Honestly, if they do indeed fix the new casual gamemode so you can pick which map to play, this'll be the greatest update the game has received yet. We got a very decent matchmaking system, a gamemode out of beta, three new maps, tons of balance changes, a new comic and a lot of small things, like the new HUDs. Heck, they even announced new weapons are incoming along with a huge rework of 2 classes. Seems like valve is back on track again. Did they really had to increase the spy's speed?
I'm happy to see this. Casual felt way too much like a competitive mode. It's good to know Valve is at least listening a little bit.
Oliver Thompson
Dead game.
Hudson Clark
>le tf2 is ded meme
Elijah Hughes
>regularly the 3rd most players on Steam >more than GTA 5 >more than literally every game on Steam besides DOTA 2 and CSGO >dead
You losing interest in something doesn't make it dead, user.
Michael Kelly
gta5 is $60 and isnt steamworks, retail and rockstar social copies arent tracked by steam
get fucked
Henry Adams
The one time Valve makes their own content for TF2 since god knows when and they fuck it up. They would have been better off outsourcing this to the community to make it for them.
Mason Scott
Valve have really fucked it over
Juan Powell
>title That actually got me thinking. What with Trump being a shoe-in, he probably did scare Valve into actually doing work again when they realized that once elected he'd rip their asses apart for false advertising.
Asher Diaz
>i-it's just cuz it's free!!
Isaac Flores
Let me know when they start doing something about rampant offclassing in ranked.
Zachary Collins
>We hear you Who did they hear? How do I make them give a shit about Dota 2 workshop tools again?
Nolan Jenkins
The really need to advertise the game more and sponsor some tournaments if they want TF2 to take off.
Jaxson Cook
>still have to fucking untick everything when wanting a specific gamemode >still 20 mins queues broken system >implying it's fixed "The queue times you are currently experiencing are a bug, not a feature", literally confirms their system is broken, and it has been like that forever with MvM, and if they couldn't fix it in years, they won't be fixing it any time soon.
Blake Jackson
>"The queue times you are currently experiencing are a bug, not a feature"
Jason Kelly
did you really just fucking fall for that
Blake Barnes
why the fuck is valve wanting to make this another cs in the last updates?
Evan Perry
CS doesn't make you queue twenty minutes for a casual game. No idea why they fucked up quickplay, no-one, literally no-one was called for 24-man match-making with leave penalties and no map choices.
TF2 is run by retards who don't play the game and don't have a clue about game design.
Robert Morris
> reading this whole thing in mike's voice
Jaxon Sanchez
because they can afford to make even more money with minimal effort and any complaints will be drowned out by the furries and bronies and all of the other garbage players that still populate the game paying pretty pennies for ebin digital swag Between Overwatch and CSGO, I don't see any reason to still play TF2
Lucas Allen
Evan Hernandez
>don't see any reason to still play TF2 fun ?
Lincoln Bennett
if you still have less than 2000 hours sure
Dominic Perry
Not exactly sure, but there was a discussion on Steam with a shit load of replies regarding fixing Casual like the day the update dropped.
Daniel Howard
>TF2 is run by retards who don't play the game and don't have a clue about game design.
seeing that righteous bison nerf confirms this since according to whoever made those patch notes the bisons ability to hit someone multiple times is a bug and not intented feature
Juan Williams
So what do the levels in casual actually do? Do you just get a badge or some shit?
Justin Carter
is it just me or is valve fucking up more and more every update?
Ayden Sanders
it's a pointless feature for people who like watching bars fill up
Logan Scott
yes, but it replaced normal mod, so you have no choice but to play
Carson Nguyen
They've been fucking up in general more and more with every year since the cosmetics boom they've been declining extremely rapidly in quality control
Levi Cox
Did you read the post, idiot? >First, and most important, queue times. The queue times you are currently experiencing are a bug, not a feature. It is something we are actively working to correct. Several backend issues appeared post-launch that culminated in long wait times. Removing this issue is our highest priority right now. They said they haven't fixed it and that they are are working on it
Levi Ortiz
This update unironically made me unistall TF2 definitely. I waited to see how Valve would fix the situation but they just made it worse. I'm questioning if I should sell my "valuable" items on the market as well, so I can buy an actual videogame.
Andrew Turner
can you blame them though? most fucktards will buy all those new hats and taunts no matter how shit the game is, they are making millions of this, so they keep making them
Eli Jones
>the butthurt not even a week passed since they saw the shitstorm it made, they are still fixing it you whiny fuck
Owen Smith
I haven't played TF2 in several months, what's wrong with the update?
Jaxon Lee
Can I blame them for making easy money as a business? No not really. Can I blame them for enabling this much cancer in the process and being generally shitty in practice? Hell yes You can't blame the producer without also blaming the consumer for their success, but when the producer goes from trusted to utterly scummy there's a line to be drawn.
Adrian Wood
Since I love to surf pubs, I thought volvo killed tf2 for me with this update. Thanks Gaben. Thank you so fucking much
Oliver Torres
everything and the ones before it weren't great either
Isaiah Phillips
oh boy >removed normal mod >takes 30 mins to find match >penalty if you exit the match, but if people leave anyways you need to leave too because you are just getting spawncamped for 10 mins >can't choose map >can't choose server >only "normal" games are in community servers >>>>>>people are defending it did i miss something?
Tyler Stewart
But they are fixing it. Also show us your items you fag
Michael Torres
you realize they're fixing all of that, and you can still pick servers
i guess its really easy to complain about anything
Austin Lee
>So, apparently, Valve got their shit together again: Yea, okay. This is the same fucking company that fucked up their servers and gave out everyone's personal info.
Jace Barnes
you can choose community servers, not valve servers
also they only decided to fix this after everyone lost their shit and muselk made a video on it instand of using common fucking sense, which is what im at least butthurt about
Anthony King
The problem is that TF2 is older and far less popular than csgo and dota so no-one at valve gives a shit about it other than a few people who are crap at making games.
Gavin Fisher
yeah choose between all those trade servers, orange, x10, surf, achievement, p2win mods etc. what if you just want a normal game of tf2?
Colton Lewis
There are plenty of servers like that. Skial is just one example.
Cameron Carter
Name a company who hasnt done this
Jackson Russell
My company
Cooper Perez
Serious question here, how do I find them (normal servers)? Is there a tag I can filter by?
Brody Ross
no, you just fucking read the server names
you know, that thing you do when you wanna decipher words in english
Cooper Miller
Pass time is fucking shit, the last new weapons they added were dogshit and the "balance" involved nerfing the pompsons damage (because that was totally the problem) nerfing the bison (totally a huge probelm), this update is fucking shit.
Nathaniel Bailey
I really want regular pub servers back. I know the le valve server meme xDDD is a thing, but it's hard to find a community server that just has regular stock map rotations. Waiting for a casual game takes too long.
Parker Williams
I don't even play Spy unless its called for but its terribly awkward to have to chase after an enemy who doesn't know you're there. I feel like the buff was fine.
Jonathan Gomez
Youre welcome -Overwatch Master Race player if it wasnt for OW Valve wouldnt give a shit about your poor little game
Nathaniel Sullivan
What's wrong with casual after they add the improvements that they've told us about?
Easton Perry
Casual mode will be a improved version of pubs after the patchs, as they intended on fist place.
You don't have to worry about the ranking system, it's just there to cater autist. The long queue times are just a bug that will be fixed soon, and things like votekick, map selection and so will be in again in in a heartbeat, as they say in the patch notes.
So what wil we get? A pub where the people actually plays the objective because of the pointless ranking system and without team scrambling. Literally an upgrade of quickplay servers.
Blake Perez
>gta5 is $60 >this is evidence tf2 is dead
Jacob Jackson
It's competitve mode without the ranking
Christopher Murphy
And how's that bad?
Carter Collins
Who decided that Heavy needed rampup on damage and accuracy when firing? Why was this considered acceptable in the first place???
Calling it now, if Heavy wins the war, a big part of his update will be reverting this
Jonathan Adams
If heavy wins the war, the big part will be new weapons for him. Shut the fuck up.
Brayden Roberts
>Heavy >winning against the brony autism favorite
John Cox
>heavy 48% >pyro 52%
Julian Reyes
People want to play fun, non penalty vanilla TF2 on deicated valve servers, not bizzaro Overwatch without ranking.
And no, playing on the furry trade community servers is not the same as Valve servers.
Christopher Williams
They could start by reverting the nerfs that make 90% of all his current weapons useless
>Valve introduces a mechanic that makes heavy one of the worst classes in the game >nerfs most of his unlocks into the ground >their "fix" for this is to toss more weapons at the community instead of addressing these problems I hope you're being ironic right now
Julian Harris
Fireman guy is my favorite. I always like burning people with furfag avatars or ponies.
Blake Johnson
I wouldn't be that mad if Pyro wins because he really needs an overhaul as well, even if heavy needs it more.
Plus I consider Pyro more fun to play than Heavy
Jace Parker
>mfw in 1 hour i have got to play 1 match
how is it even remotely possible to fuck up matchmaking this bad
Jack Long
Thank god. The penalties were complete bullshit, but the overall idea of casual mode is great. People are not all going one class, focusing on the objective, i even had a f2p pyro spychecking my buildings for an entire game.
Liam Rodriguez
>2016 >People would rather play on valve servers than community dedicated servers
Jayden Baker
>valve releases desperate attempt to get people to come back >TF2 IS BACK GUYS >update is completely broken as fuck, 20 minute queues for casual
be honest: did valve forget how to make video games?
James Flores
>implying that all of the good community servers didn't die when valve servers were added to quickplay
Gabriel Baker
This is the first time I've heard the tf2 team actually communicate with its audience since the game went fucking f2p.
Easton Clark
>each halloween update includes a regular version of the event's halloween themed maps so you can play them all year long
>last year's update included halloween versions of moonshine, millstone and sunshine without including their default versions
>millstone and moonshine's layouts are still exclusive to halloween
Most likely the last time too. I hope it was everything you hoped it was.
Logan Jones
>Patch ships out with bugs >Fixed within several days >"WHY CAN'T VOLVO STOP FUCKING UP????"
More like why don't people have the cranial capacity to see when something is clearly broken, and how it's taken less than a week to be addressed and then fixed.
It's painfully clear that not being able to pick maps was a mistake that's being fixed also within the week, but almost none of this matters because it all just applies to casual quick play and can be 1000000% ignored by just joining a server.
I know people have literally literally nothing better to do than sit around and complain about video games, but this sort of shit is just common sense.
Samuel Sanders
I'm am sooprised heavy even made it that high up
Jack Ward
Every update for a while has been trying to kill those servers, and they've been dying in the boatloads, the only real option left is something like Skial.
They've also been killing the modding scene with shit like sv_pure 0 just so people dont mod out their ugly ass skins.
Landon Jackson
>Patch ships out with bugs >Sup Forums thinks this is acceptable
>what is beta testing
Carson Williams
>and how it's taken less than a week to be adressed and then fixed
Yet all the characters are unbalanced as all hell and every aspect of the update is flawed
Brody Campbell
Did you even see the blogpost in the OP? How penalties are going to be removed?
John Diaz
Sorry, how they are ALREADY REMOVED.
Jacob Gomez
I dont think tf2 ever actually fixes its shit though.
People just stop playing it and the servers actually can handle the smaller load. The item server dying is pretty much a staple of every update.
Asher Lopez
Competitive is shit Also >F2P allowed
Dominic Wright
You know matchmaking had fucking 11 public stress tests and it still ended up like this
Isaiah Kelly
What are your predictions for the heavy/Pyro updates at the end of the war, Sup Forums?
Adam Morgan
They'll fix it, retard. Didn't you read the post?
Benjamin Sanders
Wow, Valve is fixing what makes the game literally UNPLAYABLE
And the shit casual and competitive gamemodes, all the other bugs and pointless nerfs/buffs are never going to be adressed
Isaiah Nelson
War updates have always been extremely close, but I'm guessing the pyro
Tyler Johnson
I don't have autism so I can wait a week for broken thing to be fixed without throwing a fit.
Justin Bell
>Yeah bro, Volvo promised us this time!
Chase Jenkins
No, I'm asking for predictions on what the winners update will BE
Also, when does the war end?
Robert Cook
You can ignore the casual play button and use the server finder, like the game has always been and always will be.
Kayden Ortiz
since all the furries and other degenerates play pyro, he will probably win
Aiden Reyes
People with half a brain has already realized the Pyro needs it more, as the class is completely fucked. A group of Pyro players even made a Page for Valve: frompyrowithlove.com/
But again, this is tf2. Heavy will win because "muh hoovy need a new sandvich LOL"
Easton Cruz
>Click on community servers
>It's all trade and x10 servers with MLP plugins and the vanilla one is in fucking Brazil
Dominic Morales
Actually they are alreay on it. THey've already released a patch, and for the first time the devs are actually telling us what they are doing. So,yeah...
Justin Brooks
Hey, I'm not a degenerate and I like playing pyro. He's such an underrated support class, everyone just w+m1s at the enemy without realizing what a powerhouse he is at keeping your fellow teammates safe and healthy.
I just want an update that boosts his flanking/movement options, given that he IS supposed to be an "offensive" class, after all