>MM3Dfags will defend this
MM3Dfags will defend this
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>oh no, in the process of remaking something, they remade it!!1
Please leave.
When you remake something, it has to be better than the original. Otherwise it has absolutely no value.
Considering it's Majora's Mask that got remade, the bar was incredibly low anyway.
There's no reason to play MM3D when you have Glide64.
Not only does it make MM look BEAUTIFUL in higher resolution, it emulates perfectly.
Fucking manlets ruin everything.
No seriously besides the fucked up lighting what's wrong?
>Smaller resolution
>Fucked up lighting
>jaypeg tier textures
What isn't wrong?
Majora's Mask is a Zelda for people who hate Zelda.
that is better you fuckwit
Majora's Mask is a Zelda for people who aren't children and also people who wasted their life studying art
How is a smaller resolution, shitty jpeg textures (while muddier fits the aesthetic) and fucked up lighting "better"?
>Fucked up lighting
I don't know about you guys but right actually looks like the type of lighting that would be found in a typical living space.
Wait, which one do you think is the MM3D one? Because you're description sounds much more accurate for the left one which is NOT the 3ds MM.
Please tell me that's what you meant.
Kubric didnt do perfects shots because reality is perfect
It feels better for them to be in the dark though. Besides this is fantasy world I can't even remember if there IS a light source in there at night.
It's also about consistency, there's no fucking light source in there.
>Smaller resolution
What the fuck were you expecting from a 3ds game?
I wasn't expecting anything but something superior to the original, because it's a remake.
Ports have the excuse of not being superior because they aren't going to make it emulate 100% like the original
but remakes HAVE to be better than the original, no exception.
Timeskipping to exact hours with the Double SoT ruins the organic nature of the NPCs.
They ruined the Temple masters by taking away player options in battle- turning them all into formulaic "Zelda bosses" where you do X then hit the gigantic glowing weakpoint (precisely) three times; ruining the boss aesthetics in the process.
They assfucked the tone and mood of the entire game by changing the lighting, as seen in the OP.
They spoiled the narrative flow by omitting the second hide and seek game with the bombers- giving the player the notebook off the bat, which undermines exploration/immersion by giving you updates on quests every 10 seconds
The remake is an abomination.
Every single change they added was detrimental to the game's quality, aside from the analogue camera which is N3DS exclusive.
I feel like there has to be a compromise where you can touch up the game and not make it look like everything is radioactive.
I though backlights would stop this stupid shit.
I thought the 3D remake was tolerable at best because atleast the writing keeps the message in tact but ultimately I agree with you, it is a terrible remake and the original should definitely be played over it.
>Majora's Mask is a Zelda for people who aren't children
(Not true, by the way.)
I have no desire to waste my time being Termina's errand boy, playing an Ocarina song every now and then to reset the cycle so I can continue being Termina's errand boy.
The Zeldas for adults are The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II.
>Challenging games with no narrative depth, complexity, value, or meaning.
It's for adults sure but it's not for people who are mature.
Just kidding even kids could beat those games
>It's for adults sure but it's not for people who are mature.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
i can't believe it............
The 3DS version has higher resolution than the N64 version.
Not significantly. It's 400x240 / 800x240 compared to 320x240.
It's still higher res
Can we agree?
>Native Resolution = Actual Resolution
I bet you're gonna argue that the far left is lower res than the far right.
Of course I'm not.
But what, you were expecting the 3DS to compete with the resolution a PC can emulate at? You could render a N64 game at 4K without breaking a sweat. It's a completely unfair comparison.
People actually prefer how it looks on a regular 64? The only thing is that Project 64 still can't render holes properly.
The main thing imo is that OOT looks better emulated than OOT3D looks emulated.
You can't emulate OoT3D properly, can you?
3DS emu when? I have the cartridge but the console is so fucking small...
Oh shit I thought MM3D was 60fps
That's was MM3Dfags constantly hyped up was "WHY WOULD I PLAY THE N64 VERSION AT 24FPS WHEN I COULD JUST PLAY THE 60FPS 3DS VERSION??"
So there's literally no reason to play the 3D version then?
Because of the lighting in the bridge cutscene and final ganon fight?
i dont get this bitching you people constantly do about p64
The textures are a bit nicer and the 3D effects are kind of cool, but yeah either emulated or played on an N64 (RGB-modded, with HRCRT) is the definitive experience.
I liked the remake
Because OoT3D in general was designed with a backlight in mind, retard. In addition to that, the 3DS version doesn't use the same texture muddying effect the N64 does, making the textures look like JPG's resized in mspaint.
I don't know but the graphics are emulated properly. It looks awful at 1080p. Well it looks awful on the 3DS too so I guess that was expected.
The graphics are inconsistent everywhere.
looks fine to me
MM 3D's main draw is stable 30 fps.
Like the Wart Fight doesn't go to 5fps when you throw a bomb. Ocarina is even worse in parts.
Fug, the atmosphere is totally ruined in the remake. That N64 lighting makes it seem so much more somber
Fuck off you blind cunt. MM3D Is better than the original in literally every way.
You bitches are whining about this remake like MM was something perfect visually. It looked ugly as hell just like majority of n64 games.
It's like they literally only put effort into the area before the town, which is the only part you'll never see twice on a save file.
>Let's add unnecessary light sources because our hardware is garbage
putting aside the graphics, it's LITERALLY worse in every single way.
All those areas are too bright.
And now show the moon, the astral observatory, the Great Bay temple, and all the other areas they ruined.
A couple of effects are ruined but Ocarina as an ugly game in spots. It's noticeable in the Ice Cavern which is just a bunch of white colored rooms in the original.
The thing is Majora's Mask is a much better looking game (Besides Ikana but that's literally fucking rocks the area) so the new "style" doesn't really improve anything besides a bit of window dressing in indoor areas.
MM looks gorgeous for the tone it was trying to set, faggot. There's so much detail and nuance in the animation and models that you'd have to be retarded to think it's ugly.
N64 games looked ugly because they look like horror games, MM tries to be terrifying and manages to look good.
lol wtf why did they make it so colorful and shit? fucking neo-nintendo doesnt know a good atmosphere from its ass
The fuck? MM is the best looking N64 game, and has far superior graphics, models, animations and textures than OoT. Probably because they got to reuse assets and spruced them up heavily, pushing the N64 to the limit.
>90's babies will find a problem with this
looks fine to me
MM was fucking amazing for its time. You would know this if you were born before 2000.
>2000's babies think this looks good.
>nintendochildren call others underage
I was born in 89.
It looked like shit you delusional fuck. It's literally a carbon copy of OoT except with an uglier world.
It's also one of the worst Zelda games in the series.
>I am 27 years old and I use absolutes like "worst, literally, carbon copy" etc and expect to be treated as anything but someone in desperate need of (you)'s
>"Every day normal words trigger the fuck out of me, please stop otherwise I'm going to have to retreat to my safe space"
Nice, epic, I like it.
I was born in 1986 and was pretty disappointed by it because it was like a stand alone expansion pack more than a game. Felt like Nintendo had all these assets and they just remixed them for a budget baby Zelda rather than a proper main entry.
I will tell you right now there is no fucking way a 90's kid was satisfied by Majora's Mask. You come right out of OoT and you get just a bit more of the same but now it's only 3 dungeons? No fucking way any kid was ok with that. MM only got popular in retrospective once people got older and they started spreading this meme of it being dark and deep.
I'm too lazy to find it but there's a comparison picture that shows it's not even the same young link model in both games. Same with the Dinofols, the legless shopkeepers and some other shit besides stuff you'd never actually pay attention to like guays.
I was born in 98 and loved MM more than OoT when I was 5, playing MM for hours on end.
I was born in a small board. I was still a child when we were raided by normies. Foreign normies. Torn from my elders, I was made to post their memes. With each new website, my masters changed along with the memes they made me post. With each change, I changed, too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw right and wrong. Memes can kill.
Did 3D fuck up Stone Tower?
>mm3d is a remake meme
love it
>narrative depth, complexity, value, or meaning.
Not a single Zelda game fits that description.
No, Stone Tower wasn't changed, but Twinmold was and for the better in my opinion
sorry I didn't finish my post, it was supposed to end with "except majora's mask" sorry captcha/reply cooldown/etc
Meat eaters WILL defend this.
>finally 100% Majora's Mask on the 3d version
>feel really empty after I barely ever made progress on the N64 version
I feel empty for getting shit done. As obnoxious as it was, every Song of Time after you succeeded at something felt super satisfying. When you finally beat a dungeon or did that one sidequest and you play > A V > A V and you can rest easy knowing you've got all that progress saved is great.
I thought you were memeing but it looks gorgeous
>Get essentially the equivalent of your best friend telling you what the game is like 100%
>Get surprised when the real experience isn't half as gratifying
I know, right?
I can't tell if you guys are joking or serious anymore. And why cherrypick the empty tutorial area?
Ever thought that maybe some people just like the art style, art direction, and aesthetic?
why would I be joking, I just downloaded project64 and the rom to try out that plugin that's why I'm in the intro
god damn it I haven't played majora in years and I'm feeling like finishing it again now
>it was like a stand alone expansion pack more than a game
oh fuck off nobody ever thought of the game as an expansion pack, even in 1999
Some random boring cave just seems like falseflagging is all. MM can do much better.
idk it seems to be same with zsnes. It's the most popular but some autist can point out something wrong if you go frame by frame or some shit and therefore it's shit
Post more comparison images
Dude, even the most popular games have glaring emulation glitches in zsnes. There's no reason to use it when snes9x works so much better and still works on toasters.
>left, clear morning sunlight, moody atmosphere as the day is starting
>right, ayllmao just fullbright my shit up senpai
Left: No Filtering
Right: Sharp Filtering
that's sharp filtering, this is no filtering.
>no life
>looks like Ganondorf has already taken over
>clearly lived in
>happy as fuck, makes Ganondorfs take over far more impactful
Both versions have good things and bad things, why is it always extremes with you inbred fuckers?
t. MM3D developer
Drop the devastation. For example the N64 does this scene better. Blindly shitting on one version or another completley is pure fanboy wank plain and simple.
>Peasant town looks like a peasant town
>Peasant town looks like a carnival
>medieval village up
>moe shit down
top kek you expect people to take you seriously
aslo pre-rendered background > real time any fucking day, even resident evil fags know this
>Blindly shitting
It's JUSTIFIED shitting you cum guzzler, the only thing the 3DS version has over the original is the framerate and gameplay tweaks, otherwise it's a shitty downgrade just like wind waker HD compared to the original
Nintendo should not be EVER allowed to try and commission remakes, they are fucking stupid and idiotic about them, just look at majora's mask bosses all having le ebin eye to shoot at to kill them, fucking cancer, kill aonuma, kill myamoto, scrap Breath of the Meme and make a fucking good zelda with Koizumi and shut the fuck up.
>Everything has to be saturated to be "alive"
But I still like bottom better because it's actually 3D
Wow. So this is nostalgia goggles cranked to extreme.
>First reply is arguing that the thing you like is inconsistent.
>Second reply is stating an opinion shared by credibly people while giving an example of the thing you don't like's tone.
>Third reply is just some guy spouting a mad yet ultimately justified opinion, even if it's annoying as fuck
wew you sure showed us
Yes, if you ignore all arguments and opinions the new thing is always better than the old thing.
>calling it a peasent town
>when it's directly connected to the castle
>and no where stated that it's a pauper town
>Pre rendered is better than everything fuck you
>3rd reply is an angry nostalgia ridden blog
Thanks for highlighting just how fucking pathetic these complaints are.
Except I didn't. I stated that the N64 did things better than the 3DS, but the 3DS also has many improvements. Sorry you can't read user but you'll pick it up.
>It's 99% shit but 1% of it is good so it's preference based
fuck off
Again, nostaliga ridden shitposting. Go play some vidya kid it'll calm you down.