What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
He has a very low body temperature.
He would like some cocks up his ass
He's cold because he's dead.
He didn't say that in the japanese script, iirc
Are you telling me the game was CENSORED?
I like how they made him an asshole again in Sonic Boom.
It was localized. SA1 was even worse.
Shadow was in Boom?
What did he mean by this?
Last episode, but he didn't have that big of a part.
He's in Rise of Lyric, Shattered Crystal and the last episode of the TV series and he's an enormous dick in all three of them.
I just checked it. He says "Omoshiroi" (how interesting).
>That bucket of fucking bolts ever beating Omega
Garbage comic.
Emerl still strongest robot all years.
Cool is analogous with cold so in this context Shadow is actually stating he is the "Coldest" as in he's the coldest motherfucker on the planet.
Omega is strong because he has free will and can think outside the box.
That's the whole reason 103 could beat the others.
*Synonymous fucking hell my brain shitted out on me there.
His form in the cartoon episode of Boom is nowhere as awkwardly edgy as he was in the game. They even made him look more like his default model instead of the wide eyed pos that was in Rise of Lyric.
>You will never destroy all of me
>Implying he couldn't just kill the flicky he likes to call a soul
is this Chaos Gamma or is it the old Gamma from SA1?
I'd read a comic about the three of 'em doing stuff.
I was only planning to post those two pages, but you keep making me post the next one since it answers your question.
>The slow color transition from green to white and red to white on the text boxes
Nice touch
>An animal flying out of the wreckage going unnoticed by Omega
Also does that mean Omega has Gamma living in his head now?
>Shadow creeping with a chaos spear like a fucking caveman
Highest jej
Any more?
How can people not have played it in japanese? The game is dual audio.
Unironically good theme song.
>yfw they'll never make a Shadow the hedgehog 2.
It's more like they integrated.
I'll finish it off for you anons.
And that's it!
Omega has always been top tier, and Shadow is actually well written in the comic.
Shadow is the coolest (In the comic)
Shadow the Hedgehog was a good game.
i agree
way better than Sonic Heroes and SA1
Shadow goes to Sonic, gets pumped full of autism! Doesn't feel good - Becomes the coolest!
It had a lot of good ideas, but flawed execution. the idea of an edgy Sonic game is still hilarious to me.
to be fair, Sonic Heroes was kinds really shit, and SA1 wasn't as good
same for this. I recently watched a speedrun of it because I forgot what it looked like, it wasn't that bad except for the '''''''''''combat''''''''''''' and everyone who wasn't Shadow
Somehow Sonic Team makes good Sonic games but ruins them by introducing a new gimmick in an attempt to "revitalize" the formula, which has always been going fast
The game is hampered by the fact that it was a sonic game in level design.
The gun controls are actually good, and it felt right with the normal sonic controls and speed.
Instead of being basically a straight line with checkpoints to teleport to, it would have been helped a lot more by a more open design philosophy.
Sonic was never about speed though, it was about momentum.
and in every game after SA2 you have to stop the momentum to do a gimmick
Exactly, because current Sonic Team fails to understand it.
did they fuck
Original canon. Until the reboot (where most of the games were integrated into Archie Sonic canon), Archie Sonic played fast and loose with game stuff. Gamma surviving SA1 was one thing that was different from the game canon.
I meant "Original Gamma".
>Shadow the Hedgehog was a good game.
Game was bad by default because it was build with the same engine used for Heroes, which is why Shadow was a slippery fuck. Plus strange gameplay design like chaos control (good morality) taking you to the goal ring even thought the goal ring was usually the neutral choice. Shadow also moved way too fucking fast which combined with the slippery controls meant that you always ran into enemies.
Sonic games didn't need edgy shit like guns, but as far as gameplay was concerned the only good thing the game did is give shadow a gun, because it addressed the enemy now have health bars meme. Really makes you think huh...
fucking japs
>Gamma surviving SA1 was one thing that was different from the game canon.
More like the writers forgot/didn't care about him.
>Archie Sonic played fast and loose with game stuff
Shit was so fucked up SA2 had to be a stand alone issue that didn't really fit anywhere because half the necessary characters where MIA. Shit got weird when shadow was reintroduced into the comic. Even more weird was the Maria clone the comic had before Maria was even a concept in the games.
Eh, at least it was all fixed, and Hope got turned into a good character.
Too bad about the reboot, but thankfully there was a reboot.
>I am all I am all I am
Live and Learn as well as His World (despite being from 06) are way better 2bh
He's parroting what Sega's marketing team told him