ITT post your favorite game and

ITT post your favorite game and
Your darkest secret

My best friend cucked me

I am the cancer killing Sup Forums

story pls

I write A LOT of fan fiction that spans from Final Fantasy to Metroid to TTGL /lit/ has told me I'm not half bad


Mother 3
I fap 3-5 times a day

I really don't wanna talk about it, first time my life someone really hurt me.

user please, tell us.

I like Undertale.

I'm a 30 year old neckbeard who used to write futanari stories featuring women with enormous dicks

hey man writing futa makes you not a neckbeard

I almost fucked a goat when I was 11

never beat that puzzle.
i miss point and click games

Artificial Academy 2 might be my third most played game of all time and I've played a lot of games.

Was it a girl you were dating at the time or was it just someone you were interested in?

I won't push any further, I just want to know the one thing.

I've never shitposted before

We were dating at the time for like 4 months.

Dwarf Fortress
I masturbate to ancient Greek and Roman architecture and statues on a daily basis, and a decade ago I wrote a fanfic about me and Augustus Caesar.


I'm intentionally fattening up my wife.

this shit only happens if your dick is unsatisfying


I just had my 21st birthday and had an awful time despite the attempts of my friends, I feel like a create a self fulfilling prophecy of despising my birthdays and then they become awful because of my mood. It fucks me up for a few days afterwards. Fucking hate birthdays.

I fingered my best friend when I was seven.

Majora's Mask

I'm currently neck deep in a lie that if discovered could end up with my family disowning me, my friends all leaving me, and me ending up on the street.

It's not that I'm gay, but that would probably have a similar effect if it were true.

Rayman 2

I'm attracted heavily to transgender girls (chicks with dicks), and masturbated exclusively to tranny point to the point where I can't even cum during sex with normal girls. I wish the girl I'm currently seeing had a dick.

Well memes

I hate my major in college but i'm too far down the rabbit hole/have spent too much money to switch, even if I knew what I wanted to switch to. I know that i'm going to hate the career i'm training for once I get started in it, but I have literally no other option because I suck at anything STEM related.
I can also only fap to hard guro or futa, preferably both.

I've also turned 21 today. I don't even normally post here. I'm the guy that likes chrono trigger.

I know enough about Dorf Fort to know that these things are somehow connected, but not enough to actually make a joke about it.

Well technically the fanfic that I wrote a decade ago wasn't about Augustus Caesar himself but more like a bust.

go on


I have pretty bad insomnia and hypochondriasis. Sometimes even OCD, anxiety and depression.

>being a statue fucker

I feel you bro.

It sucks when someone betrays your trust like that. Luckily time heals all wounds but a betrayal of trust leaves one hell of a scar.

I used to play video games late at night hidden from my parents with my sister

>I almost fucked a goat when I was 11
So like 2 days ago?


so what is the lie user?

Paper Mario

I'm a kissless virgin who has had multiple opportunities to get with a woman but i'm too scared they'll hate who I really am. I also blame video games for this.

Why would they hate who you really were?

I'm sorry but this is the best game of all time, it came out unexpectedly by fucking ubisoft and BTFO all the competition.

Bloodborne. That's my secret as well, but I blame it on me just not being interested enough in them. I feel like someone forgot to install sex drive in me. :)

Just get her pregnant, the easiest way to fatten up any woman.

Age of Empires 2
I'm a closeted bisexualt