Try this game - Sup Forums

>try this game - Sup Forums

legitimately got scammed buying this boring weeaboo shit.

why you gotta be such faggots Sup Forums?

>not pirating

They said 'try', bitchboy.

One quick gameplay video would have shown you that these games are completely senile when it comes to fun.


kys familia

Serves you for not having your own taste and trying to have someone else's.

No thanks, I am too busy playing games for free without regrets.

I hope you meant scammed out of your free time. Anyone who buys games nowadays deserves to lose their money.

>v mocks fromsoftfags
>plays autism simulators

literally mocks the handful of decent jap games for dating sims

>offline piratefag


my taste is so objectively superior I needed recommendations.

>think the game will be subtle and more down to earth for once

Japan: Nah

>suddenly magical girls who go super saiyan and use their zanpactou ching chong magic swords which cut through tanks like paper because wacky zany action!

That's another developer I'm never trusting again.

>play the game
>realize that scouts and in particular Alishia are god tier, the few people that give you command points are okay tier, and everything else is shit
Saying that you have to forcefully handicap yourself by using shit units is not an excuse to make the game fun.

Cool, a Valkyria thread.

Finally getting around to beating this game, had it since the fucking PS3 release. Can't love it enough. Why is Elysse best girl?

It got overrated because it was a rare PS3 exclusive back when PS3 was dying. Exclusives get overrated by at least 1.5 points on metacritic scores because of fanboys. I've tried to warn people about VC for years but the fanboys are very aggressive and accuse anyone who doesn't like it of being anti-Sony.

>trusting ching chong game devs

theres your problem

theres a reason why western game devs are objectively superior

I don't understand how you drew those conclusions from my post, I was just commentating that this game has awful cut scenes and shitty gameplay. Did you want me to pretend to have a contrary opinion so you can argue against something other than a straw man?

im agreeing with you autist

If you agree with an autist then you become an autist. That's how they spread. That's why I make sure to never agree with anyone on Sup Forums

I may have aspergers but thankfully technically I'm on the autistic spectrum, but am considered a separate mental condition it is very important to make that distinction.

VK is one of the few interesting Japanese games out there, sure the plot goes full anime but the gameplay is still interesting

>it is very important to make that distinction.
I disagree.

>western devs
user, 2006 was 10 years ago

kys weeaboo faggot

kill yourself for using terms from faggot youtubers

Gameplay is actually pretty fun. The voice acting, writing, and animu plotshit was fucking off though.

Your red flag should have been the remains of the Darksen Calamity - supposedly brought about by "magic" (brought up even before the Valkyria reveal).

Your other red flag should have been this magical source of infinite energy that can serve almost any purpose and fuel almost any weapon, and the fact that they still live under a incredibly archaic monarchy with equally archaic architecture, but have a relatively modern military.

The name "Valkyria" should have been another red flag.

The game's fine, you're just fucking stupid.