Name a cooler character in a video game

Name a cooler character in a video game.

Pro tip: you can't


Why didn't they release it on Android?

Just play it in Drastic you pleb


I already beat it, it's just that kind of a game I'd like to pay for.

Respectable, user

everything about this game is god tier

>sequel never, or at least a similar game to this


that's because there's no need for a sequel. What else could you put in the sequel that isn't in the game?



oh shit you're right we must make a sequel imminently


>Bought it new at $11.
>Haven't even played chapter 3.


Playing it right now.
The smooth animations man, i don't think i will be ever able to play another DS game after this

>tfw you'll never play Ghost Trick for the first time again

>You'll never play ace attorney 1 for the first time.

But I did.

I-I meant again.

that's the exact thought I had after posting. I tried a few months ago (after 9 years) but I'm wondering if I should just go to AA2

>you will never play 999 for the first time again
>you will never play vlr for the first time again
>you will never play aa1, aa2 or aa3 for the first time again
>you will never play danganronpa 1 or 2 for the first time again
>you will never play ghost trick for the first time again
just kill me senpai

After posting THAT reply, it really made me realize that was fucking 9 years ago. I only just replayed Gunpoint after only 2 years and that shit was still fun as fuck. I only (re)played the tutorial mission in AA1 but god dammit, I'm gonna do it. I only really remember the final outcomes, but I also remember that it was all the journey.

>He played 999
>He played Darn it Roping
Just kill yourself Sempai

i might, i dont have a lot going for in my life

>hating on 999

>you will never know another human in real life who has played any of these games
This place is a shithole, but it sure is nice to be able to discuss games that aren't CoD or other normie games with people who like the same shit.

Goodnight my son

ghost trick was a nice game

I've tried making my best friend play GT and 999 for years now. He just won't, just the "yeah, I willlll"

fuck you, john. Fucking play them. You have a laptop than can handle DesMume.

I actually have a girl friend that played every game listed there, i think i'm lucky

Now we just talk about the shitty end on ZTD and that Carlos is an angel

They are hard games to recommend because they are so reading heavy. Ghost Trick had actual gameplay, but even that was a pretty niche thing. The rest of those franchises are 75% reading and 25% gameplay, which consists of puzzles.

i've never understood not wanting to play vns beacuse you have to read
it requires such minimal effort and people read such inane shit all the time for hours a day

my friend has always had an interest in writing and loves New Vegas for its characters. Those two games are pinnacles in both of those in the medium.


Nothing of value.

>hating 999

You're a disgrace to mankind.

People just don't read anymore in general. You tell someone that a video game requires reading and they seem flabbergasted because they expect games to be mindless fun.

You guys don't know how lucky you have it. For years I've been a fuckhuge Phoenix Wright fan (and games in that similar vein) and I've never been able to talk to anyone about the games. Even describing the games is embarrassing and most people assume I like them because I've been into law for years and recently graduated law school.

idk the stories in those games were p fat and most of the setbacks are some of the characters which were still tolerable
you dont even need to read books to enjoy vns its ridiculous
i literally havent read a book since highschool and its sad that people will pass up on vns because you have to read

If you're playing a VN, you're essentially reading a book. The only gameplay with true VNs is selecting a choice everyone once in awhile.

999 is so well done it's far better than any book, specially the ones you had to read on high school imo.

I grew up with my friend since we were in grade 3. We just both loved vidya growing up. I barely fucking talk to him now, so it honestly really sucks. Thinking you have someone to talk to, then them just often not replying.

being a fan of vidya stories sucks in general since the only ones people know/care about are really popular ones. I had to bite my tongue when my college buddy was praising Bioshit Infinite's story.

>mfw some tripshit spoiled the main twist of Ghost Trick for me

Ever since that day I purge tripshit scum off this earth

All those games that mentioned are always being spoiled.

I was spoiled for 999 and VLR but still managed to enjoy them because I was more interested in how it got to the spoilers

I didn't mind the spoilers for ZE games since they sounded like complete bullshit until I actually saw them in-game.

10/10 series

Are there even any porn of hm


He is pure. PURE