First Every Daily Black Desert Online Thread

First Every Daily Black Desert Online Thread

What server do you guys play in? Orwen for me.

Todays questions

>what life skills are you currently shilling?
>whats your GS/class and are you in a top 10 guild?
>have you let open your inner japanese self, and decided to go full whale hunter?

How has valencia been treatin you guys? Ive been ignoring it because whale, except for afk gathering there.

No one?

Lol at ur p2w game

Only in korea. NA cash shop has few benefits outside of cosmetic.

2)Gathering like a madman
3)Warrior, 394, in one of the top 3 guilds.
4)fuck whales.
5) I hate Valencia just because I miss every fucking boss.

>top 3 guilds

I can tell already youre going to say flex, arent you?

Nope, fuck Flex.

Veritas or dommestici? Revy?

Oh wait dommestici is 4th now, right? So veritas/legatum then

Lol, I'll never tell friendo. I thought Domestici was dead?


I was told by someone named "casual" to join dommestici for boss times since she wouldnt give me any, and she was pretty cool

Vg is dead

Word, yea Veritas/Legatum/Domestici are pretty chill despite the Foe/Flex propaganda

Anyways. Im. ~250 GS but ill be at 300 once my armour is up again (de enched alot as i went red). After that, how should i progress? Ive always been poor, so my earrings are pri blue coral rn, and my ring is pri MoS and pri Blue coral ring. Using a +15 yuria of the blue flame and +15 jubre in full agerian for cast speed. I got a few shards, what should i focus on? I think levelling may be best, but im in a pvp guild and dont want to be trash (we're ranked 35-38, as a hint.)

>video games on my Sup Forums?

When people say gear score does that just mean AP+DP?

Yeah. The higher it is, the stronger you can perform basically, so some guilds have GS requirements. What makes me mad though is some shitty, rank 272t1639338q61 guild having a GS requirement, even if its low, because it's more of, why would they join your guild if they have a high GS, ans can join ones that would almost certainly be better and higher ranked?

Just my personal pet peeve

>First Every Daily Black Desert Online Thread

take it to /vg/

>take it to the dead board no one gives two shits about

id rather not, user,

>Daily Black Desert Online Thread

You ought to shoot for 56, I'm still 55 atm, I just dont have the time to exp grind. So once you're 55-56 get all your gear to +15 and ult. Once there get it all to at least Duo, but you'd really want it all to be at Tri which will take a good bit of time. After that you can worry about accessories.

I hate seeing literally who guilds that have dumb requirements

You know you don't have to be here, right?

Witch costs 3x as much as blue coral earring, and at only has 1 more ap as they scale the same.

Id rather not, user, but im shilling for blue whales rn. Im always in hunting leaderboards.

Yknow game threads are still allowed, on Sup Forums, right? Even if it is mostly shitposting


>gear progression based on participation of shitty boss, buy revival items to stay in fight longer and not have to walk back
>pay for extra horse breeding attempts so your work has a 0.2% chance of not going to waste

I believe there was some fucking p2w ghillie suit you could get too, and the list doesnt stop there, but even if it did, it'd already be enough to turn me off

Also, i thought veri/legatum were 57+ only onii senpai

>revival items obtainable for free through quests and obtainable through loyalty points.
Ghillie isnt p2w. It hides your mame. You can get the same effect via crouching. If theyre your enemy, the ghillie is still red. It doesnt hide names in node wars either.

I dont train horses, so i dont know.

>through quests or loyalty points

Literally still gonna need to buy some at some point

The horses can only breed once, after that you need to get new horses, as i understand it

You know you could just not die to bosses? I also don't see how getting another shot at a better horse is 'winning'. Ghillie suit was the closest thing to p2w since it gave an actual advantage over non-paying players but they since addressed it.

Isn't there no level cap? How can anyone compete or ever catch up?

>you can get another horse
>you have to buy one at some point
Why would you have to buy one when you can get another horse?

You can breed the children the horse produce. Also, you get loyalty points daily, and as such, can buy them free. But the thing is, all rhe bosses are righr next to a node, and a 10 second walk away. The only time i ever feel the need to use a insta revive, is when i was red and didnt want to lose my spot.

You almost never use them, and you have no reason to if you die except in extrenuation circumstances.

Right, but it'd be easier to just dish out as much damage as possible and just throw money at revival items if you can afford it

Well, yeah. That's why they're convenience items. There was an argument for this before when it was pretty much impossible to avoid death in boss fights but now it's hard to die if you're paying a little attention.

Mm, ok, ill take that for what it is, but i hear theres no level cap, whats the deal with that?

There are soft caps. After 57 you level at the speed of .00001 percent an hour, and before valencia hit, 55-56 was 3 percent every 2 or so hours.

Gear is where its stupidly hard to catch up in, simply due to the fact that enhancinf accessories, your main way of gettinf AP attack power, is 100% RNG. Some of the accessories are worth hundreds of millions, and how it works is you mash two together, hope it works, if it fails, you lose both. Weapon and armur is done through blackstones, which are also rng, but have a "force" amount in which you can 100% enhance if you dont want to gamble for a high amount of stones

Alright, if thats the case, fair enough, but what about endgame content? I hear it's pretty bad/sparse, and that ranger is the de facto OP class

No, the revival items revice you with very low hp and mana, you'll die almost instantly if youre touched.

Ranger wasnt OP, people just didnt know how to fight it. Ranger received a nerf anyways. End game content is Nod Wars, World Bosses, Whale Hunting (though that can be done anytime), or any of the abundance of life skills. Everything i listed above can be done at any time, though with varying degrees of success.

Its a sandbox, there is no endgame, you can do it all (except open world pvp, thats after level 45+) but it locks you out theough difficulty.

Lemme gues, there are cash shop items to aid in this enhancement process, arent there

What is this games definition of soft cap? Couldnt a level 300 player still trash 3 other players at level 57 or no?

Everything you do is 'endgame'. It doesn't suit everyone though, especially those expecting something like WoW. The best comparison is Runescape.

Nope. There are none. You lose max durabilitt on weapon and armour if you fail rhe enhance, and you repair with copies of that same weapon which repair ten dura / if its a rare weapons, expensive items called memory fragments which are 800k a pop, and used to repair 1 dura each but now 2. You can get artisan memory through loyalty or money, which makes repairing 1.5 times easier, memory fragments give 3, weapons give 15, but enhancing and rng itself? Nope

Fuck off back to /vg/ with your dead f2p shit.

There actually aren't because that would be p2w

Softcap would be level 57 and around 390 GS, it was previously 56 and 300 GS until this patch, but they made weapons and armour upgradable to +20 now.

Level doesnt matter so much, your gear matters much more. I can kill level 57s as a 53 if i have better gear. The only thing your level will give you is access to better skills, and youll be harder to accurately hit because youll gove me an accuracy debuff.

As a comparison, there are quite literally, less than 5 people in the game who are level 58 or more.

Ok, thats cool at least, still sounds like the game is hell bent on having rng fuck you though

It is. But the pvp is fun, and the fight to claw up in strength is fun as well, even if it makes me hate myself.

Yeah it's a pure Korean grindfest. Definitely not for everyone but the game offers a lot in terms of single player RPG things like crafting and exploration. The world is really nice.

I just couldn't recommend it to anyone wanting a pure competitive PvP experience unless you're prepared for the insane grind and time input.

The endgame is PvP, the whole fucking game is nothing but being better at PvP. I mean you can life it up, and the life skills in BDO are the best Ive seen in any MMO I've played recently. As in I dont want to immediately hang myself when I start. BDO should have been named Guild Wars because thats the main focus of the game.

Not at all. Daum seems intenr on making open world pvp hell.

End game right now is going to be awakenings, world bosses, and life skill leaderboards, and questing isnt bad at all.

If you've been with any of those type guilds for awhile, have decent contribution, and a good GS they don't give a shit. Lvl difference hardly affects pvp when everyone is only 2-3 lvls away from each other.

Im not hating on the game, I love the pvp. But still the main focus right now and over just about everything is going to be pvp, mainly guild pvp.

Whats your ign? If youre 55, we can sausans

Eh, on the combat side, sure. But there are still those people who treat it as life skill sim, and lifr skills here are fun.

Not rn of course, but tmrw

Enjoy your broken ass game where nearly all players are rangers or sorcs

>both classes nerfed
Nice try kid

Sorcs have gotten nerfed into hell and do literally no damage anymore sooooo

Grind to win is almost as bad as pay to win in a "pvp" game.

I played BDO for two months before giving up on it. I don't play any mmos but if I was going to go back to one at this point it would be GW2 because everyone is on an even playing field in a team based "sport" that is actually fun.

Competitive gameplay in any game is worthless if it's not completely fair and sportsmanlike.

What a baby

Bdo is my favourite mmo, I only play csgo becauseni time

Played a zerk to 55 and a Maewha to 52 before I quit.

The only thing left for me to get stronger was acc enchanting and that shit is soul crushing. Quit before they released boss armors.