>he grew up with a ps2/xbox/gamecube
He grew up with a ps2/xbox/gamecube
Other urls found in this thread:
>he didn't grow up with an Atari 2600 and Amiga 1200
>he grew up
I grew up with a gamecube and it was great
>he never grew up at all
>he grew up on Sup Forums
What are you, 40? You must be if you didn't grow up with them.
>he still doesn't wear a diaper and sucks his moms titties
>his first console wasn't the genesis
You'd be lucky if half the Sup Forumsirgins here even did that. All those people defending someone that has never seen an NES before...
>tfw most of Sup Forums's first console was an Xbox 360
>His parents are divorced
>grew up with an xbox and ps2
>barely play it and emulated snes/gba/ps1 instead
How did you know?
I grew up on a Wii because it took me until I was about 11 to be able to save my money and my parents didn't want to buy me a home console They gave me a gameboy color and advance SP though.
>he prefers physical games but uses mp3s
PS2 was the GOAT console so I'm lucky having grown up with it.
>he grew up
You mean the golden era of gaming?
Where we didnt have to pay so much for dated pixelated trash
>he was born in 1998 but grew up with a SNES
The wonders of luddite parents, anons.
Yeah it was a great generation.
The PS2 alone has arguably the largest and most diverse library of great games of any console in history.
If you could only play one console ever again, you would be wise to select a PS2 just for the sheer amount of content it had. Not shovelware either. Good games.
I was 14 when I bought my Gamecube, and now I'm 29, so yeah I did.
>soon people born this century will be allowed to post on Sup Forums
>tfw many of them are already here
This is a legitimately good question. I set up a strawpoll to check out what the exact facts are.
Hopefully other anons will use it in other threads as well.
>mfw I grew up with a gaming PC, NES, SNES and Sega Genesis
I was lucky enough to have parents who appreciate video games.
>tfw you were too young to understand the impact of the change from games on 2d to games on 3d
SNES/N64 kid here.
>He grow up in a shittier time with inferior technology
>oldest option is the 7800
I only picked it because it was the oldest
These polls have been done before. Most of Sup Forums tends to hover in the SNES bracket.
The best generation of videogames was the one that occurred during puberty. As guys, puberty is fucking awesome. Growth spurts, boners, and hormones meant that everything was always at 100% extreme. Life was kickass and was a rollercoaster of emotion. That's why we associate our good memories with that particular videogame generation.
Conversely, that's also why women HATE videogames. Puberty fucking sucks for females, and that's why all connection to them is lost. They have the opposite effect to us when it comes to vidya during puberty.
As for me? I grew up with snes, and hit puberty with a gamecube. Good shit desu senpai.
born in 1998 and grew up with the NES
But I don't see a choice for the Vectrex.
Yeah for some reason StrawPoll only let me input 30 options. Don't know what's up with that.
I grew up on NES, SNES, N64, PS1 and PS2 consecutively.
Fite me.
>He grew up with inferior consoles and is now so jealous of other people's awesome childhoods that he has to shitpost on a tibetian basket weaving forum
First console was a PS2. I didn't have to grow up with wonky 5th gen 3D games with terrible controls and framerates. Instead, I got the console with the greatest, most diverse library ever made. So, yeah. Stay jelly.
>he grew up with the best console of sixth gen
>record of lodoss war game
I must emulate this now.
>ps2 games didnt have terrible frame rates
stay delusional
>tfw NES, SNES, Polystation, PS1, PS2 and a GBC
All I have now is a shitty laptop
Most PS2 games still have better framerates than pretty much anything you'll find on the predecessor and N64.
it still had terrible framerates
Everyone is divorced from reality.
Because nobody wants to lug around a CD player and a bunch of CDs.
>Jak & Daxter
>Ratchet & Clank
>Sly Cooper
>Ape Escape
>DMC1 and 3
>Gran Turismo
>Gradius V
>All those fighting games
It was alright.
No 2600?
>All these fucking newfags pretending they grew up with an Atari 2600 or some other hipster console from the 80s
Do you think you're impressing anyone or something? No one cares.
Mainly play master race nowdays.
>no game boy
>listing multiplats
for what purpose? it shouldnt be hard to name ps2 exclusives
>no genesis
Shit list.
fug that sounds so stupid it's believable
Never mind. Didn't scroll down, I'm dumb.
>he grew up with the "X asian nation + X hobby = XD" meme
Yeah. I was still growing up when I was a teenager. Is there a point to this fucktarded thread?
>once got into an argument with a guy because my first console was snes but he thought I was too old to have started with an snes and actually had an NES
still mad about that
who is this dude anyhow
Chris Evans.
>when someone says they never had a console where they were a kid
Underage get out
The Wii came out almost ten years ago, user. If he was 11 when he got one, he could be 20 today.
Still disgusting
Who GBC master race?
>no option for PS1
way to go, retard
>not stroking your dads cock after he comes home drunk from the VFW, then falling asleep in a spooning position while his cock turns flaccid in your hand
>he grew up with a bootleg console
Fuck my life
Games are just objectively shitty now. Here's a historical perspective.
>In the 1990s there was controversy around violet video games and politicians were calling for them to be banned
>the ESRB rating system was created to prevent banning games because they weren't appropriate for small children
>In the late 90s - early 2000s game journalists insist that games be considered ART for MATURE ADULTS to avoid future game bans, oh and games should be made to appeal to a broader demographic (so I can get a gamer girlfriend)
>today we have art games made by SJWs and AAA shits for the mature gamers with disposable income, and they're beginning to converge into a singular turd-entity
And that's why no fun is allowed
>SJW boogeyman
NES/SNES/Genesis childhood here, I'd feel more sorry for kids who ONLY had N64 without a PS1 to compliment it. Dreamcast, Gamecube, and PS2 were pretty alright generation to be quite honest.
Only wiggers and underprivileged retard families had Xbox.
What is the PSX?
>gaming ''journalism'' completely taken over by SJWs
>games getting censored left and right
>games being influenced by SJWs who don't even play vidya
>games straight up not coming to the west
>even big games like GTA5 getting pulled off the shelves
le boogeyman
What did you have? I had a famiclone sort of thing in a PS1 shell with PS1 controllers and a 100-in-1 cart full of nes games.
Image all the kids these days that aren't even ten and already exposed to gore, all kind of violence and hardcore porn. Can't wait to see what this generation will turn out to be.
Not a ps1
>People mixing up PS, PSOne and PSX
Makes me mad.
I wanna fuck that animated kid
>game boy
What a paranoid faggot. Go back to r/gamergate
Vita and 3DS are on there and so is the GBA SP.
>he's still mad about the poll yesterday
>he grew up with a macintosh
>when everyone was playing their ps2 and xbox, I was playing on a half broken ps1
>was too poor to afford a ps2,
>was so poor that our ps1 was stolen from a drug dealer
>omly had 3 games, which were all sports games
Fuck you cunts
>no OG Gameboy
>no playstation 1
>no atari 2600
how the fuck can you screw up this badly