So Sup Forums, is this legit good?
Life is Strange
It's decent. Music and the atmosphere are pretty good. The story only really takes off with the second episode though, and you might dislike the first two episodes if teenage "coming of age" movie-esque stereotypes aren't your thing.
Better than Walking Dead Season 2 that's for sure. Or anything Telltale has done after TWD S1 with the exception of Borderlands.
Neat, neat. Thanks user.
it's cerealously hella good. much fun.
They should have stuck to the highschool twilight zone shenanigans. Chloe is the worst shit
Yess, it's legit good. As says, you shoud at least not dislike the teenage coming of age trope, since it plays a big role in giving form to the plot, but it's a really great game. Great music, nice plot, nice characters.
Had fun.
>game with where characters obtain time travel/other supernatural elements
>never bothers to explain where they came from
fuck this game
Fuck off, TWAU shits over this.
Yeah. The rewind mechanic is cool and used quite well, and the story is interesting enough to keep you engaged, with some twists and turns thrown in for good measure.
I found there's a bit more depth to it than, say, the Telltale games. You actually need to pay attention in this both when reading things you find and with what people say.
The dialogue is initially quite cringeworthy but you get used to it once you clock on to the style they're going for.
Soundtrack is boss.
fuck no, it takes most of the bad shit about telltale "games" and combines then with even worse writing and the most cringeworthy dialogue since Borderlands.
It is indeed
It's a fine movie if you wanna watch hipsters in highschool prove they're dipshits.
Are you cereal?
But I really liked The Wolf Among Us.
If you enjoy it for the writing your prefrontal cortex is damaged.
If enjoy the dialogue, you're wrong, you don't enjoy it.
If you like something else about it then that's your opinion and you're free to have it.
nope just sjws shit on how all white men are evil and how only women should have guns to defend themselves form them
>getting so buttmad over a 10 second long satirical statement
Play the game faggot
I hate this game and everything about it.
It's a terribly written movie with unlikeable characters and I really don't see how anyone can enjoy it.
but maybe I'm wrong idk
no thanks.
no interest in giving men haters money
>people hating on a game they've never played
Why was it so good lads? Hopefully it gets a second season with the same quality
This, pic related. I honestly thought it was neo-liberal trash.
>not having ascended beyond identifying with any gender
Not really
You should at least try it.
That game is a lot of people's guilty pleasure. Including me.
The dialogue is boring, the setting and theme is overly hipster, as are the characters, but if you like that sort of thing, go for it.
Personally, I felt the overall dialogue was boring. The only thing that was good was the "killer twist" and the ending's lesson. Your choices do not really matter. If you want a good story game with telltale elements, I suggest Dreamfall:Chapters. I highly recommend you play the game before it though (or watch it). First game in the series is not really necessary imo.
Uhh you dropped TWAU, user
It's good in the first episode and in a few parts after that. The parts that focus on the school are good, but Chloe is an insufferable bitch and you spend way too much time with her. Most of the mysteries they build up are also just flat out ignored in the incredibly lackluster fourth episode, and none of your choices really end up mattering, nor does 90% of the cast get any sort of resolution.
*final episode, not fourth.
Me too man :(
>Dialogue that reads like a 50-year old business man trying to be hip with the kids
>You're stuck with a insufferable bitch for a 'best' friend who ends up shooting a dog and refuses to say anything is her fault
>Your powers stop working when it's convenient for the plot
>The only choice in the game is at the end when you choose between saving Chloe or the town
Take a guess
>>You're stuck with a insufferable bitch for a 'best' friend who ends up shooting a dog
No guarantee on that.
The music is bretty good. The ending sucks :^)
Not on the shooting a dog part, maybe. But the rest is.
>only women should carry guns in this country
god she was a bitch
this game would have been forgotten on release and never had any sequels without the high school lesbians for male nerds to fap to
fucking genius whoever decided to add them in, imagine how terrible this game would be if chole was a dude