E.Y.E thread.
Are you ready for the sermon?
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E.Y.E thread.
Are you ready for the sermon?
- Post Legs status
- Post Brouzouf status
- Post server status
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I miss you guys
Whaaat, I got this game a while back never got far in it, thought it was cool but decently hard to play. Any tips for a Scrub?
Daily reminder that to break your cycles of guilt you need to Stop being a Jian
I just played the first level, and what the fuck is happening. Also I keep hearing to level up my Cyberlegs, why?
Is this game worth a buy Sup Forums?
I mean, on sale? For like $2.40? Hell yeah. A long, complicated RPG with lots of choice and lots of murdering people who don't like you. It's also obtuse and poorly designed, though some like that about it. For every 3 things it does well, it does about 10 little things wrong. overall, it's really fun especially with co-op
Also i'd really like to adapt it into a tabletop ruleset, because this game is based off of tabletop and holy fuck do I wanna play that shit.
Thanks for the advice user, I like RPGs like that. I'll give it a try.
>finish cheesing a painstakingly long hack with mask
>game crashes
>3rd playthrough of the game
>Need substitution gate
>Say the wrong thing to Balthazar
>Entire play-through is now pointless
Here's a collection of all the guides made for the game incase the shitty translation makes no sense.
The best way to play is in a server with someone who already knows the game. There's a lot of weird shit that's hard to deal with the first time.
Also, cyberlegs will let you jump 50 feet in the air and run like Doomguy. It's the best upgrade.
Server where?
can anyone tell me where the mars federation base is? I i got 3 portals but i have no idea where that base is
Turn left at the first Deus Ex, and you'll see a second one with a big-ass pit behind it. The base is on the other side of the pit.
For all your bumping needs.
Now leave the E.Y.E threads to die for a week or so, maybe more. Daily E.Y.E threads kill the charm.
How do I get the true ending?
My legs are broken
>not just disconnecting or restarting the mission
>can't find alpha crossed ligaments
How the fuck do you pronounce brouzouf?
What is the appeal of this game?