Google your name plus "The Hedgehog" and post your hedgehog picture, autism will reign.
Google your name plus "The Hedgehog" and post your hedgehog picture, autism will reign
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what is this phenomenon that googling most white names + the hedgehog gives you an OC... aliens are at work?
>Okay, I have a pretty generic name. It will be fine. I'll probably end up with some mediocre teenager's drawing on a notebook or something.......
Has science gone to far?
Mine didn't bring anything so I put my sister's name
Not bad tbqhfam
This was the 2nd result BTW
Fuck you!
Now you must fuck her
>none for my name
i'm safe
You must make one, don't be so selfish
It's alright
>falling for the datamining
>Be kebab
>Anime character also has a kebab name
I like it.
>TFW It's pretty close
i'm not even a girl
im dyin here
Then why is your name sasha?
Think i'm gonna chance my name, guys...
>I'm not a girl
Are you sure about that?
looks like the emo troll from TGT
Heh, He's giving the finger as if he's saying fuck the world.
it's pretty common in slavic countries
I-it's unisex
Why are you a faggot?
Go home Dongus.
It's pretty common name for slavs.
Post pics
KIll me.
From Alabama?
u fat
Sure it is.
Pshhhh... Heh heh.... *smiles psychotic and puts up middle finger*
I knew a cocky little jew named Sasha with a beak of a nose and couldnt skate for shit
Bad boy Nick, I lol'd
Nothin' personal kid.
die nigger
I knew a gay guy in college named Hunter. You gay too?
I'm white.
ain't even mad
My name isn't even Carter but it came up when I searched and was easily the most impressive
>Being so young and innocent that the worst thing you can think of is somebody eating your fries.
I envy the person who made this
I have a nagging feeling my daughter drew this
Eli seems pretty cool, I'd hang out with him for sure
Now this is a hedgehog with a 'TUDE
He looks like a fucking fag
It's from adventure time you fucking putz.
Its an adventure time song so full autism
It's a quote from this song.
Why did you eat her fries you asshole?
Strictly into vaginas, boipussy is gross
Coalburner mom? Cuck dad? Named after your real father?
At least I'm not autistic enough to watch a kid's show, you fucking faggots.
I don't know I was bored
I was saying the show was autistic but way to have a meltdown, retard.
Exactly right, fuck adventure time
That nigger that makes those depressing song likes them
Both of my parents are white and I come from an upper middle class family. My parents just liked the name Tyrone I guess. What's your name?
your name is marceline?
>nice try I dont even know what a kids show is I watch elfen lied to stimulate my mature not kid brain kek
Maybe if you used proper grammar, I would have been able to tell. Kill yourself immediately
The manchild board is this way, asshole
Not a surprise, I have an uncle named Tyrone, and a friend of a friend is also named Tyrone. The guy that died in that 13 Hours movie was named Tyrone too. They are all white.
If this is autism then eeehh ok, sign me up
Fuck you faggot bitch, you probably watch anime like a little virgin, pussy.
>at least I dont watch kids shows
>gets this mad over nothing
>like a kid
Nice assumptions. I'm not a weeaboo, I'm a heterosexual adult.
Yeah fuckin faggot bitch, watches anime hehehe you tell em user fucking weeb fat shit
>tfw white kid I knew was named Tyrell
>everyone called him Tyrone to piss him off
Did I upset the autistic otaku? oopsies.
>still losing his shit and acting like three different posters
>Wacky Racers and the spinoffs
I love these, but wut.
shut your face bitch ill kill you hehehehe
I like dick
Im okay with this
me and that nigga are two different assholes of a similar cloth faggot
me too
>Thomas and Friends
>Real Trains
>i have two personalities
Looks like an overpowered faggot
You really have major problems inside your brain my friend
Yeah we get it. You've never heard of kids shows because you're an adult.
i'll take it
Your mother sleeps with niggers and I shot and kill that nigger which made me kill your brother heheheh son of a bitch faggot nigger fatass
You'll take that half-sleeved hoodie as well?
I win the autism round
*runs behind u and breaks ur neck and eats u*
"heh... better think twice before insulting me, mortal"
>evil, horible, and selfish people
Well I never,
*my broken neck re-attaches itself with the sinovial fluids gathering at the core again much like Arucard from Hellsing when he snaps his nack back or some gay shit like that and I smile*
"Fuhuhu... You don't know who you are FUCKING with Child!"
*I leap from the area that I was standing on and like converge into this super crazy cool shadow thing and then kill you with my cereberus dogs from hell, tearing you from limb to limb and throwing the remains into the depths of hell where all the lost children who were aborted before they could be born play with dead remains of scum like you"
I don't know man, I'm sure there's worse.
I'm a tranny hedgehog
Really makes u think
*it was a hologram*