Other than GGxrd what other games do it best?
3D/2D hybrid
That supposed to be something from Bloodstained?
I want to lick that armpit.
Looks like it doesn't it?
Can I get a name of that character?
>it's not porn
Oh well.
I'll probably still masturbate to it
Is lesly the greatest waifu modeler of all time?
the Ultimate Ninja Storm games do it rather well.
And for the inverse effect, some areas of Vanillaware games make me question whether they used 3D, or achieved the effect with their sprites.
>tfw armpit fetish
>OC (at least I'm assuming it's his OC) is leagues beyond him doing stuff like 3D Mumei
Man should just do animated 3D hentai he'd make a killing.
you dont sound nor look healthy
so underrated
>the way the lines of the pit contour down to the breast and back
it baffles me how more people don't see how feminine this is.
A true patrician appreciates every external part of a woman's body
id like to agree because i do apreciate the female form, but i cant be into areas of the body that are warehouses for sweat and bacteria mang
das jus nasty
My nigs
Literally the best part, it's also a hot bed of pheromones.
So sweat and bacteria are bad, but you're into a part with blood coming out of it?
I've been searching for a way to describe the allure of them for the past few years and you nailed it so hard. Thank you.
you don't think pussies sweat?
there's a reason hair grows in both those areas, to keep them cool.
Those are the hotspots on the human body.
Is this just their OC, or is it from something else?
i never said i hold vaginas at the top,you guys asumed i thogut that, they can be prety gross too.
im jus sayin, armpits and feet are asociated with smellin prety bad and generaly being unclean places. yeah of course you can say "pussies can smell bad too mang" pussies dont have the same stigma as armpits/feet do
>Sup Forums: fettish discussion
Only faggots are into dirty/smelly feet, I'm talking about fresh out of the shower
I only have a fetish for clean, silky and smoothly shaved armpits.
I can appreciate pits would have a stigma, but like any part of your body they're only dirty if you don't clean them regularly.
I don't like them for any kind of smelling fetish, I just like them aesthetically.
fresh out the shower and shaven is fine then, we have no quarrels
Natural Women all day(sans facial/nipple/ass hair)
for literal what purpose?
if giving oral to a woman would you like pubic hairs in your mouth?
i cant imagine that anyone likes hair in their mouth be it pet, head or pubic.
Obviously you brush it first jeez, otherwise, I'd highly enjoy rubbing myself into it, it's a furry thing
i was gonna ask if you were a furry but i didnt want to be presumptuous/make acusations.
but whatever man, you can keep your exessive body hair
That has to be the most godlike armpit I have ever seen, my fucking dick.
What game is she from?
When one of us gets sent back in time, one will be enjoying themselves, and you'll be trying to invent the razor
>video games will never look this good
Who knows?
>nipple piercing its a part of her clothes.
its hot as fuck, but not really smart, in combat scenarios.
Armpits are a fetish I don't share but one I can completely respect.
My nigger brother.
it's oc
Xrd animations look bad though.
>look bad
Only the story ones, because that's not the main meat of the game. They have a presentation where they talked about removing frames from animations too because it makes them look more 2D than 3D.
>Xrd animations look bad though.
On purpose
They're trying to make it look like traditional animation so no interpolation like 3D games normally do.
>That bit right where the side of the breast connects to the arm
>That muscle-y bit right in the center.
I can't stand hair or sweat though, screw that man.
I meant the actual game animation. There's like 5 frames of animation for Sols 5H and like 3 for 5k. There's no harm in adding a little bit more inbetween frames. XX is so barren and choppy which was remedied a little bit when BB was released. I really don't know why they thought 1:1 from XX to Xrd looks goods.
>game has 3D models that use a perfect shading to look 2D
>only thing that shows it's 3D is animations
>fix animations to look 2D
>no, I want it to look 3D!
You obviously don't understand the style, mang.
>There's no harm in adding a little bit more inbetween frames
And you obviously can't read, mang :^)
But even a little more frames would give it away. They talked about finding the perfect balance and this was the only way to look 2D, anymore gave it away.
That's just a pretty way of saying they cut corners. From the pdf, sounds like they tried to make it like SF4 and just went straight to XX. They could make it fit in with those frames but chose not to. It's all model tweaking, but it would be a lot of work which is why they chose not to do it.
nice try wise guys
It makes me look forward to CyberConnect's next big budget game, now that Naruto is over.
I just hope it's not Bleach.
Exactly, and why put in that much effort for something so miniscule and no one would notice. I love how the game looks already, I doubt very many would care either.
>cut corners
They originally had more frames, but decided to take frames AWAY to better achieve a 2D look.
If anything, that would take more effort, since they originally DID put more frames.
It's all about achieving the asthetic, which they did fantastically. I still remember everyone flipping out at the first Xrd trailer because everyone thought it was 2D until the camera spun around.
>They originally had more frames
I mentioned that. Do you have a link to the pdf?
>Shark teeth
>it would be a lot of work which is why they chose not to do it.
what they did was essentially stop motion animation using 3d models. it is way way way more work than just plugging an animation in to a 3d model and letting it fly. the amount of time that goes in to the characters is actually staggering and achieves their intended effect, which is making a 3d character model look and act like it is 2d.
They talked about it at GDC in 2015. If you have an hour there is a ton of info about how they did what they did.
Got a link to that first Xrd trailer?
user, they have showed they do have all the animations running at 60 frames per second on their dev builds, but to achieve the 2D look they removed frame by frame and replayed the animation till they found their perfect balance
A lot of character animation on Xrd is 15fps because of that, some are 24, but they never go beyond 30 because any smoother than that it looks too 3D
They have given presentations about it, Digital Foundry made a video about it, every one talked about it
GG Xrd's animations are choppy on purpose to invoque the 90's anime look and feel from a 3D rendering engine