What was your experience playing Metal Gear Solid 3 for the first time like?
What was your experience playing Metal Gear Solid 3 for the first time like?
Lots and lots of confusion.
I'm supposed to meet Eva, where?
I can go through these two doors, but this door makes a loud sound and will not let me pass. Should I keep knocking?
I'm supposed to hunt down this woman, but she just had her horse crush my hand. Should I go home, like she said when she let me live?
>did you play mgs2?
>wait its just a mask?
it fucking sucks
I'm currently playing Metal Gear Solid 3 for the first time and I love it.
I thought it was better than MGS2. I no longer feel that way.
My friend bought me the game, I we didn't know what to expect
>boot up game
>hey cool intro song
>my whole idea of the game was its an anime mech game thing, no previous knowledge of metal gear.
>did you play mgs2
>I played X and liked it?
>I played X?
>long ass intro
>that smoking guy doesn't give any
>halo jump, that's cool
>wtf why is the camera like that?
>this game is shit
>where am I going?
>loooong conversation about cqc
>wait I can skip with ∆ button? Wish I knew that earlier
>how does he see me? I got camo on.
>shut game off
>boot it up after a day
>really get into it
>get into the story
>cool healing system, realistic to an extent
>nice secrets
>why are there jap poster models everywhere?
>cool and unique bosses
>epic sniper duel with the end
>realise that I'm in love with Big Boss
>cheese the Boss with grenades and mines
>that ending was epic
TFW you buy a game thinking its shit and eventually its your best game of all time.
Why can't we have more games like this?
did you rike it?
i loved it even though the camera is fucking awful, it just doesnt fit the setting, never played the substance version with the better camera
I was completely drawn in by the style and the tone. it felt as if I was about to experience something monumental. the game did not disappoint
You sound like you were a fag, possibly still are.
mgs2 is way better
The original camera isn't that bad. With first-person view and the sensors/radars it's fairly easy to get the hang of. And given how open the environments usually are and how camo works you can almost always crawl around and scout with impunity anyway, dropping everyone with headshots. The one exception being Groznyj Grad after escaping from the cell.
I get the complaint, but MGS3 is so poorly balanced the camera was the least of its worries.
No it isn't
I played the 3DS version.
It was pretty good.
I was looking for something like Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. This game was not like Chaos Theory. I stopped playing.
3 was very fun but 2 is superior
i borrowed MGS4 out of the blue from a friend and got really into it, so i went back and played the rest of the games in order. MGS3 was the last one i played, i loved it. it's my second favorite.
no other game series has ever managed to make me cry.