Is Gothic 2 really better than Gothic 3?

Is Gothic 2 really better than Gothic 3?

from what i've heard, the only ones worth playing are 1 and 2

Gothic 3 is shit so yes

Gothic 2 is for casuals

Gothic 2 may be better but Gothic 3 is enjoyable as well. At least in German

Gothic 1 Is the best game Lorewise, but the controls are fucked up, and the graphics are horribly dated

Gothic 3 gameplay is shit, the story is retarded, and the graphics are horrible

Gothic 2 has a great story, graphics can be improved quite a bit with mods, and the gameplay is fine. Also, Gothic 2 has the best addons

Play 1 and 2, forget 3 ever happend (nobody talks about 4) and start riven, since the riven and gothic universe will be connected in the next game

>gothic 2 is for casuals
>it's harder than 3
So is Gothic 3 just for braindead retards then?

Gothic games are shit, and Risen. All shit. Fuckawful stunlock combat that's pisspoor. Fuck those games.

>Is Gothic 2 really better than Gothic 3?

it's objectively the best


>and start riven
do I need to play myst first?

by far
The world might be smaller (but big in its own rights) but the game world feelsmore cohesive and filled with interestign stuff at every turn while Gothic 3 has a lot of emptiness in its huge environments

Does Gothic have DX11 support yet?



>love gothic
>love gothic 2
>love gothic 3, even though it was different
>play risen 1
>tons of fun, combat is meh but overall is a great game
>haha time to play risen 2
>shitty console port
>really SHITTY combat
>out of the ass story, for some reason you end up being in inquisition, on ANOTHER ISLAND when it was stated clear in the first game that you CAN'T leave the island because magic storms
>without your bitch-ass armor and your eye, you dont even look like the guy from Risen1 AT ALL
>the game does not explain why and what the fuck happened between risen1 and risen 2
>the game pulls patty out of it's ass, for some reason she's here as well
i'm pissed, i loved the first risen and after jumping straight into risen 2 i just want to puke
fucking piranha bytes


Risen 2 ain't great, I'll give you that, but Risen 3 is pretty cool.
Still piratey, but more. And just generally better.

I feel like I'm setting myself up for so much disappointment again with this game.

Definitely. Gothic 3 is an unfinished mess even with the community patches.

Gothic 2 is better, yes, but Gothic 3 with community patches is STILL a great and fun game.

>Gothic 2
Ok, fine. You start again from zero because you were half-dead for months after the events of G1 and you got saved with magic, barely.

>Gothic 3
You start again from zero because, uh, the ship journey took a good few months and you forgot everything you ever learned in your life.

Alright here's an opinion from someone who's finished gothic 1,2,3 multiple times, and unfortunately 4 too.

1 - 10/10
2 - 10/10
2 + NotR - 15/10
3 - 8/10
4 - 0/10

Noticed how orcs are piss-easy in gothic 3? It could be a "way" of making the hero remember some stuff
or they were just stupid, i dunno
Still better than playing risen 2 after risen

the game will use the combat system from risen 2/3
so its shit

risen 1 was really good

He probably meant risen. First one is really decent all-around and reminded me of first two gothics. It only starts to go downhill towards the end, but first half of the game is really well-made. All other risens besides first one are dog shit though, at least in my opinion, they butchered combat and setting too much.

You don't start from zero in G3 though. You can slay orcs pretty easily and more than one at a time, while in G1-G2 early game a single orc can rape you if you're not blocking his every strike for that significant time that it takes to bring his hp to 0 with shit weapon.

Gothic is manly as fuck.

why is gorn in his pants
did he and diego get interrupted?

>but the controls are fucked up
After I got it, I couldn't play it for several years due to controls, and I also had no internet to look it up. Than I found the pdf that came with the game.

Though, I think that its controls are really good, if unconventional. You can play the game using only keyboard with no problem, too.


>a riven-style game set in the gothic universe

I... huh. I think I would be okay with this.

>tfw I have felt irresistibly drawn to the Risen games for years despite nobody even knowing about them and they have almost no coverage in gaming journalism
>tfw Sup Forums keeps telling me they're bad
>tfw soon I'll have to give in and play them just to get it out of my system

they're all actually good

Real men don't need pants.

Risen 1 is basically a Gothic 1, so it's really good
Risen 2 has bad gameplay, but imo nice atmosphere and introduced some interesting concepts
Risen 3 is a mix of 1 and 2, very solid game all around

None of them are perfect but each has it's moments.

Amazing dungeons, combat is brutally hard, game is buggy, and it's impossible to know what to do without a guide for many aspects of the game.

>Risen 2
Full pirate theme, great looking jungles, non existent dungeons, combat still brutally hard but far less buggy. Story isn't all that bad but if you don't like pirates you'll be put off by it.

>Risen 3
Gameplay feels a lot better and more fair but combat gets way too easy later in the game. Awful story, awful voice acting, and despite the return of a more fantasy setting the problem is that they try to force all these great locations into tiny islands that tends to ruin it.

Risen 1 is great, you'll get used to it real quick
Risen 2 retcons most of Risen 1 and is overall shit, you can play it if you want
Haven't played Risen 3 because of 2

Gothic 3 is amazingly beautiful and has some of the most gorgeous music

It's worth a walk through just to take it all in, also it can be really fun as a mage or a bow character, melee is admittedly awful

Gothic 3 could have been good if Jowood hadn't pressured Piranhas into rushing the game out. They had to leave a lot of features unpolished, simplified or downright unfinished. Could've been a real masterpiece had they had more time.

Who plays vanilla anyway? Install the community patch, AI and combat improvements and no you can't kill orcs straight away. The game gets much better.

So the outlaws are the bro faction, and the albs are what everyone will join anyway since it's cool as shit?

Gothic is not a good game but was fun for its time. It would be hard to go back to any of them.

I don't see how that's true in any way. What games have you moved on to?

I'm playing it for the first time and you are wrong. Gothic was not a good game for its time, it's a fucking great game, period.

Alright boys this has finally been the boost I needed to get this shit off my backlog, buying from Steam now. See you all in the next Piranha Bytes thread.

Just finished Gothic 1. A 7.5/10 (which is pretty good) in my book, mainly ruined by the annoying backtracking. Does Gothic 2 have as much backtracking?

Of course it would be hard to come back to if you're a casual trash can

>What games have you moved on to?
Games like Gothic are practically unplayable now that Dark Souls series set a whole new standard for RPG games.

I'd say it has even more, especially if you are not completely certain where is it that you are supposed to go. But often there's a lot even if you do know .

Make sure to not give up on Risen 2, after you slog through this garbage Risen 3 will look like a masterpiece.

t. shitter

I finished Gothic 1 and it was pretty great once I get the hang of the controls.

Been playing 2 and it's okay but I gotta say the LP cost of stats doubling past 30 is a pain in the ass. I've got some good weapons but its taking forever toget my strength up.

Apparently the expansion is what is making it so difficult in general, it's way harder than 1, but more polished and lively. The blood flies are terrifying at low levels right now, but were a breeze in 1.

A lot more sidequests is nice. I'm probably going to become a Paladin.

For some reason I can't execute combat very well though, especially side attacks. Can't get the timing down even though I had no problens in 1. I ended up just disabling Gothic 1 controls and it's actually going much smoother for combat.

>are practically unplayable now
for you
I still love the first gothic game

There's just as much, if not more, but there's a lot more freedom and variety to quests in 2. So it makes it more tolerable.

Don't reply to bait you idiot.

So Elex is just like Fallout 3?

>Join sect
>do quests for the sect

>Join old camp
>"go spy on the sect"
do quests for the sect

>Join new camp
>"go spy on the sect"
>do quests for the sect

One thing that bothered me is how quickly factions became just your flavor of armor.

Has quite a lot, world's bigger though and you get travel runes.

I sure as hell hope not.

For me bloodflies were a non-issue, probably the easiest of the early enemies.

Just wait until you meet the wargs. They hit harder than a shadowbeast, take about as much damage as a troll, and they always come in groups you can't separate.

And yet, their skin is only worth 25 golds compared to the shadowbeast's 250 and a troll's 300. It's fucking bullshit, I tell you.

>lot more freedom and variety to quests
>world's bigger
>travel runes
Shit, guess I'll play it soon. The samey environments in Gothic 1 made the backtracking way worse than it needed to be.

Alright here's an opinion from someone who's finished gothic 1,2,3 multiple times.

1 - 8/10
2 - 9/10
2 + NotR - 15/10
3 - 7/10

My problem is the range. Even with a sword half the time I hit them or the big beetle bug things they hit me at the same time so we are just trading blows. It's really hard to judge where the fucking hitbox is and what kind of reach creatures have.

i had no problem with backtracking in G1, by the time you have to do most of it you have access to speed pots and transformation scrolls

Gothic 2 is huge with more interesting landscapes. Although you can still go back to the Gothic 1 map as well, it's that big.

Gothic 2 is just leaps and bounds better than 1. Much harder too.

stay frozen pleb

guess I just have ADD and these games ain't for me, then

G1 has better setting.

I heard G2 is hard but that NOTR is beyond hella hard.

I am a filthy casual who is put off by that.

I did enjoy and finish G1 though - albeit it was frustrating at times.

Is there a way to make NOTR slightly more approachable?

What mods/patches/shit if any should I go for?

A sword should give you enough range to deal with them without taking much damage. I'd say unlike in Gothic 1, here the most important thing is finding the right strategy against specific enemy patterns.
For enemies that jump at you, like lizards or wolves, the side swing is the best way to go, and back step if they don't jump back immediately.
For bugs, snappers, or shadowbeasts it's best to rush them and forward attack so they don't have time to react.
For goblins/goblin skellies stand in one place, lock on, forward attack, move away, repeat.
For trolls, rush them, hit once, step back, forward attack once, or twice if it's not raising its arm, step back, repeat.
For skellies stand still and wait for them to come to you, block, if it's a fast swing block again immediately, if it's a slow swing wait a split second before blocking again, repeat. Attack only if it moves its sword over the shoulder, if it doesn't jump back prepare for blocking again.
For orcs stand still, forward attack as they raise their weapon, back step, repeat.

If you're afraid of difficulty, you can plow through the game with a bow.

Side swinging is such a pain in the ass in G2 for some reason. Cant get the timing down right at all. Maybe I just need more one hand skill still to make it quicker/easier.

I had no problems in 1 with the controls which is weird

If you finished G1 NOTR really isn't that bad. You already know how to survive or proceed with the game, so the learning curve shouldn't be too hard for you.

Playing an archer in RPGs is stupid.

It's social commentary on how same general ideologies can still have radically different groups

Thusly every faction you can join in the end leads to the same path no matter their apparent differences

It's a bit tricky to get right, but you'll get used to it. You definitely should pump your weapon skill though, that's about the most important if you want to be any good at combat. There's a big difference between fighting with a 30% crit chance, or with a guaranteed crit on every hit.

Don't listen to the other guys

>play mage
>get fire rain spell
>proceed to level up in act 4 by killing literally all the orcs
>have an easy time with the dragons with summons

Just use dexterity weapons until you go full mage since there is one with like a 120 damage and only 70dex requirement, absolutely insane

>play mage in a game where mana doesn't regenerate

Going mage in Gothic games always seemed like a pain in the ass because you were stuck mostly with melee weapons for the entire first portion of the games.

Maybe I'll try it next time I play

With 70 str you can equip the fine longsword that does 80 base damage, and you also get the strength bonus.

>manly as fuck.
But they look like the first boss from GodHand.


>and the graphics are horribly dated
They are part of the game's atmosphere so that's not an issue

I keep dying in gothic 3

why is this game so hard?


Melee is more fun anyway, magic is best done as a hobby.

Just one more level before I learn how to achieve demi-god status with the gajillion stone tablets I amassed, and then I predict things will start to get crazy.

And then I'll finally move on to Chapter 2.

Yeah it has just as much backtracking, but this time you will find new quests in later chapters if you visit places you were already done with.

More, but there's at least some travel runes. Just save up on sprinting potions and sprint around the world.

You are imagining things, my dear friend.
Besides, are you saying God Hand is not manly as fuck?


As far as I'm aware there is an English translation, but not a scanlation. You might be able to find the original German somewhere if that's more your thing, though.

first one is the best