Honest question

Honest question.

Why buy single player games when you can get them for free?

Some of us aren't complete leeches and understand that the people who made the game deserve money for their hard work.

This. Sure, there are games that suck and jewish developers, but people pirating games are never taking these in consideration

that picture made me chuckle softly

I never pay for singleplayer games
I only pay for games that has online multiplayer

Steam achievements.


Me, because I prefer physical.

I can't get them for free on PS4 which is my platform of choice. It's more cost effective to buy them on PS4 than to upgrade my PC.

If a game interests me, I'd like to support the company.

Plus, I can afford it. Plus, I consider it a hobby and I like having collector's editions, etc. to show off and help decorate my office.


Take a second to think what might happen if everybody stopped buying video games

It's the idea of voting with your wallet. The economy is tremendously powerful and buying a product is a positive vote for both that product and the choices that were used to get there. Making sure developers get money for making a game I like is an investment in the production of future games that I like.

I'm not a thief.
I do pirate to check out a game franchise I don't know or to play Etrian Odyssey when it comes out on NA because I don't want to wait a whole year for the EU version. I do buy the stuff afterwards though.

why support an artist who makes your life more enjoyable?

-because it's human decency
-because you want that artist to create more works you enjoy
-because that artist deserve compensation for the enjoyment they've provided you

why buy music when you can pirate it?
why buy movies when you can pirate it?
why buy food when you can steal it?
why buy services when you can scam?
why romance someone or pay a hooker when you can rape?
why entertain yourself with digital media if you can murder someone?

Feel more comfortable paying for games. Got a cease and desist a couple years ago from EA, if they can tell I had stolen a copy then there's an obvious risk to piracy.

Also I want more games to get made and piracy doesn't support that. There are retards who will post links saying piracy is good for the industry and its not true. A small percentage of pirates (already a minority) spend 300% more on media than the average consumer, sure. But the population of people who spend like that don't even scratch the money a game will make off of regular sales.

I've already enjoyed my happy pirate life long enough, now I've moved on to the next position in a chain. I pay for games I like so that you kids can pirate instead.

I want to support the dev, I do however belive in trying before buying, but because of my painfully slow internet connection I'd rather just do without

For refrence, here's some anime I was torrenting, total size is 1.7GB

Be honest Sup Forums. Would you pay this dog or just steal the pizza?

I would pay him in scooby snacks

Would single player games exist if they weren't profitable?

If it means his handlers would refuse to give pizza in the future, I would pay

Why would I play single player games?

There have been about three that I truly enjoyed, and the latest one was on the PS3. Haven't seen a good one in years.

>Why support people that make my life more enjoyable when I can be a fucking leech instead?

>feeding a shit-tier waifu
no wonder she doesn't like pizza

Because your money will help fund a sequel. All those games you play and love would never exist if the people making them didn't get paid for it.

most of the games I play are niche so if I dont support them i dont get sequels
>tfw ZTD, Danganronpa, NoMoreHeroes and a shitload of other games i bought got sequels because of fan support.

This is just my opinion, but:

>If a game is fairly recent and the developer is still in business, then I would rather purchase the game and give them a little bit of money.

>If a game is decades old and there is not a better way to play it on modern hardware (HD remaster, etc) I don't mind pirating it. If the game is recent, but older and not widely available in stores, then I will buy used.

>If the game is not available a normal way where you would have to buy it used anyway (like a old PC port that is not on Steam/GOG), and the company is defunct, I don't mind pirating. Also if there is legal trouble where they simply cannot release it.

>If the game is not available in your language but there is a ROM translation patch and a reasonable amount of time has passed (like Ace Attorney Investigations 2) OR the company does not have a presence in your country, then there is nothing wrong with pirating.

I'm willing to give companies the benefit to release games in a decent usable state, but if they can't put the effort in then fuck it.

the world would be a better place.

Some people. Not all.

So I can launch them on steam and hope my shitty friends message me saying "that game is shit bro" every fucking time.

I would love to say it's because of my good morality or wanting to support the devs, but I honestly don't care about all that. The reason I stopped pirating games is because it more convenient to download it through steam. Especially when it comes to patches and mods. Often times pirated version don't get the latest patch, or it takes a while for it to come out. Same reason I stopped pirating most shows and movies. Netflix and the like, made it far more convenient to watch something, than pirating it.

>I wanna support the dev!
You know that devs have fixed salaries, right? It doesn't matter if you buy the game or not, they've already been payed. By wasting your money on games you're only supporting the rich fatcat publishers.

If you wanna waste your money donate to the starving children in Somalia. And stop pretending to be all moral and stuff.

Honest question.

Why buy multiplayer games when they're all complete garbage?

None of the games I play and love are sequels

Free cloud storage. I could probably just pirate and then upload the archives to some other cloud service, but I'm lazy.

I think the better question will be

Why buy most multiplayer games when they'll soon be dead anyways?

Buying the game shows that there's a demand for that sort of game, if there's a demand, the developers will make a sequel. So yes, even if they've already been paid, my money does support them.

>bought Fall out 4
>wish I pirated it and get free DLC too
>bought any single player game
>wish I saved my money and just pirated it

sounds like someone needs some friends

I can't pirate Vita games.

>I-its better with friends! I swear!
You know where this road leads, not every friends like the same genre as you do.

I pay for games that I am really hyped for such as MGSV and DS3 but if it's a game that's been out and I just wanna try it I will usually torrent it

So.... No reason, then.

>he doesn't have friends that try every type of game
>not grabbing a bunch of cheap multiplayer games from the steam sale and playing them all on summer.

I pity you user. lucky for you. there are a shitloads of communitys around for any game you like

>stealing from a dog
You are a horrible person for even thinking about this.

Nigga I've lost friends to multiplayer games

>I've lost friends to multiplayer games
they were never your friends to begin with

How much do you tip him?


I gave him the old bone if you catch my meaning.

>Why buy things in the store when I can steal it?
How old are you?

>Implying I would buy it anyway
>Implying a multimillion dollar company is going to use me for $60
>Implying the FBI cares


Sup Forums is surprisingly jewish despite hating them