Which was better, Sup Forums?
Which was the better:
--game overall?
Which was better, Sup Forums?
Which was the better:
--game overall?
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Why is this even a question?
Doom 2016
4 is better in literally every single aspect.
They're both super mediocre. If I had to play one, probably 3.
Doom 3 didn't have QTEs in the middle of combat, so I'ma side with Doom 3
>Doom 3 didn't have QTEs in the middle of combat
At least Doom 4 had combat
>doom 3 didn't have combat
Shitpost of the year right my man
I preferred Doom 3 when I played it on launch, compared to Doom 4 played on launch. I think the 3 was more ambitious and interesting.
None of them are good DOOM games. 3 is the best overall, and annoys me less because it didn't push the RIP AND TEAR EXACTLY LIKE OLD-SCHOOL DOOM thing in your face while having godawful game design.
Fuck off DWterminator
That's a cute demon. I wonder what kind of food it would like? I wouldn't mind having one as a pet
I have no idea who that is.
>3 was more ambitious
Nigga it was "Played System Shock/Half-Life Once: The Game"
I liked three more, had more horror elements than I've seen in Doom 2016.
Well I do love games like System shock so theres that. I also love classic Doom, so seeing Doom try to go for this was interesting.
FFS even doom 3 was better than this shit.
>32 minute long video from literally who
why should I care?
>Half-Life rip off
>More ambitious
I've never played half-life
I legitimately do not understand how you could claim to be a fan of Doom and Doom 2 and NOT enjoy Doom 2016. Seriously, what the fuck?
>bitching about the sounds of the weapons
3 minutes in and this guy is a fucking idiot so far
Doom 2016 was the better Doom game
It's better than DOOM 3
Well I got it in the sale so I'll give it a go soon enough
Guns are supposed to sound Beefy. This was true for the original doom games. Heck, even with Doom 3's awful gameplay at least the guns sounded powerful. Doom 4's weapons sound like airsoft guns. Unacceptable.
>even with Doom 3's awful gameplay at least the guns sounded powerful
No they didn't... they sounded weak as fuck (every single one of them, just listen to the chaingun)
>Doom 4's weapons sound like airsoft guns.
Confirmed for having never played either games.
The one without memes
11 minutes in and so far the only thing I agree with is the game's lack of speed in running. Everything else is bullshit spewing from his mouth.
>None of them are good DOOM games
Anyone who says DOOM 2016 isn't a good DOOM game has no idea what the games are supposed to be about.
I could only play the game so much that it irritated me to the point of just not finishing it. OF COURSE I PLAYED THE FUCKING GAME! Perhaps if you weren't so blinded by being caught in a game that isnt a moder military fps, you would see how shit this game really is. Get fucked.
careful, he bites
Doesn't help that the shotgun feels like a nerf gun if you're not shoving it down your target's face.
>that amount of views
looks like you failed to shill your video again
>not finishing it
Are you DWterminator? Also, your opinion is now invalid
>blinded by being caught in a game that isn't a modern military fps
I despised Bulletstorm and I wasn't a fan of Wolfenstein: the New Order.
I don't mind not liking the game (believe it or not), but every criticism I've heard is the most nit-picky autistic non-criticism.
kys underage
>super slow movement speed.
>there's never any ammo for the fun guns, forcing a reliance on the shotgun.
>shotgun fires about one shell every ten seconds, and has an effective range of 20 centimeters.
>monster closets out the ass.
>the only way to get armor pickups is to engage in the shitty monsters closets.
>must switch to flashlight to navigate.
>game so fucking dark, not even the flashlight helps.
Gee, senpai, I don't know.
I'm with you there. Not only did I find this distasteful, I even had to deal with some normies friends posting "lul skyrim jokes" on fb and whatnot. Jesus christ.
>A gamer with more than 22 years of gaming experience is invalid.
Consodering I was playing doom while your parents were fucking to make you, I clearly have no say in what makes a game "good". Get real idiot.
I liked the game but I did think that was cringy as fuck.
you can say whatever you want about DOOM, but the designs are pretty fucking great. a vast improvement over doom 3's shitty designs.
So you are practically confirming that you are DWTerminator? Age isn't a factor dumbass.
Finish the game, then we'll talk, sound good?
>22 fps
is it running on a toaster?
I enjoyed Doom 2016 better but I actually liked Doom 3, fuck all ya'll
It's not a good Doom game but it's a good shooter with the best atmosphere of Hell created yet
it would've been better as a standalone title
Definitely better than that shit
I don't think you know what a QTE is.
Christ this board is shit.
Judging from how lackluster the ending was described by those who completed the game, I have absolutely no will or desire to complete the game. It's that bad. Take a brief moment and understand how insane you sound and then we'll talk. Sound good?
Oldschool sli voodoo 2s. The toaster they used is beyond you.
>years of people universally shitting on doom 3
>contrarians come out of the woodwork and begin acting like it was underrated almost instantly after DOOM is released and is actually good
Finish the game and then we'll talk. Sound good?
>shilling your shitty youtube channel in a thread on Sup Forums
you are such a faggot, I just flagged all of your videos with copyright claims.
Meanwhile, DOOM 3 is STILL as shit as it ever was
>complains about being "insta-gibbed" by something spawning behind you
Seriously, how can anyone this shit even comment on quality?
Yeah, I kind of miss the pupils though.
>Oh no, what will I ever do now. Its not like have an archieve of all ny videos to re-upload them to another channel.
Again, all these idiots crying over the fact that I had insulted their new favorite game. Grow a pair for fucks sake.
Doom 3 has better storyline and atmosphere, I will give it that.
4 has the upper hand on everything else, so 4.
Some of the designs in Doom 3 were cool, such as the Hell Knight and Revenant.
Even that Cacodemon looks badass, the only problem is that it doesn't resemble a Cacodemon whatsoever.
Can't be helped. Doom '16 set a new low.
>I've played X for 22 years.
>I know exactly how X should look and sound.
>he hates on the game that looks and sounds just like an updated version of the games he played for 22 years.
Doom 3 is good. I fail to see how anyone would think its bad, unless you think that all Doom games should be the same or something.
I played Doom 3 first so I guess I couldn't compare (and no I,m not underage, I was around when Doom came out and just never bothered with it).
>A gamer with more than 22 years of gaming experience is invalid.
I don't know what's funnier, that sentence or the fact you're shilling your jewtube channel on Sup Forums. They're both equally pathetic though.
i liked the feeling of being a security guard out of his depth that you get in the beginning of doom3
just having a pistol and flashlight and shotgun in a sort of survival horror game is my kind of fun
2016 is still a better game tho i have to say
you sound pretty spergy desu
Resurrection of Evil was pretty legit
>(and no I,m not underage, I was around when Doom came out and just never bothered with it).
Why would you bother adding this unless you actually are.
Literal who, but a lot of points are spot on.
I came into this thread to look at people all shit on OP for even comparing these two and it turns out everybody here actually liked doom 3 or is at least pretending to so they can shit on doom 4
Guess I should have known
I'm fucking with you nigger
Seriously though, no one cares that you disliked DOOM and the fact that you thought you should shill a 30 minute long video you made to illustrate your dislike for the game was in very poor taste.
Some of the stuff in Doom 3 was cool but as a whole I think the new Doom does the original enemies more justice.
t. nudoom is my first doom game
it got even shittier with the bfg edition
because he would be called out, are you this new to Sup Forums?
It's a bad game. It has a lot of critical flaws, and the primary one that everybody knows is the shitty flashlight.
New doom is more like old doom than doom 3, which is a good thing.
Yep first day, mind showing me the ropes coach?
they're just shitpostin.
DOOOOOM is honestly fucking awesome. What happened to the days people actually played games for fun?
The only thing people bitch about are the glory kills which serve no purpose whatsoever on nightmare. In fact, stopping to get them will break your flow and speed just to leave you vulnerable.
I started the game on ultra-violence, got a few levels in without breakin a sweat, and decided to go nightmare. The game is considerably more fun on nightmare. It's a dance of death since stopping for even a little bit will get you killed instantly.
Didn't DOOM keep the hell knight design?
I haven't played it, so I'm not sure.
I think the problem people have is just that the game looks really fucking generic and at first glance reminds nothing of a Doom game, but it's honest to God a lot of fun.
Yes, first realize that unless you played the first game in the serious the second it came out, you'll be considered underage
Because I said I didnt play the first doom games, which is usually associate with underage.
best thing about doom3 is the flashlight to pistol and shotgun description
"Under the crazy presumption that a roll of duct tape has to exist somewhere on the Mars facility"
Doom 3 was a misunderstood game. It released around the same time as HL2 and tried to be innovative. ID Software made a game that aged like fine wine, over time you will understand the game and realise it's actually a fucking masterpiece.
I can't say the same for Doom 4 with its dated combat, qtes and boring levels. Pretty much a Halo game with qte executions.
It's $29 on GMG right now. Worth it?
the cyberdemon is fucking disgusting, you have to admit
I really like the sparks and shit. Like a lot. It's great.
B-But I always liked DOOM 3.
DOOM 2016 is better in every way, though. it's also the best FPS released since FEAR
>doom 3
>a masterpiece
DOOM 3 was more of an Aliens game than Aliens: Colonial Marines.
>clear the room to proceed: the game
DOOM is about level design. Chex Quest is more DOOM than 3 and 4.
>game actually makes you play it
Make a poll, fagget.
>Pretty much a Halo game with qte executions.
It plays absolutely nothing like Halo, have you ever played Halo before?
It's amusing that you think because you've been playing Doom for 20 years that you know better than other people that have also been playing Doom for more than 20 years.
Totally worth it. I got it on the steam sell for $34 and have loved every second of the game.
The weapon mods or more like unlocking a completely different weapon than anything. You also don't really even need to bother with the weapon upgrade points at all. Glory kills, skip them altogether on high difficulties.
The only upgrade points you really need are the argent powers (boost either health, ammo, or armor). So... I know DOOM puritans get all pissy about that shit but it's not like CoD or Battlefield at fucking all.
As a doom game 2016 was better.
As a horror survival game, Doom 3 beats most horror survival games from 2005 onward.
>crying over the fact that I had insulted their new favorite game
It's just bantz m8, don't take it so seriously.
Are you new to this website or something, DWTerminator?
Doom3 with the HD texture packs and sikkmod looks almost as good at 2016, Carmack's tech is fucking was god tier and way ahead of its time.
Having played Doom 3 recently, I have to disagree. I get they were trying something new but everything felt off. It's like they wanted to do a survival horror but still tried to keep the high intensity Doom feel.
And fuck picking up an item only to have a wall open behind. In 1 and 2 at least you had open areas and a Mach 1 speed to get some distance.
Doom 2016 is by no means a masterpiece, but it's a very enjoyable, fast-paced fun shooter that's light(ish) on the plot and heavy on the gore, which is what Doom should be. It didn't blow my dick off, but it was bretty gud.
Doom 3 is a dark, slow, boring hallway simulator that had nothing to do with the franchise.
This is a pretty easy choice.
Although Doom 3 came with an awesome pewter pinky demon figurine that has sat on my desk ever since, so at least it had that going for it.
>Doom 3 beats most horror survival games from 2005 onward.
But where was the horror? DOOM 3 had nothing but red lighting effects and random noises. Occasionally a box would move. It had no real "horror" to speak of. It didn't even really have anything unsettling. The woman lamenting her baby was the only semi-decent moment and even that was just all build up and no payoff. Not to mention every single enemy in the game announced its presence with a loud sound effects, a giant visual que and a start up animation that may as well have been a huge song and dance routine. This is only made worse when multiple enemies are spawning all at once and you just have these sound effects looping into each other over and over.
DOOM 3 didn't understand horror in the slightest.
I like both a lot. In terms of atmosphere then Doom 3 was better. In terms of gameplay, new Doom is better.