blue-haired bitches and watch Dragon Ball Z religiously.

Newfag (2009) here.

>why are you still here
What the fuck else am I supposed to do? I can't stand reddit.

That fucking ms paint Naruto head band tripfag.

Stuck here forever. I hate it. I wish I could find a smaller imageboard with people around my age.

Spoken like a true retarded newfriend

It had nice animation and the music is memorable.

That's one way to drop the bass.

If you were around back in the day, you could appreciate the community coming across in this animation

Instead you're insecure chumps wrapped up in so many layers of irony that you'll never enjoy anything


You fuckers did it, I nearly embarassed myself during the Dina fiasco by mentioning to people who didn't give 2 shits about the game years ago and yet you guys kept pulling that shit every 2 weeks all over the goddamn place, I actually appreciated the effort for GG, problem is that you guys did the equivalent of making CWC draw SheCameForCWC.jpeg or stick his medallion up his ass in which neither sides learned anything nor did they accomplished anything

For once I'm glad to be the person that is always out of the loop because I'm too lazy to keep up with anything

2007 or maybe early 08.
I remember hearing about Sup Forums from a friend in middle school. Sup Forums was doing the whole vuvuzuela thing and shit like roody-poo and candy ass were the word filters.
>tfw been browsing this place for almost 10 years
Tuck me in, let me die

I just want to talk about fun videogames and bitch about bad ones.

Quality retort

Death for Sup Forums in general, Cesspool for Sup Forums

joined reddit 2012[\spoiler]
came here 2014[\spoiler]


Lurk for at least two years before posting.

>when I grow up, I want to spend 6+ hours a day posting on a shitty imageboard

ITT: newfags try to make old Sup Forums seem cringey to other newfags
Normies. Ree.

>been here so long that I don't even remember when I came here
>Sup Forums is so ingrained into my life I'll browse it on my phone in the office and in public


Cancer reporting in

I have nowhere else to go in the internet that's interesting, also I've gotten a lot of support I wager it's better than tumblritas or DA autists


I thought i was such hot shit in HS for being on the "scary" part of the internet

I'm just a big of a fag as anyone here, probs worse

Ouch, I didn't need this user.

Widespread irony was a mistake, it led to mass irony poisoning across the Internet.

I visited here occasionally in 2006/7
Stayed here when The Flood got nuked

>if I dont get the reference to it, it threatens to out me as new so its cringey to me

I actually don't care what bronies do either as long as they keep it off of Sup Forums. You can have as much gay con sex as you want. As long as I don't see it, be happy doing whatever.

I miss you Richard C

I miss all of the unmoderated OC before everybody was too self-aware to be funny, I want to go back

Irony is going to influence global politics in a couple of months. Burn it all down

I mean, we've all been there. bad fan fiction is like a part for growing up,
Do you have the link and or a copy?

at least there was Bill Wilson

>trying to go to sleep
>think of an original shitposting idea
>get up and post it
>at work
>find some article that would make a quality shitshow of a thread
>post it and fan the flames instead of working

Shut this site down already.

Sup Forums is too self-aware nowadays, everything gets overanalyzed so 'fun' becomes 'cringe'. Lighten up.

REDS is a filthy beta boy who cried to pretendchan after he got banned. He doesnt even post ecchi anymore.

05/06 something. and still here because you fags can talk about anything without some artificial name or point system

2008 Newfag here. That's when I'd say I actually started regularly coming here.

>OC is shit and should be actively discouraged

LOL oh my god nigger

That nintendo thank you card
and the nintendo fuck you card
Can someone post them?


I regret many things.

This, I had to leave this board for half a year before it was bearable again
fuck you tortanic was great

Lurk two years before posting.

Lurked in 2004 but posted in 2005 because lurking a year is mandatory. Only had 1 good year before the hacker Sup Forums forgot rules 1 and 2 and brought all these filthy crossposting niggers in here.


> too self-aware to be funny

More like not self-aware any longer. It's hipster city here man, just vapid cunts being boring and shitting on people loads.

Getting Antonio Burch was better.

haha totally dude, so cringy, going to post this to reddit

They'd gladly agree that SJWs are retarded,

but Gamergate also brought in a ton of off-siters who stuck around. Also, autists didn't keep it to one thread.

Gamergate was almost entirely Reddit tourism, you idiot. There were floods of people who clearly didn't know posting etiquette or how the site worked. There were people making posts about a "Reddit Sup Forums allegiance brought together by a common enemy! XD".

Some of these Reddit users, like you, decided to stick around, and that's why this board is even more fucked than it already was.

>myspace gaining popularity
>me: pfft, people want to be anonymous online and not have real life carried onto the internet and have their stupid comments and actions tied to their real name

Boy, I called that wrong.

>Spent your teens on the internet.
And looking back, I would've did it again.

2006, the year I graduated HS. Friend showed me this site and I was interested by the idea of anonymous posting and the content generated by the users.

Dunno why I still visit though. Lots of boards have gone to complete shit and nobody lurks anymore and just posts right off the bat, usually shitposts and ironic memes.