Make a card for TB
250x250 max resolution each
Make a card for TB
250x250 max resolution each
bump get in
Better color
tuberculosis is not a funny thing user
Did the cancer come back or something?
>59 fps
Where are the videogames?
it never left
I made an edge
Anything goes, I shouldn't go around imposing nothing
But if we go over the grid the lowest effort ones might be replaced
250 by 250 max pls
I don't know what to draw. What can you say to someone who is literally dying?
just die and stop all this drama bullshit.
That's outstanding really.
Thats edgy and not original at all.
>implying that fat fuck was not like that
no one asked for your opinion, now just put it on the card, fucker.
that's exactly what a younger TB had said to random people on the net
what happened, did his cancer come back?
Here you go.
or this?
wrong res
>i wont put what i dont like
Right Size
There are less than a dozen words in the OP.
Read it.
He's not dying
He just has a birthday...
i sort of regret my card choice now lmao
Ye me too, that's why im dissapointed...
250x250, baka.
it needs to be 250x250
You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>this is up somehow
this breaks no rules
So where are the videogames?
That rule is never enforced.
this is none of those though?
John Bain is a prominent videogame critic and community member
pls not who I think it is
he was an edgy retard, and because Sup Forums (old Sup Forums) like it, he is muh board culture.
Never heard something intelligent from him.
it's in the right-bottom corner of OP's pic.
>probably, THE one you think of
Think this might fit?
I made this.
I don't see the connection to TB on the pic so I took it off
woops, in
I hope we can finish this
a roll a day keeps the idpd away
can I make a 30fps gif?
You are not going to make the whole card a gif though right?
I don't even know what TB is, but include this
250x250 man
Don't use the shitty Hawks scans, especially when the official scans are funnier.