Now: Final Fantasy VI
Next: Super Metroid race
Later: Super Mario RPG
Next week: EVO
Now: Final Fantasy VI
Next: Super Metroid race
Later: Super Mario RPG
Next week: EVO
Let's begin by looking at the sponsors. SGDQ's charity of choice is Medicine Sans Frontieres, an organization dedicated to helping doctors cross international borders, which could be analogous to crossing the border between the real world and that of speedrunning. Their T-shirt sponsor is the Yetee, clearly a mutation of the word "Yeti," also known as the Abominable Snowman. A cursory glance at the Wikipedia article for the Yeti reveals its role in the old Windows game, SkiFree. The Yeti only appears after finishing the main run, continuing to chase you with no possible chance of escape. There is one method to escape him, but we'll get to that later.
Looking at the schedule, it's quite clear which run was most notable of all: Jak and Daxter, 100%. This isn't what we care about; it's the one directly following. An overwhelming majority had simply gone to sleep directly after that run, ensuring they would miss Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, and ensuring that it would be forever overlooked, ignored. Look at the word "Phantomile;" it begins with the distinctive letters PH. Following that, the rule of three is wholly influential in this situation- the amount of letters in the category name? Three. The number of initials in DCJ? Three. The scheduled starting time of the run? In central time, the timezone of the event itself, 3:12. 1 + 2 = 3. Even the final time of 51:08 can be related to three. What is 51 - 8? 43. What is 8 + 15? 23. The median average between 2 and 4? You should know this by now. If we follow the letters PH with the number 3, we get PH3, a chemical compound that goes by the common name of "Phosphine," an odorless, toxic, highly flammable gas.
So what is Sup Forums doing to pass the 4 hour snooze cruise
>FF6 run
>they're playing FF3
7th for ResidentSleeper
I'm sure you all remember the infamous Tomba 2 run of SGDQ 2014? One of the many things said by Chibi during that run: "Fast pants." Fast pants. An object moving at high speeds will be slightly redshifted due to the Doppler effect, red being the color of warmness, or heat. At AGDQ that same year, they had a fire drill to prepare any convention-goers in the event of a real fire. However, this has not occurred even once at SGDQ's current locale, the Hilton Minneapolis Downtown Hotel, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Meaning the attendees are decidedly NOT prepared in the event of a fire. Back to Chibi. Scorned by lovers, by his family, by the world of speedrunning especially. A look at his Twitter would reveal that he is emotionally fine, but consider this: His birthday? June 25th. Cancer. Cancers are well-known to be very protective of their true feelings. This should be especially true of someone with high-functioning Autism such as Chibi, and compounds with him not being able to express said feelings in a healthy manner due to aforementioned Autism.
Therefore, Chibi has ample motivation to burn to the ground the ones who so burned him. Burned the heart out of him. His method? Phosphine; a match would be all it takes to set it alight. A colorless, odorless gas would be nearly indetectable. He will cross the border between his world, and that of speedrunning one last time to do so. Which game is being played right now? Final Fantasy VI. In this game, there is a playable character named Umaro- an abominable snowman, the spritework artstyle for him and everyone else in the game being, of course, chibi.
Chibi is here now.
Once the donation counter crosses the border between sub-1 mil, and the sought-after $1,000,000, he will initiate his plan. There is one way to escape the Yeti in SkiFree: Pressing F.
The game is on, Sup Forums.
tfw crazy ff/kh fangirls don't exist anymore
Waow, this run is so boring I fell asleep and broke my nose. Waow, crazy.
Terra is pure.
Do you think I could take a 4 hour nap and wake up in time for the metroid race?
You could take this further by noting that phosphine is a structural ammonia-derivative.
Let's see if I can still crossboard link properly.
Why aren't more of these trannies at agdq?
Is Benedict Cumbersome ironically a human?
Wtf is that Edgar name? I don't get this meme
Finally going to try out Evolve to see if its good or not
EDIT: It's shit
I would have liked to see EVO
Why don't they run a FF that's NOT FFVI?
This is the 3rd fucking time.
>wake up
>literally at the start of this
just fuck my shit up senpai. though i'm happy GDQ is ending i want to go back to playing video games. how was tas block?
>the background textbox/chroma keying
Even if I WAS going to watch this run before, I sure as fuck wont waste bandwidth on it now.
being a Sup Forums patrician
>he survived the fall
>it was all a dream
>our jimmies have been rustled
Official SGDQ 2016 Tier List of recommended runs:
>Old GQD Tier
Jak and Daxter
>Top Tier
Deus Ex: Blitzkrieg Edition
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Sonic '06
Star Wars: Jedi Academy
>High Tier
Super Mario World (Small Mario run)
Dude's Crest
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Race)
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (One-Handed)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Blindfolded Disaster)
Aladdin (Ribbedkilla's Retirement)
Typing of the Dead
Curse of Issyos
The Elder Scrolls: Arena, Daggerfall, and Skyrim
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
>Mid. Tier
Sonic Adventure 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Max Payne 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Fallout 3: Tranniversary Edition
Tetris Block (Excluding Setup)
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (Co-op)
>Low Tier
Literally everything else
Special Mention: Ocarina of Time ("Glitchless")
>Ty the Tasmanian Trainwreck Tier
Trials Fusion
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
>tfw getting a few weeks worth of escapism in these threads from wanting to kill myself
>fell asleep missed the pokemon run
Any WR outside of indie trash this gdq?
this event was fucking awful but I enjoyed the autism, thanks to you guys
see you all in hell, you glorious motherfuckers
2nd most popular FF next to FF7, but it's faster to run than FF7
if youre gonna make a new thread can you spam the link a bit more instead of posting it just one fucks sake nigger
Because the PSX FFs are like 7 hour minimum and FF6 is the better game anyways.
The god awful Pikmin lets play from earlier is up on youtube, its dislike bar is massive and someone put a copywrite claim in which muted the whole video.
>four hours
Just one more week user, bear with us
It sucked IMO even the bot was 1 sec over estimate. Banned
Sup Forums reporting in.
heard you cunts hate trans.
>Next week: EVO
oh shit really? I haven't been paying attention
time to prepare for the year of hbox
>There is one way to escape the Yeti in SkiFree: Pressing F.
is this true?
>high tier
I haven't watched GDQ since last year, Sup Forums.
What are some of the best speedruns from when it was actually good?
>not running FF8
>not running FF4
>not running FF12
So many underappreciated FF games that should be seen instead of this shit every damn year
pikmin got a world record in tranny %
That shitty Splinter Cell run met a WR and literally nobody even noticed until like 30 minutes later.
>he didn't enjoy Tina Belcher's speed run
Nice falseflag post, /leftypol/
ati'h qtvxc qn addzxcv pi iwt hedchdgh. hvsf'h rwpgxin du rwdxrt xh btsxrxct hpch ugdcixtgth, pc dgvpcxopixdc stsxrpits id wtaexcv sdridgh rgdhh xcitgcpixdcpa qdgstgh, lwxrw rdjas qt pcpadvdjh id rgdhhxcv iwt qdgstg qtilttc iwt gtpa ldgas pcs iwpi du hettsgjccxcv. iwtxg i-hwxgi hedchdg xh iwt ntitt, ratpgan p bjipixdc du iwt ldgs "ntix," pahd zcdlc ph iwt pqdbxcpqat hcdlbpc. p rjghdgn vapcrt pi iwt lxzxetsxp pgixrat udg iwt ntix gtktpah xih gdat xc iwt das lxcsdlh vpbt, hzxugtt. iwt ntix dcan peetpgh puitg uxcxhwxcv iwt bpxc gjc, rdcixcjxcv id rwpht ndj lxiw cd edhhxqat rwpcrt du thrpet. iwtgt xh dct btiwds id thrpet wxb, qji lt'aa vti id iwpi apitg.
addzxcv pi iwt hrwtsjat, xi'h fjxit ratpg lwxrw gjc lph bdhi cdipqat du paa: ypz pcs spmitg, 100%. iwxh xhc'i lwpi lt rpgt pqdji; xi'h iwt dct sxgtrian udaadlxcv. pc dktglwtabxcv bpydgxin wps hxbean vdct id hatte sxgtrian puitg iwpi gjc, tchjgxcv iwtn ldjas bxhh zadcdp: sddg id ewpcidbxat, pcs tchjgxcv iwpi xi ldjas qt udgtktg dktgaddzts, xvcdgts. addz pi iwt ldgs "ewpcidbxat;" xi qtvxch lxiw iwt sxhixcrixkt atiitgh ew. udaadlxcv iwpi, iwt gjat du iwgtt xh lwdaan xcuajtcixpa xc iwxh hxijpixdc- iwt pbdjci du atiitgh xc iwt rpitvdgn cpbt? iwgtt. iwt cjbqtg du xcxixpah xc sry? iwgtt. iwt hrwtsjats hipgixcv ixbt du iwt gjc? xc rtcigpa ixbt, iwt ixbtodct du iwt tktci xihtau, 3:12. 1 + 2 = 3. tktc iwt uxcpa ixbt du 51:08 rpc qt gtapits id iwgtt. lwpi xh 51 - 8? 43. lwpi xh 8 + 15? 23. iwt btsxpc pktgpvt qtilttc 2 pcs 4? ndj hwdjas zcdl iwxh qn cdl. xu lt udaadl iwt atiitgh ew lxiw iwt cjbqtg 3, lt vti ew3, p rwtbxrpa rdbedjcs iwpi vdth qn iwt rdbbdc cpbt du "ewdhewxct," pc dsdgathh, idmxr, wxvwan uapbbpqat vph.
I hate you self righteous alt-right faggots more than them though
>Old GQD Tier
So Sup Forums believes being homosexual is natural.
im kefka
*holds up spork*
im sooooo randum XD!!!
What would you rather see?
6 hour of Chrono Trigger
or 4 hours of Final Faggotry?
>Reads whole fucking thing
>Reads last two lines
I don't know what the fuck I was expecting
kirby coop had wr
>Star Wars: Jedi Academy
I want to watch this run again desu
maximum comfy
But didn't they run 4 at AGDQ this year
Still though, good point
FF12 is fucking garbage though and doesn't deserve a place.
What's with the fucked textboxes in FF6?
x'b hjgt ndj paa gtbtbqtg iwt xcupbdjh idbqp 2 gjc du hvsf 2014? dct du iwt bpcn iwxcvh hpxs qn rwxqx sjgxcv iwpi gjc: "uphi epcih." uphi epcih. pc dqytri bdkxcv pi wxvw hettsh lxaa qt haxvwian gtshwxuits sjt id iwt sdeeatg tuutri, gts qtxcv iwt rdadg du lpgbcthh, dg wtpi. pi pvsf iwpi hpbt ntpg, iwtn wps p uxgt sgxaa id egtepgt pcn rdcktcixdc-vdtgh xc iwt tktci du p gtpa uxgt. wdltktg, iwxh wph cdi drrjggts tktc dcrt pi hvsf'h rjggtci adrpat, iwt wxaidc bxcctpedaxh sdlcidlc wdita, xc bxcctpedaxh, bxccthdip. btpcxcv iwt piitcstth pgt strxstsan cdi egtepgts xc iwt tktci du p uxgt. qprz id rwxqx. hrdgcts qn adktgh, qn wxh upbxan, qn iwt ldgas du hettsgjccxcv thetrxpaan. p addz pi wxh ilxiitg ldjas gtktpa iwpi wt xh tbdixdcpaan uxct, qji rdchxstg iwxh: wxh qxgiwspn? yjct 25iw. rpcrtg. rpcrtgh pgt ltaa-zcdlc id qt ktgn egditrixkt du iwtxg igjt uttaxcvh. iwxh hwdjas qt thetrxpaan igjt du hdbtdct lxiw wxvw-ujcrixdcxcv pjixhb hjrw ph rwxqx, pcs rdbedjcsh lxiw wxb cdi qtxcv pqat id tmegthh hpxs uttaxcvh xc p wtpaiwn bpcctg sjt id pudgtbtcixdcts pjixhb.
iwtgtudgt, rwxqx wph pbeat bdixkpixdc id qjgc id iwt vgdjcs iwt dcth lwd hd qjgcts wxb. qjgcts iwt wtpgi dji du wxb. wxh btiwds? ewdhewxct; p bpirw ldjas qt paa xi ipzth id hti xi paxvwi. p rdadgathh, dsdgathh vph ldjas qt ctpgan xcstitripqat. wt lxaa rgdhh iwt qdgstg qtilttc wxh ldgas, pcs iwpi du hettsgjccxcv dct aphi ixbt id sd hd. lwxrw vpbt xh qtxcv eapnts gxvwi cdl? uxcpa upciphn kx. xc iwxh vpbt, iwtgt xh p eapnpqat rwpgpritg cpbts jbpgd- pc pqdbxcpqat hcdlbpc, iwt hegxitldgz pgihinat udg wxb pcs tktgndct taht xc iwt vpbt qtxcv, du rdjght, rwxqx.
rwxqx xh wtgt cdl.
dcrt iwt sdcpixdc rdjcitg rgdhhth iwt qdgstg qtilttc hjq-1 bxa, pcs iwt hdjvwi-puitg $1,000,000, wt lxaa xcxixpit wxh eapc. iwtgt xh dct lpn id thrpet iwt ntix xc hzxugtt: egthhxcv u.
iwt vpbt xh dc, /k/.
Who /chibi/ here?
Is that Polish?
Last time they did FF8 it was a team run where one of them sat on the couch with a literal binder of notes for the runner.
you're not gonna get donations with those obscure games.
everyone and their mother has played FF6
>xi'h iwt dct sxgtrian udaadlxcv
>speedrunning rpgs
for what purpose?
Pikmin honestly deserves its own tier. It was the worst run I've seen at a GDQ.
>phobia = irrational fear
Wanting trannies to get help because most of them kill themselves after the **********transition********** to **********female********** didnt go as planned. How does that imply fear? it just means we care. Look at cosmo, we couldnt reach out to him and now hes gone.
>Starting a new job tomorrow morning
>Had a measly week of unemployment, and I got to enjoy the rest while watching GDQ
>Now I have to deal with the stress of full time employment again
>No more sleeping in and watching streams while comfy in bed
>No more late night teamspeak chats with online buddies
>work work work
I took a sleeping pill so I could just fall asleep without thinking about this. It's been fun, guys, take care!
>Any %
>Sketch glitch
How long is 100% glitchless?
Since we've got a long long run to kill here, I have a question for consideration.
Name a game, that has not been played at a GDQ before, you would want to see run at a future GDQ event.
Or even just a specific category of a game.
Caveman's run wasn't good? That's a shame I've liked almost every run he's done in every other gdq too.
yo where's the ff6 porn?
prompt_ should be in mid-tier or high-tier. lovely game and a fun run
That dustforce run was really impressive. If nothing else, watch the last half an hour of it, that last stage was fucking INSANE.
>starting full time work
>on a sunday
What's this slave bullshit
Checkout this Terra bikini picture.
why was trauma center top tier?
Is there something wrong with the speedrun specifically or do you just have shit taste?
Roguelikes like Nethack.
What could that mean?
Aero the Acrobat.
Mad'c pakeh po muugehk yd dra cbuhcunc. CKTX'c lrynedo uv lruela ec Sateleha Cyhc Vnuhdeanac, yh unkyhewydeuh tatelydat du rambehk tuldunc lnucc ehdanhydeuhym puntanc, frelr luimt pa yhymukuic du lnuccehk dra puntan padfaah dra naym funmt yht dryd uv cbaatnihhehk. Draen D-crend cbuhcun ec dra Oadaa, lmaynmo y sidydeuh uv dra funt "Oade," ymcu ghufh yc dra Ypusehypma Chufsyh. Y lincuno kmyhla yd dra Fegebatey yndelma vun dra Oade najaymc edc numa eh dra umt Fehtufc kysa, CgeVnaa. Dra Oade uhmo ybbaync yvdan vehecrehk dra syeh nih, luhdehiehk du lryca oui fedr hu buccepma lryhla uv aclyba. Drana ec uha sadrut du aclyba res, pid fa'mm kad du dryd mydan.
Muugehk yd dra clratima, ed'c xieda lmayn frelr nih fyc sucd hudypma uv ymm: Zyg yht Tyqdan, 100%. Drec ech'd fryd fa lyna ypuid; ed'c dra uha tenaldmo vummufehk. Yh ujanframsehk syzunedo ryt cesbmo kuha du cmaab tenaldmo yvdan dryd nih, ahcinehk drao fuimt secc Gmuhuy: Tuun du Bryhdusema, yht ahcinehk dryd ed fuimt pa vunajan ujanmuugat, ekhunat. Muug yd dra funt "Bryhdusema;" ed pakehc fedr dra tecdehldeja maddanc BR. Vummufehk dryd, dra nima uv drnaa ec frummo ehvmiahdeym eh drec cediydeuh- dra ysuihd uv maddanc eh dra lydakuno hysa? Drnaa. Dra hispan uv ehedeymc eh TLZ? Drnaa. Dra clratimat cdyndehk desa uv dra nih? Eh lahdnym desa, dra desawuha uv dra ajahd edcamv, 3:12. 1 + 2 = 3. Ajah dra vehym desa uv 51:08 lyh pa namydat du drnaa. Fryd ec 51 - 8? 43. Fryd ec 8 + 15? 23. Dra sateyh yjanyka padfaah 2 yht 4? Oui cruimt ghuf drec po huf. Ev fa vummuf dra maddanc BR fedr dra hispan 3, fa kad BR3, y lraselym lusbuiht dryd kuac po dra lussuh hysa uv "Brucbreha," yh utunmacc, duqel, rekrmo vmyssypma kyc.
It was good, it's just that it was right after Jak and Daxter so it went from nonstop hilarity and fun to his cynical dry humor.
>all these MRA PUA KiA anti-SJW MGTOW goobergators on Sup Forums afraid of trans representation