Was this the cringiest thing we've done? V2
Was this the cringiest thing we've done? V2
Other urls found in this thread:
making this thread again
These threads never lasts outside a first thread, nigger.
hi tumblr
This one takes the cake
>Might blunder 9 gets funded
>community manager draws shitty fanart
>generic feminist cunt
>everyone freaks out
>people believe she gets to redesign the game
>resident neckbeard called Heavy 01 writes endless walls of text
>people for whatever reason start to glorify him
>cue cringy gifs
There were like 5 of these, one worse than the other.
Probably this.
i liked it when we used to sing ;_;
this thread is a contender
x sings ain't exactly limited to Sup Forums nor is that the worst song sung by Sup Forums.
Singing normal songs is pretty shitty.
The musicals are great though.
I hate you all
this shitty thread
>saging is no longer shown and encouraged
>he can't blankpost
us Sup Forumstads huh :)
we JUST had this thread
discussion is over
no more
>Not Vivian James
this tbqh
Saging never worked, and was basically just le Sup Forums downboat. Good riddance.
Got some faps out of that, so its cool
>All the foot related art
I know I'm a degenerate.
But I can't help it.
No. Last thread devolved into newfags sperging at oldfags for calling them out on being newfags because of all the old memes they were posting.
In other words, let the thread die before reddit has another panic attack.