Best boss fight

What is the best boss fight this generation, and why is it Papyrus? Everything including the music, dialogue, flow, depth, and delivery is all perfect.

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good because toby fox's forte is music
no... not really. it was pretty dorky.
it's a typical turn based RPG mini game fight
about as deep as the kiddie pool at your local water park
it was a neat quirk that catches unsavvy players caught off guard, but it was far from mind blowing

conclusion: you might have autism
from someone who is autistic enough to smell his own kind

This is like one big autism party. The fact that you actually fell for his retarded attempt at "trolling" really hammers that in

All of the of the combat in this game left me unfilled.

As did the flat boring worlds.

As did the stupid, unfunny one-note characters.

If this game had another year in development it would be a lot better.

The music was brilliant, both because it was good and it was used appropriately with a remix of Papyrus's main theme. Just as the fight escalated, as did the remix come in, which is pure genius.
The dialogue itself also has a lot more receptivity than you'd think. If you never state that you are in love with Papryus, then the game remembers that, and the later "date" scenes are changed to be about friendship instead. Incredible attention to details.
And the whole flow and delivery of the fight was completely brilliant, constantly playing on your expectations of what happens next. It's like a roller coaster of emotions, from thinking Papyrus is a joke, to realizing he has some tricks up his sleeves, and then going back in forth throughout the battle, and realizing what his true emotions are and how much he truly cares about you. Then you get the choice to accept his feeling or betray them and kill him, and either choice is poetic.

Literally perfect 10/10.

Well that was fast

shit tier game

All you do is jump over some lines.

It's definitely not the best boss fight this generation. What are you smoking?

any boss fight is literally just pushing buttons/keys

faggot, you probably just couldn't beat him.

This was the hypest shit
>that music
>that ham
>that 200.0%

Probably one of my favorite boss fights, him, and Grigori

but only the second time i fought Grigori, since the first time i tested the finger and it worked, instantly killing him


Tested every game mechanic, and he had arguably better motives than the protagonist

It's pretty much impossible to top him as the best fucking vidya boss in a long time

A friend and I played through Revengeance having utterly no clue about anything Metal Gear aside from Snake.

We didn't understand the story of anything going on, but all that did was make every crazy moment even crazier.

>Riding fucking missiles for the Sundowner fight
>Monsoon throwing giant wheels of scrap
>Dialogue in the second half of the game was downright fucking silly but delivered so well

Fuckin' great game.

>that ham
Platinum may not make the deepest games ever, but god damn do they know how to give their characters personality.

I like the part of Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam where you have to fight all of the Koopalings one right after another.

It was cool but the last 3 were a little underwhelming.


Now you're just baiting user. It's literally the worst fight in the game. Least interesting, least intense. Doesn't pose any challenge. Music is just dorky.

Best bosses of the generation?

Senator Armstrong, Ludwig The Accursed/Holy Blade, Minotaur.

>It's pretty much impossible to top him as the best fucking vidya boss in a long time

I've got something which I prefer

The last 3 were developed to be underwhelming because of the fact that during beta testing, most players couldn't beat the second fight or beat it with little HP to spare.


>souls bosses
>le roll and hit

Is there a source on that info?

>undertale bosses
>le.. move around?

>comparing souls and Undertale

sounds about right in terms of difficulty

I saw it on somewhere on a Nintendo forum. It had some legit looking info but I lost the link.

I don't think this technically counts as this gen, since it was released on last gen consoles only before the PS4/bone came out.


not enough qtes

I'd agree that Orphan is fucking gr8, my only disappointment with him came from clearing him and Maria on my first attempts.

I dunno why, but my retard brain immediately grasped how his umbilical cord swing axe swung, and slew his shit as a weak ass chikage build

I'll still never regain my honor after getting so fucking brutalized by Amelia and BSB while I was getting used to bludborn tho

Yeah it's better when the only thing you have to do is take turns dodging then doing a little slap.

Shit, misread OP as "this decade." Fuck it, it still stands.

best boss fight coming through.

>Doesn't pose any challenge.
I saw a let's player losing to him 3 times in a row, so Papyrus just let him pass without a fight. Didn't even know he can do that.

Huh, first post best post.

>best boss fight
either this or the Balder fight from the first game

Is Papyrus special needs?

>Having to ask such a stupid question.

Of fucking course he is.

>trying to think of a boss fight this year that wasn't souls 3
>having difficulty
Too video gamey I assume

This boss made me cry at how hype it was. The music lyrics got to me emotionally. Im a huge fag, I know, but it hurts so good


ITT: People who parrot memes and can't formulate their own opinions

I always got the impression that he's just incredibly upbeat to raise those around him. He knows when Sans is lying to him in a specific neutral ending, so it's not like he's 100% unaware.
Reminds me of someone else, actually...

>he replied seriously
who's more foolish, the fool or the user that responds to him?