How is this game fair? The monster just completely annihilates the hunters so fast

How is this game fair? The monster just completely annihilates the hunters so fast.

sounds like a simulation, nay gun nut titillation

git gud

That's why it's free

get a good team

>monster annihilates the hunters

>How is this game fair?
It's shit, but it's free
sounds fair anough

>Play Abe all the time
>Spam tracking dart and stasis granade
>Barely shoot anymore
Am I the cancer?
Also, how can I get Griffit to work? Fucking hook gets done so fast

>retards try to fight monster 1v1

>retard tries to fight hunters before evolving

The game is complete shit. Glad I got a refund before this shit happened.

I wonder if that one shill killed himself.

thats what I like abes to do.
stasis is more useful than his cuckgun

Yes, it does. I've won every monster match I've ever played. Usually on the first fight.

Whenever I play hunter the coordination required is just not there, and we're always wiped out.

It's just so easy for retards (myself included) to play monster and win almost right away, the abilities regenerate so fast.

The game's actually pretty OK but the balance right now is skewed bad.

Goliath and Kraken actually seem pretty good. I think they have a slight advantage over the hunters (armor regens too fast) but otherwise they're fun to play as and against and I'm cool with them.

Gorgon isn't amazing, but he's just incredibly boring to hunt.

Wraith is completely OP and very frustrating to play against. As Wraith you can pretty much just have your way with the hunters. Saw a dude on a 20 game win streak playing wraith earlier.

then level up first. I won every monster match and lost most hunter matches when I was 1-7. then i got to 15+ and i can usually still win as monster but it takes more effort. I win more hunter matches then I lose.

Monster is easier to win as when everyones retarded, yes.

>Gorgon isn't amazing, but he's just incredibly boring to hunt.
I think the opposite, gorgon has to be the most fun shit to hunt since he can just crawl in a wall and see you go by, you gotta follow its acid trailscarefully too

>play the evolve beta
>monster is weak as shit until the last stage
>play evolve f2p
>monster camps the drop point and kills us in 2 hits each while we're 4 vs 1

Typically I find it's geared towards the hunters, myself. I come back from a long hiatus from playing the game once it's free to see what's up. The fuck is this "TRACKED BY GLOBAL PLANET SCANNER" shit? The hunters always know where I am every couple of minutes? Shit, I know the game used to have an issue where monsters were fucking impossible to find sometimes but that's a bit much. And everyone has a fucking dome now? I was surprised to kill a trapper and the dome didn't go down. Although maybe I needed to finish off Daisy too? Plus the hunter respawn times have been shortened a lot, I swear. By the time you've killed 3/4 of the team, they've all respawned.

I've learned that if you dont have a good tracker who cant lead you to the monster and get its health to ATLEAST 75% in stage 1, you're fucked

weird, i've never seen that happen.

I really don't like planet scanner and I really don't like everyone being able to pop dome.

The planet scanner just eliminates the team having to actually hunt and just follows the compass

It's fun as Goliath, I've had some great back and forth with good teams but sometimes I feel bad because I'll go bananas at stage 1 when they dome me and completely destroy them.

you know you can dodge pretty much everything the monster throws at you, and if you coordinate your shit, you can kill it easily and track it as he tries to run away
its now more easy since everyone now can dome the monster

First game I ever played I started as monster and thought I was gonna get completely destroyed. Ended up wiping them out within 5 minutes without even knowing what I was doing.

you can use the jump attack ability with 3 leves at the start plus the charge
you can pretty much kill the hunters instantly if they don't try and evade your stuff

When will this go f2p on PS4?

From what the general was saying they buffed stage 1 so it can't die so easily but I think it's just because a lot of groups are uncoordinated which makes it easy to pick off the support and medic then go from there.

Who gives a shit, the servers are practically dead at this point

>playing as Gorgon for the first time
>killing and feeding getting my armor
>accidentally startle some birds
>oh crap they're gonna be-
>wait I have traps.
>walk along and shoot a trap then websling away
>half a minute later a hunter gets taken by my spider
>a little after that "trapper down"

hahaha. that and webslinging up onto a ledge and watching the whole team just run under me was great. the jukes are real.

After they use their GPS and it finishes try changing your direction, backtrack or some shit.
The new dome starts with a 5 minute timer and loses some time (60s iirc) when the Monster takes 4% health damage at stage 1, 6.5% s2, and 8% s3. The timer also goes down by 3 minutes every time a Hunter gets downed.
The new spawn system starts at 0:00 and I think 30s is added every time a Hunter dies. Max time respawn time is 2 minutes though, to eliminate obsurdly long respawns.

next level juking is when you know they're close break their Los and use mimic and continue running in that direction until you break their los again.

They'll keep going the direction the mimic was.

I kind of like the changes to the dome mechanic, but I feel like it was done because people complained about not wanting to travel with their trapper or something.

I missed it being a sign of a good trapper to get a good arena with your dome.

If you guys want to kill every team at the drop point take Meteor Goliath and spend your currency on anything that increases your combat capabilities and max those. That's how people are on 7+ win streaks, they have the damage reduction and damage of a stage 2 at stage 1 the only thing they lack is the armor and hp.

Be glad you didn't have that happen to you, it's fucking dumb.

>people are still paying for this game on consoles
that just can't be true

Is it me or they made all maps brighter?

>we trap a meteor goliath real fast
>pull out my damage amp for our hyde to go ham
>goliath just tears him apart and then looks at me

It was at this point I knew that I had fucked up.


They did make all the maps brighter.

Korean hypnotizes me every time.

Yeah it's on PSN but cost shekels.


>start game up
>get greeted with this screen
>mentions GameWorks
>doesn't appear to use any of it

Was the removal of GameWorks part of the 'downgrade' when it went F2P?

TXAA is a gameworks thing isn't it?

That's it? Just TXAA? Not even smoke or hairworks or whatever else they use?

The shared dome was done primarily to lessen the reliance on a single player in this F2P pub game. Newer players were really, really turned off by the fact that if your Trapper sucked, you would never be able to fight the monster. Either they would never land a dome or the monster would always just kill them and leave because they were bad.

I actually like the dome mechanics now except for being unable to throw it unless you establish LoS in the range. Really annoying to not be able to dome the monster if you know he's right there, but around a rock or something. I can't really think of a proper work around though.

Balance has never been a thing in Evolve. The game becoming free doesn't change that.

From reading the Steam reviews it seems like they dumbed the game down a lot before going FTP.

I want too eat eggs so bad right now but my farts already smell terrible.

>End up as medic
>go val
>Tranq the monster till he fucking quits because hes tired of being out ran.
>End up as support
>go cabot
>snipe that faggot monster through walls because lol railgun
>Just gives up because I keep breaking his armor
>End up as assault.
>Go black guy that sacs health for increased attack speed
>Monster can't decide who to focus and eventually dies.
>end up as trapper
>go griffin to keep the monster on a leash and away from my medic.
>End up as monster
>Go wraith
>kill people will 2>1 combo
>They are nerfing 3 and 4 on wraith
games fun. Glad they reduced the time to get into the game compared to fucking launch. waiting around for 3 mins because some asshole forgot to hit ready was dumb.

iktf had beans and sausages for dinner

>Play with pugs only
>Have nearly a 2 W/L with literally only 3 monster games played
>Everyone is always bitching about how OP the monster is

God forbid people actually play the game for any amount of time before deciding that they know everything about balance.

It's not free yet but don't be silly user, no one's buying it

>Evolve is dead!
>game is still alive on consoles
>only on PC is it dead
>not only did they have to make it go F2P to give it a fraction of the console userbase
>they had to downgrade the graphics to accommodate all the lovely PC people with sub-Wii U specced computers
>who include, but are not limited to, hacking Russians, BRs from Runescape, TF2 kiddies, and Steam weebs

"PC is the future of gaming."

I feel sorry for anyone who bought it and had their progress wiped only to get comped 3k keys, I've earned 2.8k in an hour and a half of playing

same way with games like siege

Every single game ever made is simply more profitable on consoles. That's why broken ports happen. That's why delayed ports happen. That's why very few Japanese games come to PC. That's why "Ultra" on PC is literally just the console settings.

That's weird. The game seems really stacked against the monster to me.

I've only lost once as the hunter, and that was because we split up like idiots. Other than that, it's always been pretty damn easy to win as the hunters.

>tfw steam weeb

>Finally find the fucking monster
>We all disconnect
No fucking wonder it went free to play.

ITT: Noobs getting slaughtered by monster stage 1 ambush at drop

No shit, the game has been F2P for like 2 days.

git gud

The game has been out for years now, shitstain.

quality shitpost

And how many people actually paid money for and kept playing this piece of steaming shit? The only traction this game is ever gonna get is from people who try it because it's free.

>be healer
>monster always attack you first

Have you tried gitting gud? The ultimate strategy for monster is pick up the damage upgrade, then chill at spawn and wreck their shit as soon as they touch the ground. Leveling up was pointless because you'd shit all over them anyways.

>big strong support keeps close to you and keeps you safe

I kept playing, but I had it gifted to me. Doesn't change the fact that they're giving meteor goliath stage 2 stats right out of the box.

I'm sure there are dozens of you

>be healer
>monster perpetually focuses me
>he kills me through self heals and the support damage block

>qt starts healing me
>accidentally bump into her while retreating for cover

>tfw entire party rewards you for being a good healer

Maybe she likes you

>Oh you like fire, huh? I GOT A FUCKIN' LASER
I knew from the moment I saw Hank I'd like him. Reminds me of Dizzy Wallin from Gears

>mfw shitting on the healer or support first as Goliath and fucking up the idiots who try to get close for the revive
>always get at least 2 hunters down a dome each time
Being an extra-dimensional space gorilla is fucking rad and I love it.

Well yeah. Before the game when F2P I would either focus on the healer or the trapper, depending on whether I was trapped in the dome and wasn't ready for a full fight or not. With the new rules, there's no reason not to fight the healer. Healers are pretty dangerous, there's no point incapacitating anyone if the healer can get them back on their feet or draw or fights. Even worse if the healer is a Lazarus.

I suppose you should be happy you're so vital to the team?

>With the new rules, there's no reason not to fight the healer.

Hank and Bucket are high priority support targets.


Oh, true. Forgot about them. But even then, I usually use a CC thing to keep them away while I finish off the healer. All you need is to lose track of a hunter for a few seconds before they get healed again after all.

Generally my kill order is healer, support, trapper, assault. Unless one of them is low HP or something and I can finish them off quickly.

Almost have enough funny money to buy a new character, who should I buy?

installed it earlier

instantly hated it the moment i began playing. Why do i want to be by myself against 4 people? Why do i want to be on a team of 4 against one person?

design is way too confusing to jump into and for most games this is a bad sign. something like l4d you can just pick up and play instantly. good design.

it failed because of all the missteps they took, but i really had no idea i'd just hate it this bad. I just absolutely despise it instantly, mostly because asymmetrical teams isn't even an interesting or good concept. i don't want any part of it.

half the time you play this game, you have nobody to talk to. what am i playing online multiplayer for?...

What class do you like the most? Go for someone in that class.

There used to be in-game videos that explained each character, their skills and basic tips on how to use them. I think they're gone now, it's a shame. I'd of thought it'd be useful for newer players, or when playing a new character.

oh, also, i tried playing a match as hunters, saw a character i wanted to play and greeted with a big "5000 keys" thing or whatever

look i'm 34. I'm just done with this. I quit the game and uninstalled there.

Hank is fun, I get to be helpful and shit damage all over with orbital missiles, who's like that?

>design is way too confusing to jump into
you sound like you have trouble drinking out of anything but a sippy cup

Tech Sergeant Hank

tech sgt is just a lil bit more damage hank but with way less shields but his shields don't deteriorate so you can charge people up while you're tracking the monster down

probably a good idea to pick him up if you like hank since tech sgt hank is only like 2750

>pay to win game
>doesn't pay
>expects to win

Are monsters shit or has everyone i've fought against been bad?
I've won every time as hunters and they can't even get a single person down.
Seems like the only way monsters will win is if they get to level 3 without any problems.

>game doesn't even have any microtransactions yet

How is it pay to win? All keys do is let you unlock characters or buy cosmetics. Honestly, I think I prefer the key system more. The original game had you grind out classes one at a time to get the next character. So if you liked playing medic and wanted Slim, you had to grind with every single other Medic since Slim was last on the list I think. Plus part of the grinding was completing certain challenges/missions and some could be really annoying depending on how well/poorly everyone else played. Using medic as an example again, if your team is good and the monster is bad, no one is going to take enough damage for you to complete your "Heal X damage" mission.

With keys it's just "I want this" and you get it. You don't need to grind with characters you don't like to unlock ones you do either.

Bit of A, bit of B. I've been playing a little after the game first came out and the differences really confused me. Monsters always had a big advantage so I imagine the game was rebalanced in favour of the hunters. Might take a while for older players to relearn the game and newer ones to figure out what to do.

any game that has things that you can pay to get, which allow you to handle situations differently than a brand new 0 minutes player, is soft p2w

this means even tf2 is soft p2w

So... let's say two people are playing a game that has no cash shop but you can get in game gold to buy equipment and stuff. Is that still pay to win?

ask a stupid question, get no answer. imagine that we're talking in real life and i'm looking at you like you are stupid.

oh shit man better slap in some hairworks on Gorgons butthole.

nah m8, hyde's beard would definitely benefit from hairworks

This is fucking nVidia we're talking about, there's no rhyme or reason to GameWorks usage other than "make people buy our newest GPUs".

The current game balance completely took away the "depth" the monster had in terms of run and hiding.

Everybody can throw a dome, trapper can global ping you anywhere in the map. It's not monster hide n seek anymore, it's monster tag.

And the monster can easily solo teams at level 2, since they made the hunters weaker to "compesate" these new advantages.

It's even more frustrating to play now than on release.

>This is fucking nVidia we're talking about, there's no rhyme or reason to GameWorks usage other than "make people buy our newest GPUs". are aware that the developers implement gameworks features into games right. not nvidia

>you can't pay
>is that pay to win?