Well, should I do it Sup Forums?

Well, should I do it Sup Forums?

It's been a month since the last splurge

You should go buy other games, not paying even more money on a game you already own

It's really pointless, and you know it.

Do it man, you won't be respected until you have that awesome Reaper skin

You're a fucking retard if you spend a single dollar on crates. Just play the damn game and you'll unlock everything

honestly and truly though I'd probably have more fun just playing another 100 hours of Overwatch than buying another game.

i have bought and played other games after buying overwatch, and beating them usually just leaves an empty feeling in my heart, I fill with more overwatch.

Of course, buying digital skins in a video game is the best financial decision a man can make.

May as well, it's only $40.

If you're going to buy it, why wouldn't you wait for a couple days to see if the patch with the new hero includes skins? All signs are pointing to a July 12th release.

You should kill yourself.

This game is fun, but still full of bullshit to make you care less about the cosmetic shit.

Just be glad you only paid $40 for this shit, hopefully.

You're fucking stupid.

The answer is fucking no.

Jesus christ what is wrong with you.

yeah after like 3000 hours

i wanna play dress up with symmy now

also i'd really like all the pornstar 76 outfits

the arctic zarya is nice too

so far I've spent over $100 CAD and feel completely satisfied and want to spend more money

maybe i will

Just stop dude
Maybe invest when they actually bring out more goddamn hats, oir just don't bother at all
t. $800 USD on dota 2

Sometimes I worry about my purchasing habits but then I think "At least I'm not buying lootboxes or mobile game happy coins."

Just remember that contents of the crates are rolled as soon as you get them, not when they are opened. So you have to buy them AFTER the patch if you want a chance to get any new skins.

I don't understand people that buy these. You can get pretty much everything you can reasonably want by level 70ish. Everything after that is fluff.

>3000 hours
I got a legendary skin for every hero within 75 hours. You're fucking retarded

Why the FUCK are you showing ANY of your card number on Sup Forums? Are you fucking retarded?

I'm level 70 and even after buying 25 boxes and the origins edition I still want more

yes I'm a degenerate

no i don't care

oh boy, maybe I will wait then for july 12.

there's always people like me to make you feel normal

you got very statistically lucky. most people get a legendary once every 10 lootboxes if they're lucky. if you're up to say level 100, you'd probably have around 10 legendaries. so you wouldn't even have enough to cover every hero.

you're either bullshitting or statistically irrelevant.

do you regret it at all?

because no one is going to figure out the other 12 digits or the expiry date

any service that takes cards displays the last four numbers, yes it is possible to get somone's specific card but only if you can be bothered brute forcing it

somewhat, but I mean i've been playing the game for 4 years now
One regret was betting items I shouldn't have and then rebuying that item because I was sad about losing it only to lose it again in another bet
Another was chasing ultra rare chest shit, but i've since learnt from that
only took me $800 to learn though wew

Don't. Be. A Cuck.
People like you hurt the industry because you support this shit.

Don't buy SJW games (or at least pirate / buy pre-owned). Don't support mobile-tier microtransactions. Etc.

Don't buy a lootbox you dork.

With only 4 digits? Are YOU fucking retarded?

b-b-but muh legendaries

>statistically lucky
Level 130 which means 520 lootboxes. That's 52 legendaries at 1 for every 10 crates. Plus there's the gauranteed legendaries and the credits earned from dupes. It's not really that hard.

But if you're set on spending money so that you've got nothing left to play for and unlock, then go ahead

>Level 130 which means 520 lootboxes

what. you don't get 4 skins every lootbox... I'm saying out of every 10 lootboxes you get 1 legendary skin if you're lucky. They did a survey and many people don't get a first legendary until level 15 or 25

at best you got 130 without any money spent, meaning you probably got 13 legendaries.

I think you have to literally be bullshitting or just talking out of your ass. the only way you have legendaries for every character is either statistically improbable luck or buying additional boxes.

I think you need to buy some intelligence m8ty

How does she still keep that figure?

Her metabolism must be through the fucking roof

>nothing left to play for
how about just playing for fun?
I'm not in favour of these shitty lootboxes, but you unlock people don't get that you are being fucked up the ass
they intentionally made it long and painful to unlock things so that people will buy them with real money
so fuck unlocking things
for all I care, you can give me everything on day one
I don't need a carrot-on-a-stick to keep playing the game
good thing I don't play anymore blizzard games anyway, fuck this company

Just buy it

If you bought Overwatch, you don't give a fuck about your money anyway

prepare for 50 boxs of sprays

>giving money to blizzard
>not even for some polished turd game but for cosmetics
>not even for the cosmetics you want but for random shit
and then people wonder how come the industry is so shit.