He doesnt play his games at 999 fps

>he doesnt play his games at 999 fps

Other urls found in this thread:


is there a certain point that fps becomes irrelevant?

>"I like to burn out my video card!"

the sky is the limit

>he plays with limited frames

When it goes beyond your monitors refresh rate. St that point your GPU is working harder than it needs to for no reason


Whats the framerate of real life?

>999 fps
Might as well buy a PS4 lmao

I don't think there's much reason to go past 144, even with VR.

About 35,000 frames per second

what are you showing me?

how much fps is life itself?

Actually scientists found out it's closer to 168,000 frames per second, but it fluctuates depending on how big your dick is.

Light frequency ranges from 430 to 730 trillion hertz on vacuum.

My over 1000 more fps than you.

24 FPS

but what are you even rendering?

The Steam version of Half Life on lowest (in game at least) settings/resolution and staring at a wall.

(0.0000000000000000000000000000000000016/299,792,458) fps

> planck time

about 1.855e43

Too much FPS damages your graphics card

modern graphic cards burn out after rendering about 100000000fps

oh I see
then they should make graphics cards that can deal with high fps

Okay, but there's a limit to what the eye can see and there's a very clear diminishing margin of return when it comes to frame rate. After a certain point, you're better off dedicated resources to other components of the game than to getting better performance.

30FPS. The human eye can't see more than that, everything else is placebo.

The human eye can only see 24fps bozo, have fun with your overheating GPU playing games 6fps higher than needed lmao

>not using the extra 6fps to blink
you're missing out m8
