Just got my Vive yesterday;
Some people said VR is a gimmick. HAHAHA! Just played with real people online in VR. HOLY SHIT. This is a revolution!
Just got my Vive yesterday;
What games you playin?
Just the free stuff on steam so far. The Lab, Cubicle, Target Shooting, etc. Never tried vr before yesterday. Man, the "virtual reality" is really reality when you put it on.
Oh, if anyone has any suggestions on what I should play please tell me.
It's a good way to make friends. You can bond over the self-induced vomiting.
What can you actually do..
You need an amazing PC to even run this bullshit rofl
I ordered mine on 7th, it's still in a warehouse in fucking Poland right now - should have it in a couple days though
Space Pirate Trainer and Hotdogs Horseshoes and Handgrenades look like the most solid shootans so far. Raw Data should be out real soon which looks awesome as well.
Have you even considered the porn yet?
Not to mention everything you can learn by simulation. You improve your health by moving around a lot. There are so many uses. It really is a revolution.
Nice, I actually just walked into a local store that had just gotten it in stock and bought it, sort of on impulse. I was skeptical about the low resolutions and such so I wasn't sure but I'm glad I ended up buying it.
Oh and the porn yes, I've played with custom maid 3d2 and it's amazing. I can't wait for better and better games.
>Not to mention everything you can learn by simulation
No lie this is the one thing I'm most hopeful for. Learning the basics of a new skill from the comfort of your own home would be great. Or something a public speaking simulation so you don't shit your pants as hard irl.
>step on cord
>move head
>get whiplash and ruin your $800 wii2
>a public speaking simulation
Yeah, seriously, as a guy with social anxiety I think VR will help me a lot.
It's furry and all but take a look at Yiffalicious as well. The vr support they have is really tentative but they've put some real effort in their booty game.
I have a gtx 670 and it still runs great for some reason. I was planning on buying a gtx1080, but so far no need.
how long until the next gen of vr? Would you say that it's worth the current price?
>for some reason
because all current vr games have simplified graphics, may be except eve Valkyrie
tfw PC is too shitty for VR
i really need to upgrade soon
go shill your shit somewhere else mark zuckerberg.
I want to preorder the PS VR (works on PC too ya cucks) but am worried that I won't enjoy it as much since I need to wear glasses. They say it fits and all, but I doubt the immersion is even there with glasses.
VR does look fun though.
I thought about this. I heard it might be 3 years. But you know it might be just 1 year. It is expensive but worth it for me. If you are happy to go perhaps 3 years without vr and have enough of other things to do then perhaps you should wait.
It is the same for all technology, price drops and technology improves. But if you're gonna wait for everything you'll end up dead with no happy experiences in your life. I'm buying this generation and I'm buying the next generation. The cash is worth it.
Everyone states you got to have 980 +, that's why I was surprised.
I didn't think about glasses, but luckily my vision is fine up close.
Oh wow, I didn't even know Valve had a PR team.
>works on PC too
And what could i play on my personal computer with PS VR?
I wear glasses in the vive. Works fine.
It's actually focused as if you're looking at something at a distance.
I'm not shilling for valve. Just VR in general. That being said, like hell I would buy that facebook shit. They ruined oculus. Buy ps vr, or star vr, if that ever comes out.
Oh boy, cockpit sims and games where I stand relatively still.
Wake me up when I can move in game without having to move physically, whilst also not heaving my guts out.
Interesting. Still gonna try and look for a VR station Sony has in this state somewhere when they set it up. Hoping it is as good as I think it is.
I'm retard and born yesterday I want you to educate me:
Can you play almost any game with Vive? If so, how does it display the graphics - is it real 3d (as in nintendo 3ds screen for example) or is just projected 2d image which appears to be in front of your eyes?
I have assumed that only true vr support currently is bunch of demos and maybe Elite Dangerous and that's about it. Am I wrong?
You can do anything on a virtual display in a virtual room if you want but it's pretty bad for it - the resolution is still too low for a display like that to feel like anything above 480p
There is a thing that bolts VR support onto older games - VorpX - but it's a 3rd party thing that doesn't work all that well, and regular aiming and movement mechanics ported into VR will typically make you feel pretty ill anyway.
So for the time being it's a bunch of demos, Minecraft, Project Cars and Elite more or less yeah
>Can you play almost any game with Vive?
No you can't. At least not as they are. Maybe you can mod them, I heard people doing that with the oculus. Maybe that's a feature they will release eventually.
You can play games, watch movies, browse the web on a 2d screen in vr. now