How do I defeat this fat AoE spamming fuck?
>imb4 git gud
How do I defeat this fat AoE spamming fuck?
hit it until it dies
like 90% of monsters and 50% of bosses, hit it from behind
Bring a weapon that does at least 150 damage or a really good bleed weapon and just hang out near his ass
I'm trying but this asshole swings at an arc that somehow catches me when he's half or less health. I swear its like he's just dicking with me.
Run out of the aoe
Stay behind and close, force aoe magic blast and his butt slam thing. They're the easiest to dodge and have enough recovery time to give 2-3 hits if you're quick
He shouldn't use his axe when your at his ass. Only attacks are buttstomp and explosion. At that point just attack, step back, repeat.
I got an Axe with +2 reinforcement and a Zweihander. The latter is too slow for me.
So staying close makes him spam the aoe right?
Bleed is 15% of their health every 5-10 swings, how is that too slow?
Literally stand up his fat ass. All he will do is the butt slam to try and face you.
From behind yea, if you're in front of him he may use the axe.
git gud.
Ain't got bleed nigga ;_;
His AoE attack is really telegraphed, just have your camera on him all the time and quickly run behind whenever he raises his axe.
get morning star in firelink, thats how i always deal with him
bitch nigger, theres a spiked mace in firelink shrine
Oh wait, I do have that. Ok I'm gonna go rekt this fatass a new asshole.
Give us updates OP.
hilarious thread oh pee
You're really going to fight him with a +2 axe? what the fuck i can barely kill him with +15 shit.
Use the drake sword.
You don't know real pain till you punch him to death with a base level cestus.
I might as well be wearing nothing at all.
cease to be bad.
>The latter is too slow for me.
No it's not.
>Axe with +2
That's shit.
you run away when he goes to do the aoe.
You have enough time. Then you run back and hit it?
Rolling makes you invincible, literally.
use the zweihander or claymore and upgrade it a bit
Alternatively kill the merchant in undead burg for the uchigitana and upgrade it a bit It has great bleed damage
DONT LOCK ON just run behind him
Roll if he swings at you and take off enough armour to give you the fast roll
Keep an eye out for the aoe and literally just walk away from him when he starts it
He has a lot of hp so its okay to wait til later on in the game
Improve your ability
Become proficient
force him to do the ass-slam by staying close to him, roll away when he does it and when he recovers from it you have a time window to hit him once or twice. Get close to him again rinse and repeat
the git gud meme a is a viable option
>not killing him with the broken sword
use the ring that gives you better mobility in water/swamp of course
get barely any armor/weight and rush to gbet behind him
go in for 1-2 attacks after his buttslam then get ready to roll backwards to avoid his magic blast