7th Dragon III: Code VFD

You guys ARE buying the GOTY in three days, right?

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Waiting for a yuroshitter release date

I played it months ago when it got leaked. It's an ok game

Fuck, I forgot Europe got shafted on this.

Piratefags have already ensured it'll flop since it leaked a while ago

Best jrpg on the 3DS this year but I already beat it

Already beat it.
Story is a poop.
Final boss is fucking easy.
Banisher ftw

You could always buy it for your collection.
Please encourage SEGA to release more niche games in the West and to make more 7th Dragon games. Apparently the now defunct Imagepooch didn't even work much on this game.

Well I am getting it but not really looking forward to it's arrival as even the artbook was fully scanned forever ago

Fuck that trailer looks sick and now you tell me Europe gets fucked. It confirmed coming to europe and just no release date or nothing


Aww. I really wish SEGA didn't fuck this up and send the game to literally whos. Would've made things more fun. But at least you're getting it.

Can't blame them.

It's pretty amusing though.

I like the demo. It actually got me to go back and play the first one on the DS.

Holy shit there's a lot of skill options and I am worried I will fuck something up since you only get 3 SP to start and 1 SP when leveling

I really hope you use the eng patch cheat item to make yourself immune to bloom damage

I just started playing the demo and I noticed the framerate seems to dip a lot. Its not TOO bad, but it is somewhat annoying. The whole game isn't like this, is it? Or is it just my 3DS?

Is there Miku mode again?
Is this one as piss easy as the last?

Even easier.

The game is really held back by the 3ds hardware
The final dungeon for instance has the frame rate drop like crazy because it's too pretty
Same problem they had with the psp games

normal enemies and dragons are piss easy
True dragons this time around are actually hard

Isn't this Persona + Etrian Odyssey?

there's a cheat item in the english patch?

Confirmed coming, but no date. twitter.com/deepsilver/status/750665176425299968

Is there a Male MC? i don't want yurishit the game.

It's in the readme
>Additionally, in either version, registering a character with the second Mage appearance and the name "*TLOVE", where * represents the musical note, activates a cheat. The new character comes equipped with items that prevent all random encounters and Bloom damage, which you can transfer to other characters as desired.

I know nothing about this game. Is it fun? I'll get it if it's fun. I want a fun JRPG and Star Ocean was a little disappointing.

I want another Battle Network game...

You can make one.

Rip. Easy turned based jrpgs just turn into slogfests, which is a real shame given how colorful and vibrant the 7th dragon games are.

Alright cool

All your party members are created by you
Appearance is not tied to job class

I haven't played the first or second game and I don't like playing games out of order

It's like EO. You can choose portraits and classes of your party.

Already played it last month on my hacked 3DS :^)

Best music coming through.


is the book a first run bonus or preorder only?

that's a specific name

there is a demo

Not Dragon Quest. Still may pick it up.

>SMTFinal and DQVII come out in September

Pretty pumped for DQVII.

Last time Sup Forums tricked me into buying one of these chibi anime games I lost 60 bucks.

You could always play the demo to see if you'd like it or not.
I might even recommend trying 7th Dragon 2020, which was never released in the US.

it did get an English patch

Yes, and that mega is a link to the 2020 English patched

I never thought I'd see the day where DeepSilver saved Europe.

>shitty chore simulator
dropped the first one like a bucket of cum

Does your data in the demo carry over to the game?

Is this a cute game?

No idea, I beat the demo but it mentions bonuses in the main game, like $10,000 among other things

It's pretty shoddy and it doesn't get much better.
Also, I don't know if you can skip animations in the full game, but you couldn't in the demo and it was HORSESHIT

They did that shit in the past games as well.
Each class and appearance has its own "unique"/"canon" name.
In the first, I think it just raised that unit's stats a little.

You couldn't in 2020 so I imagine you couldn't in this either. I like how fluid the animations are, so I don't mind.

I don't give a shit how fluid they are, I hate seeing them all the fucking time.
Shit like this is why #FE is even more garbage than it is, because seeing the same goddamn long ass animation literally hundreds of times is fucking aggravating.
The first 7th Dragon at least had them fast as fuck so as not to annoy the player..