How do we stop region lock?

How do we stop region lock?

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Hack it.


stock market

Play games on a PC

It'll never stop then

buy consoles without region lock

The only reason they do anything is because of shareholders.


Play games on a good console where the only exclusives aren't "game you played as a kid HD" or "we censored this jrpg just for you"

Use Loadiine. I have a PAL Wii and I can play Taiko no Tatsujin games on my Wii U now.

Stop giving Nintendo money.
I don't know if the other new gen consoles have it, but my Vita has no region lock so if something neat comes out I can just play it.

Have it so games are cheaper in Japan than they are in the west. That's literally it.

>why would people buy our games domestically if they're cheaper in the west?

Don't buy Nintendo of America's products.

It's really about money nowadays with Nintendo, they region lock to protect their image in different territories.

As long as they remain concerned about the parents of little kids and ultra liberals getting offended, expect the NX and any other hardware they release in the next two-to-three years to remain region locked.

Listen, buddy. If you have bought or will buy anything Nintendo in the post #FE world, you are a massive cuck.

If you have or will, it's not too late for you. Never buy anything from them new. Then you will be a high-level cuck.


Why the fuck can't I legally get Tales of Zestria or any of those port of Japanese games to PC on Japanese steam. If you paid the people to port it put it out in all regions

its easy to filter the cuck posts, but really, really hard to filter people who take the bait

t. "technically you could get fucked without it affecting you" faggot

buying nintendo is morally wrong at this point

granted all other systems have a ton of sjw bullshit too, but we don't pay for that either

yeaaah, sorry, pc only master race here. i was actually literally only talking about your use of cuck. sorry.

Cuck is an appropriate term for when someone lets a dev screw them over.

It's not "literal" cucking, but it's "cucking" the same way a character getting ruined being that character "dying". It's metaphorical.

get an sd card

retarded cuck

its a buzzword that, sure, has appropriate uses but has lost its meaning and more importantly, its impact. on top of that, it hasnt really helped your argument because it simply derailed it ( which is in its own right, possibly a goal since its easier to deflect when out of arguments ). its like gabbergout. it didnt matter if i agreed or disagreed with either side, eventually, any reasonable person just ignores it completely because its going fucking nowhere.

like us, right now: your explaining to me cuck like i dont fucking know what it means in this day and age on the website that spews cuck out as fast as it shitposts. well done.

eh, i've seen a lot of people bitch about "cuck" because it's "not being used correctly"

it's an adequate term that fully encapsulates what i intend to say

I can't read Japanese, are there people on 2ch etc. who bitch about this the way we bitch about region lock?

so does "push over", but that would result in people actually talking about it instead of the word cuck, and thats...well, ontopic.

>i'm at fault for other people sperging over my choice of words

Dude, just give it up. Cuck is over.

'card it
'chip it
'mod it
'hack it
'crack it
'root it
'don't buy it

>expecting me to stop using a word that 100% works because other people don't like it
>letting other people shape my vocabulary
in other words... you want me.... to get cucked?

>dont buy it
>not "pirate"


the last one in the series has more syllables because it's replacing "rewrite it" you barn-licking ne'erdowell

>pirate it
>more syllables than don't buy it

this has nothing to do with anything i just posted, but are you hispanic or black?

still doesn't work because the one before that should have one syllable

>quick, rewrite it


"Oh, my, my! It looks like you're already choking!"

>how do you beat region locking

by not censoring anything and having all cultures be okay with whats in game. Unfortunately this will never happen

>Check site
>Doesn't have info on the GB Player for GC
>Does have info on Super GB for SNES which is region free

The GB Player is region free. Can play any imported GB/GBC/GbA games

What's this "we" nonsense?

ill bitch at them for you as i know the owner

the PS3 has region lockout but only if the developer decides to do so (incidentally MN9 is the only one i can think of that actually did this)

Not really the whining I saw most recently was nip blizzard fans bitching about waiting for shit and people mad at fallout 4 being censored a while ago

Persona 4 arena did this

im sure PS4 does this too

Are you retarded? The point is that he used the structure of an existing song, and "don't buy it" is closer to the original song than "pirate it"

>rewrite it
>don't buy it
>pirate it

>re = don't, write = buy
>re = pi, write = rate

i dunno, user!