Overwatch PSA

Holy fucking shit
Please if you don't see a Tank or a Healer
Switch to one
If you pick a DPS hero right off the bat
you are a shitty player and you won't help the team
I wish i could leave Competitive more often since half the time the team composition is fucking terrible and I'm always forced to pick tank or mercy since there are brain dead retards that go into Competitive
Also get a fucking mic
I can't get past rank 50 since i lose half my games due to shitters
bad players need to stick to quick play and stop fucking over people who want to win in competitive

What I hate is when I do wait for others to pick there shit and for it come down to still needing both a Tank and a Healer, and its me and one other dude who haven't picked yet either playing a game of chicken or them just being some fuck taking forever, well into the time to mobilize on defense only for them to pick neither and be some other Hero we already have from Offense.

Why aren't you picking the the tank and or healer off the bat?

Every time I play healer my team has such poor dps they don't get a single kill.

I sit there healing them and damage boosting them for 3 minutes while they pussyfoot around unable to kill anything. I can almost carry my whole team as Soldier or Pharah, trust me buddy, you want me on DPS.

Tank is good too, rein and roadhog can just rape people.

gb2 reddit faggot, i'll play whoever the fuck i want

I only play Genji/Junkrat and im about to hit 60. gitgud OP. And honestly, if you KNOW you can do the damage DO NOT fill. Most people who ragepick offense can't actually do damage. You literally have to carry yourself and the team, which is why soloq support players are experiencing the depths of elo hell.

I do and I'm nearly always forced to unless im playing with some friends who will listen

My problem is the team not working together at all, they all just choose their main, and run off and don't even stay on the point.

I'm not in you're shit rank.

Every game I play there is people willing to switch and play every role.

Then cause your team to lose faggot
Please pick heroes who are useful instead of being a nigger and not helping the team
I bet you are a mexican

>someone else pick healer or tank so I don't have to!

Why not just say what you really mean?

>please carry me!


Not that it matters but what's the connection supposed to be with the background story and the gameplay? Like there's this stuff about superheroes saving the world and coming back out of retirement after like 30 years, but the whole game is just tiny groups of superheroes fighting each on tiny maps for insignificant objectives.

I mean I guess they'll fill that in with the eventual $60 expansion or whatever but it really doesn't feel like it lines up.

>team composition patrol
you are probably an autistic NEET who looks for any reason to blame his team for losing

Mei is best tank

>projecting this hard
fuck off and post your blog on tumblr instead of Sup Forums

I always pick zenyatta first see if the team decides it needs a better healer then switch from there, problem is when they all choose attackers. People need to learn how to play other characters or else they will lose the majority of their games.

This. I once had gold eliminations (16 I think), objective kills, damage, and healing as Mercy. We still lost. It makes me wonder why I even bother.

What I don't get is why I rank up past 50, I get stuck with rank 41 to 48s. Shouldn't I be playing in my rank?

Oops, meant to reply to

>1 guy goes tank
>1 goes lucio/mercy
>at this point, 3 of the other 4 players INVARIABLY choose some combination of genjis/tracers/s76's
>50% of the time the other guy goes hanzo
does everyone have fun losing

I'd fill her tank if you know what I saying

>team composition patrol
Team composition wins games faggot
2 tanks 2 healers and 2 dps are always great to have
you can get away with 1 less healer if its a soldier 76
Rein + Zarya/Roadhog/Winston , Mercy and or Lucio, and any combo of DPS to win

This happens every other game
2 tanks is fucking needed more often then not and 2 healers is a huge help

>I got 16 kills with mercy and I don't know why we lost!!?!

>This situation
>Go healer
>Other healer switches reaper

>harrubbluebeuberb pick the right characters or we'll lose the game!!
fuck you. I'll play who I want to play, I don't give a shit if we lose.


Rank 60 instalock lucio no matter what, my rank 67 buddy instalocks genji. You're a shit mercy desu

In the lower ranks instapicked Genjis are a fucking locust plague. They are everywhere at all times in all team comps.

I have given up trying to convince them to switch out to something more useful and have taken to just giving them orders over the mic and telling them what to do instead and it seems to be working out for the better.

It doesn't matter though because every game I when somebody on the other team quits and I get nothing for winning. I won three in a row and stayed at the same rank.

what a fucking homo
go suck a black dong you cuck
I bet you live in California
The cuck state



>flank enemy team
>tell team in chat to get ready to push
>ult and push in
>make space
>get a couple kills
>force the rest of the team to back up and focus on me
>my team ignores all of this and continues jerking off behind choke instead of pushing in and destroying the distracted team
>i die and everything returns to status quo
ranked is the worst thing to happen to this game, I can either play ranked and deal with whiny faggots complaining all game or play QP and deal with literal I-need-a-caretaker retards

It's not like I wasn't healing either. I had higher than 40% team healing and PotG at the end too.

Man, what do I need to do to carry the team? I just don't think I'm good enough. Even when I have a lot of gold medals I can find the team losing or having a tough time.

>I don't care about winning

Then why in the fuck are you playing Comp you dog dick sucking faggot?

Take you ass to Quick Play.

The rank bar actually still goes up, it's just when you lose you go down an actual rank, to gain it back you have to win 3 out of the 1 you lost. That's what happens to me any ways.

>wow he lost a video game what a fucking loser haha I'm so cool it's never MY fault when I lose just my stupid team that doesn't do what I say
do you virgins ever actually go outside?

>rank 60s
>Q with unranked friend
>Get placed vs rank 40s
>Not abusing blizzards awful match making

It's like you guys enjoy losing

I only play Tracer.
I also only play in a pre-made because I'm not retarded.
My ranking is 76.
Have a good evening.

I generally wait for at least three other players to pick their characters and choose what's needed. Unless I feel like playing Zenyatta or Symmetra.

please stop playing ranked
You are a massive cuck

Nope. Picking Hanzo because he's what I find fun.

I didn't pay $60 for some tryhard faggot to tell me what I can play.

I won three in a row and the every time somebody on the other team ended up quitting once it looked like we were going to win.

If somebody on the losing team leaves the match the xp gained is reduced to jack shit for the winning team.

Blizzard need to clamp down on the leavers or Comp mode is ruined.

this, I'll play what modes I want you impotent little faggot

Tbh, if I ever did, the first thing I'd probably do is go to your house and murder you and your entire family.

>I didn't pay $60 for some tryhard faggot to tell me what I can play
Why do you want your team to lose
try other heroes
Also you are a weeb for only picking hanzo and you suck at him

>plays competitive to lose
>calling others a virgin
So when you ask a chicken out do you purposely say something to make her grossed out by you?
You know because you love to lose and all.

Have a person you like/main from each class, so when you need to play a certain role your not stuck playing someone you don't normally use.

it's simple for me it's
Offense- Reaper/pharah, Defense- bastion/widowmaker, tank- Reinhardt, Support - Mercy/Lucio

If your bitching because you don't get to be the one mindlessly shooting every game go play CS:GO, personally I find it more fun to support because a good Lucio/mercy can be the difference between a win and a loss.

Also picking an attacker/offense character first doesn't make you shit, you have no clue what other people like to play so you just pick your first choice. What DOES make you suck is when you choose an offensive hero when there is already 2 or three others on your team. And bad team comp is going to happen it's almost unavoidable, So just say fuck it pick bastion and rack up some eliminations

Your ranking literally means nothing to me. Nothing at all. If we lose it's not because I chose Hanzo, it's because your faggot ass was deathmatching instead of focusing on the objective.

Stay mad shitter.

good luck you fucking gargoyle
>So when you ask a chicken out do you purposely say something to make her grossed out by you?
sorry to hear about your illiteracy

>paid $60 dollars to be an entitled little bitch

treating a team game like single player

fuck the team lol

Hanzo is a deathmatch hero. Your comment is irrelevant. I'm going to have to ask you to leave and exit this thread.

>hanzo is bad!!!!
Love seeing people say hanzo or genji is bad, you can always tell they are shitters who cant aim for shit.

>it's never my fault

But tanks are shit

The best tank, zarya, is useless because half my team wants to flank

same goes for reinhardt. nobody wants to get behind the shield.

roadhog is a liability

dva is only useful during overtime

rank 63 btw

>I wish i could leave Competitive more often
fucking kill yourself OP, stop leaving games and ruining the experience for everyone

Hanzo is bad. Please leave.

You are gay and you suck dicks. Lots and lots of dicks. It has been confirmed by multiple eye witnesses that you take it up the ass as well for money.

What this has to do with Overwatch I don't know....just stating facts.

What i hate is when my team doesn't even try to stop the payload or contest it. they don't seem to understand that you actually need to get close to it to do something.


honestly I wish you could leave without penalty during initial character selection. when I get matched with two players who simultaneously instalock hanzo, I already know the match isn't going to be fun.

>I used the word again, do I fit in now gais xD

>hanzo is bad
No dude youre just fucking bad, hanzo is a better widowmaker when played right,

>Never asked out a chicken
Now we know you are a virgin.

what about it, fuccboi

I literally can't stop playing Torbjorn on defense. Popping Molten Core and getting in their face feels so satisfying.

question is, how many final blows did the Mercy get.

>behind in overtime
>running as fast as possible back from spawn
>fuse/timer is about to run out
>see teammate backing away from objective

This, I learned this within my first hour or two playing. ive seen people approaching level 40-50 literally running away from the point during an overtime so they don't die

Do you like watching your girlfriend getting fucked too?

Agreed,too bad I can't keep my turret alive for some reason.

Overwatch should really copy TF2 with this.

If you join a 3+ Genji/Hanzo game, you shouldn't be penalized for leaving that disaster. Leaving in casual games has never ever been a problem in TF2 and for one single day TF2 flatout COPIED Overwatch's system and then within a day Valve reverted it because it was so goddamn terrible.

Every fucking time!
I don't get this, why the fuck do those ass holes run? If you can hold overtime you can change the tide of the game.

>OW Competitive
>not having individual ranks for Solo and Pre-Made

one thing they should add, desu

I'm thinking of having a run to Tesco to get this. How dependant is your fun on other people? I'll exclusively play it alone.

If I don't play this I'm stuck with Resi 6 for now which is just terrible.

>play tank and support always
>join a competitive game KOTH
>it seems to be a premade of 4 people
>get overwhelmed by the enemy team's 2 tanks and 2 healers
>my team has only me as a tank and a zenyatta
>hey can anyone change to tank or healer?
>nobody replies
>try my best to carry
>barely win 2 games after losing the first two after getting some lucky tanking in with reinhart
>guys I really need an extra tank or healer
>"No, we dont play tanks or healers also shut up"
>tfw we lose when the enemy team just realised im the only one who's been beating them and just aim for me
>tfw they all blame me and leave

Man, I dont understand how people can play Overwatch without even knowing how to tank or heal.

>nepal sanctum
>enemy has point capped to 95%
>our roadhog is standing in the little hallway next to the point at full hp
>enemy tracer pops in, does 10 damage to him, and blinks back out
>he pops take a breather
>99% capped
>he doesn't even move
>ask him why he didn't even try to contest
>>uh are you talking to me?
>he fucking denies that he was anywhere near the point
>calls the rest of the team shitters when we lose because he had a gold healing medal as roadhog spamming take-a-breather

>tfw TF2 is great again

It means you are a literal degenerate with no concept of what is right, wrong or socially acceptable....also you like the taste of feces.

i'm married you sick piece of shit

I've been able to solo healer as Zen, what helps is having 76 around to help.

I've been told by multiple people that Torb is worthless in general despite seeing a bunch of him in the games I've played.

>literal degenerate
you truly are a fuckin idiot user

No, Hanzo is bad.
I am rank 76. Put up or shut up.


I bet your wife gets fucked by a big black bull

It is because of you and not understanding the difference of rank and quick play. This isn't a single player game you selfish faggot.


It's even better when they start screeching in the mic in-game.

Still going to pick Hanzo. Deal with it.

yeah, me, you shithead

Report players when they insta pick hanzo
You fucking suck as hanzo and i can tell since you only play as him and never switch

This is why you are low ranked.

No, you should be penalized for forcing that team to lose rather than sticking with them and seeing them to victory.

You're an entitled little baby who will never be happy. Enjoy your leaver penalty.

Explain further

This is Sup Forums. This is why comp sucks. Trolololo, right?

I think I've gotten obscene good with Torbjorn now. The key is to place a lvl 2 turret at their spawn to gain 10-20% of charges and then to go to a good turret spot and place on immediate after the first one gets destroyed. A torb can place and fix up a lvl 2 turret within 8 seconds. Your job is to put it at a good spot so you can build ult charges as quickly as possible. If the enemy team has discovered your spot, you should try to move to a new spot to confuse them. Also if the enemy push gets stopped by your turret, move it to a new spot as well to make them wonder where your turret is.

Also fight away from your turret with your OP rivet gun when the enemy team is slowly pushing in as you will no doubts get some headshots in and slow down their push. If they're doing a full push, use your ult and to stay near your turret if you're facing a good team. Always have a turret up no matter what, even if they die you can regain charges just from a few shots by the turret. Also it slows down the enemy's pushes as well.

>forcing that team to lose
>implying losing a quickplay match even fucking matters
>implying that there aren't still so many people queueing for QP that your spot would be filled in seconds



Fuck you. I am a casual, I have 15 minutes to play, I'm going to play who I want. You're a fucking tryhard turbonerd if you want to ruin other people's fun so you can have 1 more win on your account.

>being this upset because your ranking is shit because you're not playing premades

If you cared about rank at all you'd be playing with friends and only with friends. The fact that you aren't means you don't actually care, or you expect to be competitive solo.

The laughs continue.

>Team goers 4 offense and Mei
>Pick Lucio
>We start losing
>The entire team fucking sucks
>Fuck it
>Go reaper
>Dominate the rest of the game solo

How about (You) start using medpacks and stop forcing your MMO trinity bullshit.